Family Care Costs. 67.1 Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the Chief Executive will authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
Family Care Costs. Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service must authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
Family Care Costs. 127.1 Where an employee is directed to work outside their regular pattern of work, the Delegate will authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
Family Care Costs. Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service will authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements. E12 -Nursing Employees Employees who are breastfeeding will be provided with the facilities and support necessary to enable such employees to combine a continuation of such breastfeeding with the employee’s employment. Where practicable the Directorate will establish and maintain a room for nursing employees. Where there is no room available another appropriate space may be used. Up to one hour, per day/shift, paid lactation breaks that are non-cumulative will be available for nursing employees. E13 -Transfer of Medically Unfit Staff This clause does not apply to casual employees.
Family Care Costs. Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service must authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements. 512 -Nursing Employees Employees who are breastfeeding must be provided with the facilities and support necessary to enable such employees to combine a continuation of such breastfeeding with the employee’s employment. Where practicable the directorate must establish and maintain a room for nursing employees. Where there is no room available another appropriate space may be used. Up to one hour, per day or shift, paid lactation breaks that are non-cumulative must be available for nursing employees. 513 -Transfer of Medically Unfit Staff This clause does not apply to casual employees.
Family Care Costs. 72.1 Where an employee is directed to work o(tside their reg(lar pattern of work, the Chief Exec(tive will a(xxxxxxx xxxxx(rsement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
Family Care Costs. 71.1 Where a teacher is directed to work outside the teacher’s regular pattern of work, the Chief Executive will authorise reimbursement to the teacher by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
Family Care Costs. Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service must authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements. Nursing Employees The ACTPS is committed to supporting employees who are breastfeeding or expressing milk for a baby or young child (nursing employees). Nursing employees must be provided with the facilities and support necessary to enable such employees to combine a continuation of such nursing activity with the employee’s employment. Where practicable the work area must establish and maintain a suitable private room for nursing employees. Where there is no room available another appropriate space may be used. Up to one hour, per day or shift, paid lactation breaks that are non-cumulative must be available for nursing employees. Transfer of Medically Unfit Staff This clause does not apply to casual employees.
Family Care Costs. E11.1 Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service will authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.
E12.1 Employees who are breastfeeding will be provided with the facilities and support necessary to enable such employees to combine a continuation of such breastfeeding with the employee’s employment.
E12.2 Where practicable the Directorate will establish and maintain a room for nursing employees. Where there is no room available another appropriate space may be used.
E12.3 Up to one hour, per day/shift, paid lactation breaks that are non-cumulative will be available for nursing employees. E13.1 This clause does not apply to casual employees.
E13.2 A medically unfit employee is an employee who is considered by the head of service, in accordance with paragraph (a), sub-section 115 of the PSM Act, to be an employee who is unable to perform duties appropriate to the employee’s classification because of physical or mental incapacity.
E13.3 Despite the provision of section 27 of the PSM Act, a medically unfit employee may, by agreement with the employee, be transferred to any position within the employee’s current skill level and experience, the classification of which has a maximum pay which does not vary from the top increment of the employee’s classification by more than 10%. For clarity this allows transfer between alternate classification streams, but does not allow for the transfer of an officer within the same classification stream e.g. a SOGB transfer to a SOGA.
E13.4 An employee will not be redeployed in accordance with subclause E13.3 unless there is no suitable vacant position at the employee’s substantive classification within their Directorate.
Family Care Costs. E12.1 Where an employee is directed to work outside the employee’s regular pattern of work, the head of service will authorise reimbursement to the employee by receipt for some or all of the costs of additional family care arrangements.