General Features Sample Clauses

General Features. Data Store Workbench
General Features. The planning and evaluation conferences will utilize the same general format required for tenured Counseling Faculty with the following two exceptions: A. All non-tenured Counseling Faculty must use the Counselor Evaluation form during a specified week each term during the normal three-year probationary period. (Please see forms in Appendix A.) B. All non-tenured Counseling Faculty must use the Student Rating Questionnaire in each class or classes each term during the normal three-year probationary period. (Please see forms in Appendix A.) The following procedures for administering the form will be used: 1. The Student Rating Questionnaire will be administered sometime during the 9th, 10th or 11th week of the semester in the class or classes she/he teaches. 2. In each class the Counseling Faculty Member will ask a student in that class or a designated Faculty Member to administer the questionnaire while the Counseling Faculty Member absents himself or herself from the room until the students have completed the questionnaire. 3. The individual administering the questionnaires will collect them from the students and deliver them directly to the appropriate Division office. 4. The questionnaire will be forwarded to the appropriate office for processing and a copy of the printout will be sent to the Counseling Faculty Member prior to the evaluation conference. The student comments will be returned to the Counseling Faculty Member after the completion of the evaluated term. C. There must be at least two counseling observations and classroom visitations by the evaluator or designate prior to the second evaluation conference in each of the first two years. At least one Counseling observation and one classroom visitation must be held during the third year.
General Features. The planning and evaluation conferences will utilize the same general format required for tenured Faculty with the following two exceptions: A. All non-tenured Faculty must use the Student Rating Questionnaire (Please see forms in Appendix A) in at least three classes each semester, during the normal three-year probationary period. The following procedures for administering the forms will be used: 1. The Student Rating Questionnaire will be administered sometime during the 9th, 10th or 11th week of a semester in at least three classes, each of which has at least 70% of the students then enrolled in attendance. 2. In each class, the Faculty Member will ask a student in that class, or a designated Faculty Member, to administer the questionnaire while the Faculty Member absents himself or herself from the room until the students have completed the questionnaire. 3. The individual administering the questionnaires will collect them from the students and deliver them directly to the appropriate Division office. 4. The questionnaire will be forwarded to the appropriate office for processing, and a copy of the printout will be sent to the Faculty Member prior to the evaluation conference. The student comments will be returned to the Faculty Member after the completion of the evaluated term. B. There must be at least two classroom visitations by the evaluator or designee prior to the second evaluation conference in each of the first two years. At least one classroom visitation must be held during the third year.
General Features. Extended PNR Archiving
General Features. 2.1 The terms of this Contract provide for a guaranteed income over the life of the Participant(s) based on the Certificate Owner’s Account Value provided all conditions specified in the Contract and corresponding Certificate are met. The Contract Owner maintains the Account on behalf of the Certificate Owner(s). We do not manage the Account. Should the Certificate Owner’s Account Value drop below the Withdrawal Guarantee or the minimum Account Value as shown on the Data Pages, and provided all other contractual terms are satisfied, we guarantee to make payments in the form of Guaranteed Income equal to the Withdrawal Guarantee. A Base Income is also available to the Certificate Owner. Payments will be made in accordance with the Income Plan shown on the Data Pages.
General Features. SkySpeed Booking Module General Features – Customer Management General Features – Travel Agent Support General Features – Airline Specific PNR Preferences General Features – Agent and Airline Support Tools General Features – dotREZ – Internet Reservation Framework Booking Functionality Pricing/Promotions Functionality
General Features. Message Facilitation for PNRGOV Limitations and Exclusions
General Features. New Skies Reports General Features – Standard Reports Accounting General
General Features. Negotiated Allotment (NegoAllotment)*
General Features. Ability to input and update flight departure and arrival information. • Ability to accept and transmit industry MVT messages.