Foreground. Regarding Foreground, EC-GA Article II.26. - Article II.29. shall apply with the following additions:
Foreground. During the project, participants shall enjoy access rights to the foreground of the other participants solely for the purpose and to the extent necessary for undertaking and completing the project. Such access rights shall be granted on a royalty-free basis.
Foreground. Regarding Foreground, shall apply with the following additions:
Foreground. 8.1 Foreground shall be the property of the Knowledge Institute that (partly) generated such Foreground. If Foreground has been generated independently from the (intellectual) contribution of a Knowledge Institute by one or more Partners, as specified in the Project Plan, such Partner(s) will become the owner(s) of that Foreground. In case of joint ownership of Partners, those Partners shall as soon as practicably possible execute:
Foreground. The Foreground shall be owned either by the Consortium or by the SJU.
Foreground. 1. Ownership of the foreground belongs in the first instance to the participant(s) that generated it. Participant(s) may agree on a different allocation of ownership in the project agreement. If employees or any party working on behalf of a participant are entitled to claim rights to foreground, the participant shall ensure that it is possible to exercise those rights in a manner compatible with its obligations under the grant agreement and project agreement.
Foreground. 8.1 Foreground shall be the property of the Party that generated such Foreground. If particular Foreground has been generated by more than one Party and cannot be attributed to one Party or the other, these Parties shall jointly own such Foreground.
Foreground. After the completion of the project, third parties shall have the right to request and receive under licence access rights to the foreground of the participants for research use. Such access rights shall be granted on a non-exclusive basis under fair and reasonable terms, as determined in the project agreement.
Foreground. Regarding Foreground, Grant Agreement Article II.26. - Article II.29. shall apply with the following additions:
Foreground. 7.1. Each party shall ensure that the Work to be carried out by that party shall only be undertaken by persons who are either employed by them under a contract of service or are consultants under a consultancy contract which provides for the assignment by such consultants of all Intellectual Property created by them during the course of their duties owed to that party under such consultancy contract.