Flood protection of Xxxxxx Sample Clauses

Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The estimated area to be occupied during the works is approximately 3.2 hectares, including 0.8 hectare for the northern embankment, 0.85 hectare for the flood wall and 1.55 hectares for the southern embankment. The landscape in the Sub-Task area is dominated by the neighboring village of Piasek. Its historical layout of a village built on a multi-road pattern has been preserved. The buildings are close to one another and clustered along a few streets. The properties are rather small. A typical household consists of two buildings situated at the front of the farmstead, with the ridges facing the road. Somewhat larger farmsteads (with three buildings each) can be found in the eastern part of the village. The western part of the village is dominated by late 19th century and early 20th century buildings. The latter prevail in the remaining parts of the village.
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The impact on the soil will be caused mainly by earthworks related to the necessary construction works needed to form flood protection embankments. The work will be carried out primarily with heavy duty equipment. As a result of the excavations, the soil cover will be stripped. Based on the design concept, it is expected that the earth works will be limited to an area of not more than 3.2
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. As there was no need to produce any report on the environmental impact during the procedure of obtaining a decision on environmental conditions for project implementation, no public consultations were conducted. The parties were notified of all the circumstances of the proceedings, including the petition for the decision to the other party and rights of the parties resultant from Article 10 of APC specifying that persons that have the status of a party to the proceedings can: actively take part in any stage of the proceedings, access the documentation submitted for the proceedings, express their opinion regarding the gathered materials and evidence, and make comments and proposals. Pursuant to z Article 10 (1) of APC, before issuing the environmental constraints decision, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Szczecin made it possible for the parties to express their opinions regarding the gathered materials and evidence and filed requests. Therefore, with the announcement dated 26 September 2019, the authority notified the parties of collecting the evidence necessary for issuing the requested decision, and the possibility of accessing the prepared documentation as well as expressing opinions on the collected materials and evidence and making comments and proposals, and specified the deadline for the above. None of the parties appeared in the office before the deadline to access to the documentation collected for the case. Furthermore, no comments or proposals were made in that period, therefore, based on the collected evidence, the local authority issued this decision.
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The planned Sub-Task does not conflict@@ with registered archeological sites. The nearest historical structure listed in the register of the Voivodeship conservator is 50 m away. It is a former Evangelical Catholic church, now Our Lady Queen of Poland Roman Catholic Church and the adjacent Roman Catholic cemetery (A-1242). The nearest structure recorded in the municipal register is approx. 45 m away (a residential building).
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The planned Sub-Task is directly adjacent to the village of Piasek, so the acoustic climate reflects the daily activities of residents of the surrounding buildings. During the local inspection no activities generating high-level noise (such as industrial operations) were identified in the immediate vicinity. An important component of the acoustic climate is the county road, located 10 - 70 m from the Sub-Task site. The Sub-Task area and the directly adjacent areas are not covered by local zoning plans, so there are no noise control areas with set standards of noise pollution. However, taking into account the actual type of land development, there are reasons to consider part of the area as single-family, multi-family and collective housing areas and homestead areas, as defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of June 14, 2007 on permissible noise levels in the environment (Polish Journal of Laws 2014, item 112).
