Matching Requirements. (If applicable.) As stated in the Grantee’s Application, the Grantee certifies that the matching requirement will be met by the Grantee.
Matching Requirements. 1. The required minimum administration matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III E is 25 percent (25%).
2. The required minimum program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III D is 10.53 percent (10.53%).
3. The required minimum program matching contribution for Title III E is 25 percent (25%).
4. Minimum matching requirements are calculated on net costs, which are total costs less program income, non-matching contributions, and state funds.
5. Program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III D can be pooled to meet the minimum requirement of 10.53 percent (10.53%).
Matching Requirements. If applicable, insert the conditions of the matching requirement. If not applicable, please delete this entire matching paragraph. Grantee certifies that the following matching requirement, for the grant agreement will be met by Grantee: $0.00.
Matching Requirements. 1. The required minimum administration matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III E is 25 percent (25%).
2. The required minimum program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III D is 10.53 percent (10.53%).
3. The required minimum program matching contribution for Title III E is 25 percent (25%).
4. Minimum matching requirements are calculated on net costs, which are total costs less program income, non-matching contributions, and state funds.
5. Program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III D can be pooled to meet the minimum requirement of 10.53 percent (10.53%).
6. Matching contributions generated in excess of the minimum required are considered overmatch.
7. Program overmatch from Title III B, III C, or III D cannot be used to meet the program match requirement for III E.
8. Expend not more than 10 percent (10%) of the total Title III E federal and matching non-federal share to provide support services to grandparents and older individuals who are relative caregivers of a child who is not more than 18 years of age in accordance with OAA §373(g)(2)(C).
9. Limit expenditures for Title III E Supplemental Services to 20 percent (20%) of the total Title III E federal and matching non-federal share.
Matching Requirements. 1. The required minimum administration matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, III C, & III E combined is twenty-five percent (25%).
2. The required minimum program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, and III C is ten percent (10%).
3. The required minimum program matching contributions for Title III E is twenty-five percent (25%).
4. Minimum matching requirements are calculated on net costs, which are total costs less program income, non-matching contributions, and State funds.
5. Program matching contributions for Title III B, not including Ombudsman, and III C can be pooled to meet the minimum requirement of ten percent (10%).
6. Matching contributions generated in excess of the minimum required are considered overmatch.
7. Program overmatch from Title III B or C can be used to meet the program match requirement for Title III E.
8. Of the total minimum match required for Title III at least twenty-five percent (25%) must be from local public agencies (e.g., city and county governments, school districts, special districts, and water districts).
Matching Requirements. If applicable, insert the conditions of the matching requirement. If not applicable, please delete this entire matching paragraph. Grantee certifies that the following matching requirement, for the grant will be met by Grantee: Federal Funds Include this section for all federally funded grants; delete it if this section does not apply. Payments under this agreement will be made from federal funds obtained by MDH through Title insert number, CFDA number insert number of the insert name of law Act of insert year, including public law and all amendments. The Notice of Grant Award (NGA) number is insert number. Grantee is responsible for compliance with all federal requirements imposed on these funds and accepts full financial responsibility for any requirements imposed by Xxxxxxx’s failure to comply with federal requirements. If at any time federal funds become unavailable, this agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of by MDH to Grantee. In the event of such a termination, Grantee is entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed Contracting and Bidding Requirements A grantee that is a municipality – defined as a county, town, city, school district or other municipal corporation or political subdivision of MDH authorized by law to enter into contracts - is subject to the contracting requirements set forth under Minn. Stat. § 471.345. Projects that involve construction work are subject to the applicable prevailing wage laws, including those under Minn. Stat. § 177.41, et. seq. Non-municipalities Grantees that are not municipalities must adhere to the following standards in the event that duties assigned to Grantee are to be subcontracted out to a third party: Any services or materials that are expected to cost $100,000 or more must undergo a formal notice and bidding process consistent with the standards set forth under Minn. Stat. ch. 16B. Services or materials that are expected to cost between $25,000 and $99,999 must be competitively awarded based on a minimum of three verbal quotes or bids. Services or materials that are expected to cost between $10,000 and $24,999 must be competitively awarded based on a minimum of two verbal quotes or bids or awarded to a targeted vendor. Grantee must take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that targeted vendors from businesses with active certifications through the following entities are used when possible: Minnesota Department of Administration’...
Matching Requirements a) The Grantee agrees to provide local matching contribution to the Program as defined in the “Grantee Share” column of the budget shown in Attachment B. The Grantee shall meet the budgeted match percent of the Grantee share for each reporting period, unless the Commission otherwise agrees in writing.
b) The Grantee shall comply with requirements related to allowable kinds and sources of matching funds and matching fund documentation requirements pursuant to “OMB Cost Principles”, 2 CFR 200(E). Grantees utilizing matching funds from other Federal sources must have consent from the other Federal source allowing the use of the funds as match under this Grant. Grantees shall report the amount and sources of federal funds, other than those provided by CNCS, used to carry out its Program. This includes other federal funds expended by Program Subrecipients and operating sites. This information shall be reported by the Grantee on the Federal Financial Report (FFR).
c) If a Program fails to meet the matching requirements, the Commission will notify the Grantee in writing of the situation and request that the costs be brought into alignment with the budgeted federal and match percentages within one reporting period. If there is an on- going issue related to match, the Commission may notify the Financial Representative, Program Representative and/or the Authorized Representative of the Grantee agency. The Commission may suspend payment of reimbursement request(s) until the situation is corrected.
Matching Requirements. Matching funds at a level 1:1 are mandatory. The required match may be from public or private sources. State funds may not be used as a match.
Matching Requirements. Except for acquisitions of property interests in opportunity areas, as defined by K.C.C. 26.12.003, any Project funded by Conservation Futures Levy proceeds shall be supported by the City in which the Project is located with a matching contribution, which is no less than the amount of Conservation Futures Levy proceeds allocated to the Project. This contribution may be in the form of cash, land match with a valuation verified by an appraisal by an independent state- certified real estate appraiser with a current general real estate appraiser license, or the cash value, excluding King County conservation futures contributions, of other open spaces acquired within the previous two years from the date of submittal of the application by the City. The appraisal, to be reviewed, shall have been performed within two years of the application deadline set for the annual allocation of conservation futures tax levy proceeds under which the Property received funding. Properties considered as land match or cash value of other open space acquisitions should be directly linked to the property under application. Any City match, other than cash, shall require County
Matching Requirements. All grant recipients must provide a dollar-for-dollar (1:1) match. The cash match may be from corporate or private contributions, local or federal government, or earned income. State funds cannot be used as a match. A combination of cash and in-kind contributions may be used to match the CAC Award, with a maximum of 50% in-kind contributions permitted, with the approval of CAC Program Manager. (See section A.4.)