FALSELY ACCUSED TEACHER ASSISTANCE. 1. When a teacher has been accused of child abuse or sexual misconduct in the course of performing their duties as an employee of the Board and
a. an investigation by the Board finds there is no foundation to the allegation(s); or
b. the teacher is acquitted of all criminal charges relating to the accusation; and
c. an arbitrator, if applicable, considering discipline or dismissal of the teacher finds that no discipline is warranted; the teacher shall be entitled to assistance from the Board in accordance with the following:
2. The employee, the Association President, or designate, and the Superintendent, or designate, shall, as necessary, develop a mutually acceptable plan of assistance designed to facilitate the employee's return to teaching duties. It is intended that the assistance plans include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. specialist counselling and/or medical assistance for the employee and/or the employee's family;
b. paid or unpaid leaves of absence, as the circumstances warrant;
c. first priority for the employee to transfer to any vacant position for which they possess the necessary qualifications;
d. where requested by the employee, provision of factual information to parents by the Board.
FALSELY ACCUSED TEACHER ASSISTANCE. E.18.1 When a teacher has been accused of child abuse or sexual misconduct in the course of performing their duties as an employee of the Board and:
a. an investigation by the Board has concluded that the allegation of child abuse or sexual misconduct is not true; or alternatively
b. the Board concludes there is substance to the accusation, and
i. the teacher is acquitted of all criminal charges relating to the accusation, if criminal charges are laid; and
ii. an arbitrator, if applicable, considering the Board’s discipline or dismissal of the teacher concludes that no discipline for child abuse or sexual misconduct is warranted.
c. the teacher shall then be entitled to assistance from the Board in accordance with the following sections.
E.18.2 The teacher, the Superintendent or designate, and the President of the Association or designate shall discuss and, when they believe it is necessary, establish a mutually agreeable plan of assistance to facilitate the teacher’s successful return to teaching duties. Such assistance plans may, without limiting generality, include the following:
a. specialist counselling and/or medical assistance for the teacher or teacher’s family;
b. leaves of absence, either paid or unpaid as the circumstances warrant;
c. first priority for the teacher to transfer to any vacant position for which they possess the necessary qualifications;
d. where requested by the teacher, provision of factual information to parents by the Board.
E.18.3 Subject always to Article E.18.4 below, the Board may, at its discretion, indemnify the teacher for a portion of their legal costs incurred in defending against the criminal charges arising out of the allegation, provided in order to be eligible for such consideration, the teacher must notify the Board as soon as possible after becoming aware of the charges.
FALSELY ACCUSED TEACHER ASSISTANCE. 1. When a teacher has been formally accused of child abuse or sexual misconduct in the course of exercising their duties as a teacher, and an investigation by the Board has concluded that the accusation is not true, and:
a. no criminal charges are laid;
b. criminal charges are stayed; or
c. the teacher is acquitted of criminal charges in relation to the accusation, the teacher shall be entitled to assistance from the Board in accordance with Article E.26.2 below.
2. The Superintendent, in consultation with the teacher and the Association, shall establish a plan of assistance to facilitate the teacher's successful return to work.
3. Such assistance could include:
a. short-term paid leave of absence for the teacher as determined by the Superintendent in consultation with the president of the Association;
b. transfer to a vacant position for which the teacher has the necessary qualifications; and
c. where requested by the teacher, provision of factual information to parents by the Board.
FALSELY ACCUSED TEACHER ASSISTANCE. 1. When a Teacher has been accused of child abuse or sexual misconduct in the course of exercising their duties as an employee of the Board, and,
a. an arbitrator considering the dismissal or discipline of the Teacher finds for the Teacher, or
b. the Teacher is charged but not convicted of criminal offenses in relation to the accusation; the Teacher shall be entitled to assistance from the Board as provided for in this Article.
2. The Teacher, together with the Superintendent of Schools, the Board and the President of the Association shall establish a plan of assistance to facilitate the Teacher's successful return to work.
3. Such assistance could include individual/family counseling, short-term paid leave of absence for the Teacher, position transfer, and upon request by the Teacher, provision of factual information to parents and students.
FALSELY ACCUSED TEACHER ASSISTANCE. 24.1. When a teacher has been accused of child abuse or sexual misconduct in the course of exercising their duties as an employee of the Board, and
a. an investigation by the Board has concluded the accusations are false; or
b. the teacher is acquitted of criminal charges in relation to the accusations and an arbitrator considering discipline or dismissal of the teacher finds the accusations to be false and finds that no disciplinary action is appropriate, the teacher shall be entitled to assistance from the Board as provided in this Article.
24.2. The teacher and the teacher's family shall be entitled to reasonable specialist counselling and/or medical assistance to deal with negative effects of the allegations as agreed by the Superintendent or designate and the President of the Association.
24.3. The teacher shall be assisted by the Board in assuring a successful return to teaching duties, including any necessary leave of absence with pay, first priority for reassignment to a vacant position for which the teacher is qualified if requested by the teacher, and provision of factual information to parents by the Board, if requested by the teacher.