Existing Language Sample Clauses

Existing Language. Purpose: To ensure landscaping enhancements are implemented within the abutting Oxford Street and Waterloo Street road allowances, the "h156" symbol shall not be deleted until a development agreement associated with a site plan which provides for the creation of an attractive street edge at this strategic gateway location is entered into with the City of London, to achieve high quality landscaping and the creation of an attractive street edge at this strategic gateway location. (Z.-1-132218)
Existing Language. Purpose: To ensure the orderly development of lands and provisions of municipal services, the holding provision shall not be deleted until the Owner confirms that the watermain system in the subdivision has been looped to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Permitted Interim Uses: Existing uses. (Z.-1-112000) h 130 7 Holiday Avenue To ensure orderly development of these lands, the h-130 shall not be removed until adequate storm water management and infrastructure Page 21 of 39 addressing overland water flows are in place, and a development agreement associated with a site plan is entered into which addresses drainage and storm water management issues and joint access with #15 Holiday Avenue and prohibitions of vehicular left turns into and out of the lands known as #7 Holiday Avenue, as to the satisfaction of Municipal Council. Permitted Interim Uses: Existing permitted uses within the existing building. (Z.-1-112005 – OMB Order PL 100465)
Existing Language. Purpose: To ensure that the urban design concepts established through the Official Plan and/or Zoning amendment review process are implemented, a development agreement will be entered into which, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Development, incorporates these concepts and addresses identified Urban design issues. Permitted Interim Uses: Existing Uses (Z.-1-081711)
Existing Language. 104 Step 3 Between the International Union Representative and the Labour Relations Manager or the highest official of the Company.
Existing Language. 100 It is understood that this Agreement shall be in full force and effective from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022 and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless notice of desire to negotiate changes or termination is given by either party at least sixty days (60) prior to such anniversary date. Changes by mutual consent of the parties, are not excluded during the lifetime of this Agreement.
Existing Language. Pregnancy leave and parental leave for the natural mother shall not exceed thirty-five (35) weeks in total. Parental leave for either parent or adoptive parent shall not exceed (18) weeks, in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act.
Existing Language. The Board agrees that no member will be dealt with adversely without “just cause” and that it will exercise the functions outlined in article
Existing Language. 300 Agree that the jurisdiction recognized therein for each Union shall be the jurisdiction recognized by the AFL-CIO. Assignments will be made in accordance with the procedures established in the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry covering the U.S.A. and Canada. (The Green Book.)
Existing Language. 8.1 Members shall be paid service pay as follows, in December of each year. 5-9 years of completed service: $60 10-14 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $300 8.1 Members shall be paid service pay as follows, in December of each year. 5-9 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $000 00-00 years of completed service: $475 30 years or more of completed service: $525 The Association submitted that the data from its 6 comparators clearly reveal the current amounts of service pay to be, “off the mark in all categories”, and should be increased. It also proposes the addition of a 30-year or more category. It submitted that any award in this matter ought to maintain the internal relationship between service pay for Civilian and Sworn members of the Association.
Existing Language. 200 Employees working an afternoon shift defined as a shift starting after 9:00 a.m. and before 9:00