Grant Reporting Requirements Sample Clauses
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Subgrantee must submit a Mid-Year Report on or by [insert date]. The Mid-Year Report must be submitted using the DOS Grants System at At the completion of the project, the Subgrantee must submit a Final Report on or by [insert date]. The Final Report must be submitted using the DOS Grants System at
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit the following reports to the Division. All reports shall document the completion of any deliverables/tasks, expenses and activities that occurred during that reporting period. All reports on grant progress will be submitted online via [INSERT PROGRESS REPORT DUE DATES]
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit a progress report every six (6) months until the project is completed. At the completion of the project, the Grantee must submit a Final Report. The Progress Reports and the Final Report must be submitted on the DOS Grants System at
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit the Annual Statistical Report by [insert date]. The Annual Statistical Report must be submitted using The Grantee must submit a Mid-Year Report on or by [insert date]. At the completion of the project, the Grantee must submit a Final Report on or by [insert date]. The Mid-Year and Final Reports must be submitted using the DOS Grants System at
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit the following reports to the Division. All reports shall document the completion of any deliverables/tasks, expenses and activities that occurred during that reporting period. All reports on grant progress will be submitted online via
a) First Project Progress Report is due by October 31, for the period ending September 30.
b) Second Project Progress Report is due by January 31, for the period ending December 31.
c) Third Project Progress Report is due by April 30, for the period ending March 31.
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit a Mid-Year Report on or by April 1, 20xx. At the completion of the project, the Grantee must submit an Annual Report on or by December 1, 20xx. The report forms are available on the Division’s website at
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit the following reports to the Division. All reports on grant progress will be submitted online through [INSERT PROGRESS REPORT DUE DATES] Matching Funds. Matching funds must meet the following requirements: [INSERT MATCH REQUIREMENTS]
Grant Reporting Requirements. ● The Parks and Recreation Department will provide ARFOP with a year-end report no later than January 31 of the year following the grant on engagement metrics and operational achievements at OPABG and DRCF and examples of impact on the community.
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit a progress report every six (6) months until the project is completed. At the completion of the project, the Grantee must submit a Library Construction Closeout Report. The Progress Report form and the Library Construction Closeout Report form are available on the Division’s website at Matching Funds. Matching funds must equal the grant amount, dollar for dollar. Upon request, the Division will waive the financial matching requirements on grants for Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) counties or communities that have been designated in accordance with Sections 288.0656 and 288.06561, Florida Statutes.
Grant Reporting Requirements. The Grantee must submit the following reports to the Division. All reports shall document the completion of any deliverables/tasks, expenses and activities that occurred during that reporting period. All reports on grant progress will be submitted online via
a) Total Compensation Paid to Non-Profit Personnel Report: If applicable, the Grantee shall complete and return to the Division within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement Attachment C, entitled “Total Compensation Paid to Non-Profit Personnel Using State Funds” which shall satisfy the requirement to provide documentation that indicates the amount of state funds:
i. Allocated to be used during the full term of the contract for remuneration to any member of the board of directors or an officer of the contractor.
ii. Allocated under each payment by the public agency to be used for remuneration of any member of the board of directors or an officer of the contractor. The documentation must indicate the amounts and recipients of the remuneration.