Secretarial Personnel Sample Clauses

Secretarial Personnel. 1. Any employee called to return to work outside of the regularly scheduled shift shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours’ pay at the overtime rate, so long as said two (2) hours are not contiguous with the employee’s normal work shift. 2. Overtime shall be paid for all hours authorized and worked in excess of the contractual workweek. a. For positions of thirty-five (35) hours per week or less, straight time shall be paid for overtime up to forty (40) hours. Time and one-half shall be paid after forty (40) hours. b. For positions of forty (40) hours per week, time and one-half shall be paid for all time worked in excess of forty (40) hours. Overtime must have the prior written approval of the supervisor except in emergencies. The written authorization must be attached to the attendance report for the period during which overtime is being claimed. Complaints about overtime shall be dealt with in the Support Staff Liaison Council. If unresolved, they shall be subject to the grievance procedure. c. All conditions for overtime must be mutually agreed to by the employee and immediate supervisor except in case of emergency. 3. For determining the pay in a workweek, the following shall count as days worked: a. Holidays b. Paid Sick Days c. Paid Personal Days d. Paid Vacation Days e. Other Approved Paid Leaves 4. Unapproved absences shall not receive credit for overtime purposes.
Secretarial Personnel. 1. First-year employees shall be entitled to one (1) sick-leave day for each full month (hired on or before the 15th of the month) of employment from date of hire through June 30.
Secretarial Personnel. Employees shall not ordinarily be responsible for or be asked to supervise students either in the office or in the school building except as required by the Board-approved job description.
Secretarial Personnel a. For positions of thirty-five (35) hours per week, the workday shall consist of seven (7) hours exclusive of a sixty (60) minute duty-free lunch hour. b. For positions of forty (40) hours per week, the workday shall consist of eight (8) hours exclusive of a sixty (60) minute duty-free lunch hour. c. For positions of less than thirty-five (35) hours per week, the workday shall be defined by the principal or immediate supervisor. d. Reasonable hours for the workday shall be established by the immediate supervisor. e. In scheduling lunch hours and daily work hours, first consideration shall be the needs of the school, after which seniority shall be governing. f. Employees shall continue to enjoy appropriate rest periods as provided in the past.
Secretarial Personnel. 1. Working Hours
Secretarial Personnel. A secretarial reduction in force (RIF) shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable law and Administrative Code.
Secretarial Personnel. Secretarial Personnel work in their assigned building (high school, middle school, elementary school) and provide support to the building administrators as directed.
Secretarial Personnel. A. In the event of a reduction of force, non-tenured personnel shall be laid off before any tenured personnel may be laid off. B. Tenured secretaries shall have seniority on a District-wide basis. Seniority shall be computed based on the number of years of employment in the District. The accrual of seniority shall be governed by State regulations. Should a break in service occur, seniority shall be lost. For the purposes of this section, break in service is defined as resignation or termination for cause. Whenever a laid off secretary is recalled, he/she shall have all benefits, including but not limited to, unused sick leave, accrued seniority, and unused vacation restored. C. Any secretary who works more than forty (40) hours a week shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half for each hour or fraction thereof over forty (40) hours. Any ten (10) month secretary who works more than thirty-five (35) hours a week shall be paid at the rate of straight time for each hour or fraction thereof up to forty (40) hours. In the event an emergency is declared, a secretary who is requested to work a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, shall be paid time and one-half. Holiday is defined for the purposes of this section as a holiday on the adopted calendar. Recess time or vacation time shall not be considered a holiday for purposes of this Article, except the holiday itself. The Board agrees that should any secretary be required to work over forty (40) hours per week, said work shall be done only on direction from the immediate supervisor with the express approval of the Superintendent or his designee. D. No secretary shall be required to work without air conditioning or proper ventilation during July and/or August. A secretary may be temporarily reassigned to another location that has air conditioning or proper ventilation in the event conditions do not allow for efficient work to be performed. E. If new equipment and/or computer software is brought into an office, in-service training during normal work hours will be offered to those employees expected to use that equipment. F. 1. Twelve (12) month secretaries may use ten (10) vacation days other than during the summer months, with the prior written approval of their immediate Supervisor and of the Superintendent. 2. For twelve (12) month secretaries other than those in Superintendent's Office and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary's Office who are employed in a school or department where there are two (2) or more t...
Secretarial Personnel. All secretarial personnel shall be provided a lunch period of identical length as determined in individual school units or work sites, but with the provision that it must be at least thirty (30) minutes duty-free. Secretarial personnel staff may voluntarily agree to work noon duty at their school site supervising students in the cafeteria and/or during recess. In cases when this duty entitles them to overtime pay they shall be paid time and a half at their hourly rate for any time worked beyond forty (40) hours per week. A. Secretaries may voluntarily waive their right to a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch to work noon duty supervising students in the cafeteria and/or during recess. These employees shall be paid premium pay in the amount of $13 dollars per hour which shall be in addition to their regular hourly pay for the time they perform this work.
Secretarial Personnel. 1. All full-time secretaries shall be on duty 7.5 (seven and ½ hours) per day and be entitled to a one (1) hour unpaid lunchtime. During the first three (3) weeks of the work year (the two weeks prior to the start of the student year and the first week of the student year) and the last three (3) weeks of the work year (the last week of the student year and the two weeks following the end of the student year), each full-time secretary shall be on duty eight (8) hours per day and be entitled to a one (1) hour unpaid lunch time. 2. All secretarial personnel shall be on duty on all days considered workdays for teachers, excluding parent-teacher conference and teacher in-service days. When secretaries work on parent-teacher conference days they will receive the Exchange day off of work. If the secretary works on teacher in-service days because of a request from the Superintendent, the secretary will be paid an additional day’s wages for the day worked if it is not already a paid work day. 3. The work week shall consist of 37.5 hours except as provided for in Section D(1) of this Article. Hours worked over 40 for the six (6) weeks specified in Section D(1) of this article and approved by the supervisor, or Superintendent, shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate. 4. Assignments will be made yearly; this does not preclude mid-year transfers by the Board. 5. Secretaries called in to work on a calamity day may be paid their hourly rate (one hour) for one hour of work; a fractional hour of work shall be compensated at the hourly rate (one hour of pay for one hour, or fraction thereof) e.g. 15, or 30 minutes=one hour of pay. 6. Secretaries may temporarily cover classrooms, or other teacher supervisory assignments, in emergencies.