Grievance Redress Mechanism Sample Clauses

Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Recipient shall maintain, throughout Project implementation, and publicize the availability of a grievance mechanism, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, to hear and determine fairly and in good faith all complaints raised in relation to the Project, and take all measures necessary to implement the determinations made by such mechanism in a manner satisfactory to the Association.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Recipient shall no later than ninety (90) days from the Effective Date establish and thereafter maintain at all times during the implementation of the Project, a grievance redress mechanism, under terms and structure satisfactory to the Association.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. Within 9 months after the Effective Date, BR shall prepare a grievance redress mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee shall (a) make public of the existence of this grievance redress mechanism, (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the project, in relation to either the project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the project; and (c) proactively and constructively responding to them.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. Within 12 months after the Effective Date, the Borrower shall ensure that the Project Executing Agency prepare a grievance redress mechanism, acceptable to ADB, to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on any irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The mechanism shall (a) make the public aware of the existence of this grievance redress mechanism; (b) receive, review and address complaints/grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively respond to them.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Borrower shall through MPWT further ensure that that within nine (9) months of the Effective Date, a grievance redress mechanism acceptable to ADB is established for non-safeguards complaints in accordance with the XXX. In each case, such GRM shall function to (i) review and document eligible complaints of Project stakeholders; (ii) proactively address grievances; (iii) provide the complainants with notice of the chosen mechanism and/or action; and (iv) prepare and make available to ADB upon request periodic reports to summarize (a) the number of complaints received and resolved, (b) chosen actions, and (c) final outcomes of the grievances and make these reports available to ADB upon request. Eligible non-safeguards complaints include those related to the Project, any of the service providers, any person responsible for carrying out the Project, complaints on misuse of funds and other irregularities as well as gender issues.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. Within 12 months after the Effective Date, MPW with the support of the PMU, shall prepare a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee will (i) make public of the existence of this Grievance Redress Mechanism, (ii) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (iii) proactively and constructively responding to them.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Borrower, though MAF, shall ensure that within 90 days of the Effective Date, a complaint and problem management mechanism acceptable to ADB is developed, and a task force is functioning effectively to: (a) review and document eligible complaints of the Project stakeholders; (b) proactively address grievances; (c) provide the complainants with notice of the chosen mechanism/action; and (d) prepare periodic reports to summarize the number of complaints received and resolved, and final outcomes of the grievances and chosen actions and make these reports available to ADB upon request. Eligible complaints include those related to the Project, any of the service providers, any person responsible for carrying out the Project, complaints on misuse of funds and other irregularities, and grievances due to any safeguards or gender issues.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Borrower shall ensure that a joint safeguards grievance redress mechanism acceptable to ADB is established in accordance with the provisions of the IEEs, EMPs and EMDPs (if any) at the PMU, within the timeframes specified in the relevant IEEs, EMPs and EMDPs (if any), to consider safeguards complaints.
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Borrower shall ensure that:
Grievance Redress Mechanism. The Recipient shall maintain publicize, maintain at all times during Project implementation, and operate an accessible grievance mechanism (“Grievance Redress Mechanism” or “GRM”) for the purpose of receiving grievances on alleged harm, or misconduct by Project personnel, Military personnel, or any occurrences of gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, and violence against children associated with the Project activities. To this end, the Recipient shall establish appropriate guidelines and policies, including a reasonable timeline for said GRM to ensure adequate, effective and timely redress of any grievance, alleged harm, or misconduct that may be presented for such GRM.