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The Sub-Task involves the construction of a flood protection structure protecting the area of the village of Piasek (municipality of Cedynia) against water overflow from Kanał Piasek which depends on the level of water in Odra River. The scope envisages construction of two sections of an earth flood embankment having a maximum total length of 1200 m (southern and northern parts). Sections of the embankments will be connected with a flood protection wall with length up to 900 m made of steel sheet pile wall with a reinforced concrete cap and an extension made of mobile flood protection barriers. The total length of the flood protection structures is up to 2100 m. Detailed scope of works in the southern section: 1. Construction of an embankment (up to 900 m long) made of mineral soil delivered from aggregate mines. The routing of the south section of the embankment will utilize the natural relief of the land which is significantly higher than the required embankment height. As a result, the necessary scope of works will be reduced. Embankment parameters: average relative height of the south section of the embankment will be 3.50 m (locally up to 5.0 m). The south embankment crown is designed to be 4.0 m wide, with a slope inclination of 1:3. 2. The water side slope of the embankment will be secured with stone riprap, some of which will come from the demolition of the existing reinforcements of the banks of Kanał Piasek. Additional amounts will be delivered from aggregate mines. The stones will come mostly from the crown of the existing stone barrier. The canal’s bank reinforcements will remain unaffected and will continue to protect the bank against erosion. 3. As far as possible, biological reinforcement of the embankment surface will be made using turf and topsoil stripped during site preparation. The remaining biological reinforcements will be made of a topsoil layer sown-over with a mixture of grass seeds. Reinforcing geogrid filled with mineral aggregate or topsoil sown-over with grass is acceptable for the embankment crown. 4. The embankment body and substrate will be secured with a filtration screen. In case of mineral soil, the deep soil mixing method will be used. On organic soils, diaphragms will be preferred. The deep soil mixing method uses native soil (no mining necessary) and soil from the embankment raising. Mineral soil in the substrate will be replaced with a mixture forming the screen. If the physico-chemical properties of excavated soil ar...
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The Sub-Task is also located within the boundaries of the BGW No. 23 (PLGW600023). Therefore, the ground water overview is identical to that for the Ognica Sub-Task.
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. Part of the Sub-Task is located in the village of Piasek. According to the available data29 the village has a population of 475 people. The three nearest residential buildings are 2, 13 and 13 m away, respectively.
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The planned flood protection measures are largely located in soilless areas. The entire section of the removable flood protection wall will be built on or directly adjacent to the existing seawall. The embankment in the northern part of the Sub-Task will be erected on fluvisols whose top 17Koźmiński X., Xxxxxxxxx X., Xxxxxxxxx M. 2007. Klimat województwa zachodniopomorskiego. AR w Szczecinie, Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Szczecin. 18xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxx.xx/pjp/publications/card/19100 – annual air quality assessment for Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship 2019 19xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx/pl/xxxx-srodowiska/monitoring-jakosci-gleby-i-ziemi layer is formed by organic soils. The southern part of the investment will be located on fluvial sands where podzolic soils have been formed. According to the data available in the National Environment Monitoring System17 (2015) there is no land that incompliant with the standards specified in the regulation of the Minister of environment dated 1 September 2016 on the conduct of the assessment of contamination of the surface of earth (Polish Journal of Laws 2016, item 1395).
Flood protection of Xxxxxx. The sub-task is located in the catchment area and direct vicinity of river BSW - the Odra River from the Xxxxx River to the Odra Zachodnia (Western) (RW60002119199). In accordance with the relevant typology, the BSW is type 21 (large lowland river) and is classified as a heavily modified water body. It is characterized by overall poor condition. The environmental target for the BSW is to ensure good ecological potential and specifically includes ensuring migration conditions of aquatic organisms at the relevant section of the water course. With regard to chemical parameters, the objective is to ensure good chemical status. The risk assessment for this BSW shows that the achievement of the above objectives is at risk. The BSW has no pressure identified that could lead to exceeding the quality indicators. It is necessary to make a detailed survey of the reasons to properly plan the corrective measures. Identification of the reasons for failure to achieve the good status will be made possible by the implementation of measures at the national level: creation of a national database of hydromorphological changes, an in-depth analysis of pressures in terms of hydromorphological changes, development of good practices for hydrotechnical works and maintenance works and adoption of a set of rules for their implementation, as well as development of a national program for surface water renaturalization. Bearing in mind the above, derogations have been issued for the said body of water due to: § technical unfeasibility [until 2021], § the measures planned as part of the tasks causing changes in the physical characteristics of the BSW, serving important social purposes (i.e. flood protection). According to the data from the National Environmental Monitoring, in 2018 the average annual limit values were exceeded for fluoranthene (measured concentration: 0.007 µg/l) and benzo(a)pyrene (0.00259 µg/l). The main source of pollution for the UBSW is surface run-off of rainwater containing fuel combustion products