Guest Meals. Residents on Point-plans may use their points to purchase dining access for a guest. Dining access for the Xxxxxx meal plan is limited to the student on the meal plan. Residents must accompany their guests in the dining venues. University Housing reserves the right to limit or deny guest access.
Guest Meals. Each quarter, meal plan members can use their (5) guest meal passes to purchase meals for guests accompanying the member. Guest meals cannot be used for your own meals.
Guest Meals. Guest meals may be used to admit guests to the Dining Commons and used to supplement your weekly plan’s visits to the Dining Commons.
Guest Meals. Each meal plan includes 8 Guest Meals per semester. Unused Guest Meals do not “roll over” from Fall Semester to Spring Semester.
Guest Meals. When extra crew or guests are served meals during the regular hours of work, the galley staff will receive an additional payment for extra meal served as follows:
i) cook and cook-deckhands $4.39 ii) cook with xxxxxxx $3.87
Guest Meals. Caring Hands provides Science Diet brand food, or owners may provide food of their choice at no additional charge. If owner elects to provide food, an adequate amount for the duration of the stay, sealed in a reasonably sized container labeled with animal’s first and last name and feeding instructions, must be provided. Caring Hands will feed all guests in accordance with instructions provided in the Hospitality Suite Application. However, we cannot accept raw or freeze dried food as a food source. Pets must be on a diet free of raw or freeze dried ingredients for 14 days prior to being admitted for their stay or group activity.
Guest Meals. The Community may provide meals for guests accompanying the Resident in Brookhaven’s dining rooms. Guest meal charges based on the meal rate schedule will be billed to Resident on Resident’s monthly statement.
Guest Meals. When extra crew or guests are served meals during the regular hours of work, the galley staff will receive an additional payment for extra meal served as follows: Extra crew or guests shall be comprised of persons who are not part of the vessel's crew complement.
Guest Meals. A privilege extended to Dining Plan members allowing the use of up to twenty (20) Dining Plan Swipes for guest meals with the Premium Plan. For plan participants enrolled in a dining plan of 250 Swipes, 200 Swipes, 150 Swipes and 100 Swipes, up to fifteen (15) of the swipes may be used to purchase guest meals. Enrolled 50 Swipe plan participants, up to ten (10) of the Swipes may be used to purchase guest meals. Dining Dollars can always be used for guest privileges.
Guest Meals. Resident may invite guests to meals in the formal and casual dining areas. Prior notice is requested. Guest meal charges will be included in Resident’s monthly statement or Residents may utilize their dining card for guest meals.