Hair Sample Clauses
Hair. Hats shall be Great Wolf-issued and have the Great Wolf Lodge or branded logo. Hat brims of Great Wolf issued hats must always face forward. Hair should be clean and well groomed. Eyewear Sunglasses are allowed for positions that work outdoors at the resort. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the resort. Novelty contact lenses are prohibited. Jewelry Bracelets, pins or buttons or jewelry for political causes is prohibited. Excessive jewelry is not allowed. Jewelry should be neat, clean and not distracting. Icons and jewelry cannot contain profanity or contain words or images that are not family friendly. Earrings are allowed unless safety regulations require otherwise. Stud earrings must be less than ¼" in size. Hoopearrings must be less than ½" in size. Other piercings: One nose stud piercing is allowed. Hoops or bars are not allowed. Nose piercing should be 1/8 inch in diameter or smaller. Other visible body piercings are allowed but must be professional in appearance. Safety and health regulations/standards may prohibit certain jewelry. See your departmental training documents for specifics for your department.
Hair. Employees’ hair shall be clean and styled in a current professional style. Employees who serve food or beverages shall wear their hair in a restrained fashion, regardless of length (i.e. held firmly from failing over the face).
Hair. Hair shall not cover more than one half of the ear, stand out more than one inch from the ear, extend to the eyebrows or be worn below the top of the collar. Hair which falls below the collar shall be tucked under or tied up.
Hair. For the safety of aquatic staff and participants, hairstyles and hair lengths must allow for the unimpaired performance of job responsibilities.
B.17.1 Facial hair must be maintained at a length that will not affect the use of required facial equipment.
Hair. Hair and/or hairpieces, whether dyed or natural, must present a professional appearance. Only natural hair colors—e.g., blond, brown, black, natural red, and xxxx—are permitted. While on duty, hair length can touch, but must not extend below, the top of the shoulder. Hair accessories may be used to meet this requirement; however, such accessories must be concealed as much as possible and should not distract from the uniform. In addition, the use of one’s own hair to meet this standard is permitted as long as the style maintains a professional look that does not distract from the uniform. If a supervisor or management official determines that an officer’s hair is not compliant with this section, the officer will be advised and given a reasonable opportunity to become compliant with this section. The amount of time will be determined by management based on the nature of the matter.
Hair shall be groomed, neat, clean, and trimmed. Color shall be limited to those that may naturally be found on the human head. Hair shall not extend below the bottom of the collar when standing at attention. Hair in front shall be groomed so that it does not fall below the eyebrows when a person is uncovered and it shall not xxxx out below the band in the front of a properly worn headgear. The hair shall not fall below the bottom of the ear.
Hair. The Board shall not eliminate utilization of hair samples as a testing specimen for drugs, provided procedures are followed pursuant to Section 112.0455 (13), Florida Statutes.
Hair. Security personnel hair shall be worn neatly trimmed, shall not be overly long, and must be maintained neatly combed or brushed. At no time shall hair be worn in such a manner that it obscures vision. Beards, mustache, and lip whiskers are permitted, but must be well-groomed and approved by Public Safety Management.
Hair. Officers shall keep their hair clean, neat and styled to present an attractive appearance consistent with the type of duty performed. When in uniform, they shall arrange their hair so that it does not extend over one-half (1/2) of the collar.
Hair. Hair any longer than shoulder length must be tied back. No patterned or dyed hair. I/We have read XXXXXX XX PRIMARY School's Home-School Agreement dated September 2022.