Flood protection of Ognica. The Sub-Task is located north of Ognica (Widuchowa municipality, Gryfino county), along BSW “Tributary from Rynica” (RW60001819192). Annex 5 includes projection of the Sub-Task on an ortophotomap.
Flood protection of Ognica. The scope of works for the Sub-Task is:
1. Clearance of trees and removal of dead branches clashing with the project; the tree clearance and removal of dead branches will be limited to a minimum needed to carry out the works and ensure stability of embankment slopes; no more than 17 trees will be cleared.
2. Conversion of an existing concrete pipe culvert located in Kanał Rynica-Ognica bed where it crosses the existing municipal public road number 415003Z, into a steel metal sheet pipe-arch culvert with vertical clearance up to 1.45 m and horizontal clearance up to 2.10 m. Designing of a culvert 8.30 m long and longitudinal slope of 7‰. The culvert inlet will be located at the ordinate 0.55 mamsl, while the outlet at 0.49 mamsl. The foundation of the culvert will be made of two 25 cm thick layers of concrete rubble stabilized with triaxial geogrid.
3. Construction of headwalls from reinforced concrete with stone reinforcement.
4. Reinforcement of an approximately 2.0 m long section of Kanał Rynica-Ognica with paving made of cobblestones filled with cement mortar directly before the inlet to the culvert.
5. Strengthening of the inlet with paving and a restriction made of a piled wall from pressure impregnated, turned wooden stakes, 12 cm in diameter and 2.0 m high.
6. Above the paving protection, the bed strengthened with riprap made from broken stone and restriction made of a piled wall from wooden stakes.
7. Downstream of the culvert, identical reinforcement as on the culvert’s inlet. Downstream of the culvert, the length of broken rubble reinforcement to be 5.0 m.
8. The surface above the culvert, forming part of the municipal road, to be made of crushed-stone aggregate.
9. The road grade line to be aligned with the ordinate of the culvert’s foundation. Construction work connected with the culvert will be made in a mechanical way and manually. Before the start of work, (if required) vegetation will be removed from the water course. The work will be carried out using cofferdams made with excavated earth obtained during the redesigning of the bed of Kanał Rynica-Ognica, or using sacks filled with excavated earth. The water from the water course will flow through a temporary pipeline or, alternatively, a bypass channel. During the works, surface drainage will be provided using an engine pump set. Drained water will be diverted to the water course downstream from the place where works are taking place. After completion of works the cofferdams will be disasse...
Flood protection of Ognica. The Sub-Task may potentially have a significant impact on the environment. It was classified pursuant to Article 3 (1) (67) of the regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 10, 2019 on projects that could significantly affect the environment. On 25 November 2020 the environmental constraints decision was obtained for the project with regard to the village of Ognica (ref. No.: ISOR.6220.4.2020.PP), issued by the Mayor of Widuchowa Municipality. In the decision the authority found that there was no need to assess the environmental impact of the project and specified key preconditions for use of the environment during the Sub-Task. The specified conditions were implemented to EMP as mitigating measures, which does not release the Investor or the Contractor from the obligation to carry out the investment in accordance with the provisions of the environmental constraints decision. A copy of the decision is included in Annex 4 to the EMS - Decisions, permits, correspondence.
Flood protection of Ognica. The estimated area to be occupied during the works is not more than about 0.7 hectare and includes arable land, unused xxxxxxx, roads and the Kanał Rynica - Ognica watercourse itself. The landscape in the vicinity of the Sub-Task area is dominated by farmlands (mostly vegetable plantations). Buildings of the village of Ognica and a forest (to the north) are visible in the background. From the west the project site is directly adjacent to the Odra river.
Flood protection of Ognica. The Sub-Task coincides with BGW No. 23 (PLGW600023); its surface area is 2907.1
Flood protection of Ognica. The Sub-Task is located on the outskirts of a village. The nearest building is about 80 m away. The acoustic climate reflects the daily activities of residents of the surrounding buildings. There are no sources of persistent excessive noise in the neighboring area. The Sub-Task area and the directly adjacent areas are not covered by local zoning plans, so there are no noise control areas with set standards of noise pollution. However, taking into account the actual type of land development, there are reasons to consider the surrounding buildings (at a distance of 80 m) as single-family, multi-family and collective housing areas and homestead areas, as defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of June 14, 2007 on permissible noise levels in the environment (Polish Journal of Laws 2014, item 112).
Flood protection of Ognica. The planned Sub-Task does not conflict@@ with registered archeological sites. Within a radius of 100 m from the Sub-Task site there are no heritage sites recorded in municipal or voivodeship registers.
Flood protection of Ognica. The Sub-Task is located in the vicinity (approx. 80 m) of the village of Ognica. According to the available data28 the village has a population of 446 people. The nearest residential buildings are located 2 m away from the road and 110 m away from the watercourse.
Flood protection of Ognica. The land use will not change after the implementation of the Sub-Task. The areas in the vicinity of the watercourse will continue to be used for farming purposes. The implementation of the Sub-Task will have a local impact on the landscape. The watercourse morphology will change, and a number of trees (not more than 17) will be cleared. It is expected that during several vegetation periods after the completion of the works, the low vegetation will be restored spontaneously by natural succession. As a result, the landscape in the operating period will be similar to that from before the works.
Flood protection of Ognica. Execution of the Sub-Task will involve soil damage in result of the earthworks. After completion of the works the topsoil will be restored with fertile substrate. It will result in few years of reduced fertility of the soil. According to the Design Documentation, the project will not require delivering significant amounts of earth; material obtained at the construction site will be used to execute the works. The excess quantity of earth that needs to be transported away will be confirmed (in relation to the values estimated in the Design Documentation) at the execution stage in the form of a quantity survey for the works. The soil used for the works will meet the standards specified in the regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 1 September 2016 on the conduct of the assessment of contamination of the surface of earth (Polish Journal of Laws 2016, item 1395) and the regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 11 May 2015 on recovery of waste outside the installations and facilities (Polish Journal of Laws 2015, item 796), in the case of spoil from watercourses. No works related to checking of the quality of soil and spoil were performed at the Project Documentation drafting stage. The responsibility for meeting the standards rests with the Contractor. The detailed procedure of checking soil parameters will be described in the Quality Assurance Plan and if it is necessary to store soil outside the site, the Contractor will provide information on the planned quantity to be moved and place of storage in the Waste Handling Plan.