Exits Sample Clauses

Exits. Sidewalks, doorways, stairways, fire escapes and driveways used for exiting shall be kept free of ice, snow and obstructions.
Exits. All exits and passageways must be kept clear of chairs, tables, etc. No tables or chairs may be taken outside of the building.
Exits. No portion of any passageway, or exit shall be blocked or obstructed in any manner and no exit door shall be locked, blocked or bolted while the facility is in use. All designated exits shall be maintained in such manner as to be visible at all times.
Exits. Following completion of activities funded through this contract, and 90 days of no services (excluding follow-up services), trainees will be exited from the OJT/NEG Project grant. This will begin the follow-up period described above. Regardless of the type of activity for a trainee, the only positive outcome for a Dislocated Worker trainee is placement into a job. All entered employments must be documented on the MOSES system. When a trainee obtains a job placement, his/her OJT/NEG Project case should be closed. The MOSES automatic exit feature will exit the trainee from the system. In addition, the contracted Career Center should strive for a placement rate of 88% of all exiters from the OJT/NEG Project.
Exits. Exits to the Xxxxxx Nature Center cannot be blocked at any time as well as the hallway near the family, men’s and women’s bathrooms.
Exits. No portion of any passageway or exit shall be blocked or obstructed in any manner and no exit door shall be blocked or bolted while the facility is in use. All designated exits shall be maintained in such a manner as to be visible at all times. With the exception of emergencies, under no circumstances shall emergency exits on the second floor be used to vacate the building. If a fire alarm sounds, all persons must immediately evacuate the building through the nearest emergency exit.
Exits. During the agreed upon rental period ALL exits must remain clear and unlocked during the use of the facility in case of fire. Since this is a public building you may place signs in the plastic stands that state: “reserved for private function.” The heating system is pre-programmed and the windows in the building must remain closed. If air circulation is needed you may prop open doors and turn on the ceiling fans. If there is ANY concern about these issues you must contact the Facility Manager to make arrangements prior to your event.
Exits. Following completion of activities funded through this contract, and 90 days of no services (excluding follow-up services), Customers will be exited from the COVID-19 DWG grant. This will begin the follow-up period described above. Regardless of the type of activity for a trainee, the only positive outcome for a Dislocated Worker trainee is placement into a job. All entered employments must be documented on the MOSES system. When a trainee obtains a job placement, his/her COVID-19 DWG case should be closed. The MOSES automatic exit feature will exit the trainee from the system. In addition, the contracted Career Center should strive for a placement rate of 88% of all exiters from the COVID-19 DWG.
ExitsAccording to a report on the barriers for Business Angel development, prepared by Polish Ministry of Economy, the main possibility of exits for Business Angels in Poland 132 are:
Exits. Passageways and gangways to emergency exits must be kept clear at all times. This regulation is rigorously enforced in the interests of the safety of the Client and his guests and invitees. The following are excluded from admission to the building- a) Explosive materials, b) Live animals (except guide dogs), c) Motorbikes, d) any illegal substances, e) confetti of any kind Any Client found disobeying these rules will have their contract terminated immediately. The Company reserves the right to refuse participation on any programme if participants are believed to be by the instructing staff, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and that their participation may be harmful to themselves or others on the programme.