Geology and Soils. Would the project:
Geology and Soils. The following section summarizes the geology and soils on Applicant’s Enrolled Lands, starting with broad regional geological context and proceeding to soil types and geological considerations on specific Rayonier Enrolled Lands.
Geology and Soils. Under all three alternatives, timber harvest and management activities are expected to continue to occur throughout Applicant’s lands, resulting in potential erosion effects to geology and soils. Potential impacts on erodible soils are minimized through compliance with Forest Practices Rules for road construction and maintenance (WAC 222-24) and timber harvest (WAC 222-30), particularly those that relate to steep and unstable slopes and rule-identified landforms. Therefore, impacts to geology and soils would be the same under the No Action Alternative, as analyzed in Section 4.4 of the FPHCP FEIS (USFWS and NMFS 2006), and the Proposed Action Alternative, except that additional forest land (Presumed Habitat and Occupied Sites) will be designated as no- harvest under either of the Action Alternatives, which might result in incremental benefits related to geology and soils, particularly limiting erosion and potential earth movement on steep and unstable slopes that occur in tree retention areas. However, under the No Action Alternative, forested wetlands would still be subject to the all protections afforded to them under the Forest Practices Program. Under all Alternatives, impacts on geology and soils are expected to be minimal. The most important geology and soils issues in the regulated landscape relate to steep and unstable slopes, and in particular rule-identified landforms, road construction, landslide prevention, delivery of sediment to typed waters, and related issues. The Forest Practices Rules that are key to addressing these issues apply equally under all three Alternatives, including the No Action Alternative. Based on a slight increase in areas deferred from timber harvesting, the two Action Alternatives are expected to have slightly less or no measurable difference in impact to geology and soils as compared to the No Action Alternative.
Geology and Soils. The geology of the area is part of the Eastern Border Zone of the Rift Valley, filled with kainozonic volcanic and sediments underlying the upper Athi generating good aquifers. Soils on the other hand develop from weathering activities of the volcanic rocks and are highly fertile with high levels of perforation. Typical tropic red soils (Latosols) are also dominant in some sections within the project area, They have a high clay content, a thin, but fertile, humus layer and a distinct aggregate structure. These characteristics make them resistant to soil erosion. The soils of the gentle to sloping slops of the middle and low altitudes are covered by light red soils. There are also a lot of patches of grey soils (Gleysols, "vlei soils"). Shallow, stony soils are located on the steep slopes around the channels. The flat areas are swampy. Soil erosion and mass movement are one of the major problems in the catchment.
Geology and Soils. Mitigation Measure CC-GEO-1: Prepare a site-specific geotechnical investigation for all structures to be occupied by humans at Cañada College and comply with recommendations
Geology and Soils. The Project is expected to have less than significant to no impacts on Geology and Soils.
Geology and Soils. Mitigation Measure CSM-GEO-1: Prepare a site-specific geotechnical investigation for all structures to be occupied by humans at the College of San Mateo and comply with recommendations
Geology and Soils. Mitigation Measure SC-GEO-1: Prepare a site-specific geotechnical investigation for all structures to be occupied by humans at Skyline College and comply with recommendations
Geology and Soils. Mitigation Measure E-1: In accordance with City of Xxxxxx Municipal Code, each Applicant shall comply with site-specific recommendations set forth in engineering geology and geotechnical reports prepared to the satisfaction of the City of Xxxxxx Building Official, as follows: ● The engineering geology report shall be prepared and signed by a California Certified Engineering Geologist and the geotechnical report shall be prepared and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer experienced in the area of geotechnical engineering. Geology and geotechnical reports shall include site-specific studies and analyses for all potential geologic and/or geotechnical hazards. Geotechnical reports shall address the design of pilings, foundations, walls below grade, retaining walls, shoring, subgrade preparation for floor slab ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Prior to issuance of a grading permit/Pre- Construction Applicant(s) Horizontal and Applicant(s) Vertical, as applicable City of Xxxxxx Department of Community Development, Building and Safety Division City of Xxxxxx Department of Community Development, Building and Safety Division II. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program support, paving, earthwork methodologies, and dewatering, where applicable. ● Geology and geotechnical reports may be prepared separately or together. ● Where the studies indicate, compensating siting and design features shall be required. ● Laboratory testing of soils shall demonstrate the suitability of underlying native soils to support driven piles to the satisfaction of the City of Xxxxxx Building Official.