Facial Hair Sample Clauses
Facial Hair. Officers must be neatly shaven or maintain neatly trimmed and well-kept facial hair; no more than approximately ½ inch in length.
Facial Hair. 1. Members of the department shall be cleanly shaven when reporting for duty.
2. Beards, goatees, and chin whiskers of any type will not be permitted to:
a) Ensure that facial hair will not interfere with the proper placement of face masks and any other firefighting or lifesaving equipment.
b) Ensure that facial hair will not interfere with the administration of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or other first aid or lifesaving procedures.
3. Mustaches that do not interfere with the proper placement and usage of a facemask, other firefighting equipment or the administration of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or other lifesaving procedures are permitted but must conform to the following:
a) Mustaches will be neatly trimmed.
b) Mustaches shall not cover any portion of the upper lip.
c) Mustaches shall not extend horizontally over one-half inch (1/2") beyond the corners of the mouth.
d) No portion of the mustache extending beyond the corners of the mouth shall extend upward or fall below a line parallel with the bottom of the lower lip.
Facial Hair. Candidates with any and all facial hair that violates OSHA 1910.134 will be dismissed from the program. Our instructors will not interpret the standard so it is expected that each candidate is expected to be clean shaven for all classes in including registration. PERQUISITES: ALL DUE 6/27/19 • Signed Training Authorization Letter • Accountability tags• Notebook w/pen• ICS-100 & ICS-700 Certificate , completed study guides, completed home skill check off sheets• Appropriate dress- no shorts, open toed shoes, sleeveless shirts- department t-shirts ok • Complete set of approved turnout gear• Approved SCBA w/spare cylinder• 20’ 8-10 mm non-life, utility rope for knot tying & fireground functions• NO Body piercings for hands-on sessions, all students • 32 oz. sports drink to mix with drinking water for all hands-on sessions *OUT OF COUNTY CANDIDATES* Due to escalating operational costs, each out of county student ’s sponsoring agency will be asked to donate Fifty Dollars $50.00 . Payment must be made prior to class on August 18, 2019. Checks should be made payable to RTC Training Fund. Make reasonable, safe decisions when attempting to accomplish a task or solve a problem Is courteous and respectful Handles interpersonal conflicts effectively Uses appropriate tone of voice Articulates in a clear, logical and understandable manner Displays confidence Is persuasive and makes a positive impression Demonstrates appropriate non-verbal communication techniques Understands that there is physical contact required in obtaining objectives Conducts physical interactions in an appropriate manner Realizes aggressive physical contact is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program Works effectively with others in order to accomplish tasks or solve problems Offers help or encouragement to team members or other candidates when needed Consistently demonstrates safe practices for self and others
Facial Hair. Candidates with any and all facial hair that violates OSHA 1910.134 will be dismissed from the program. Our instructors will not interpret the standard so it is expected that each candidate is expected to be clean shaven for all classes in including registration. • Signed Training Authorization Letter • Accountability tags• Notebook w/pen• ICS-100 & ICS-700 Certificate , completed study guides, completed home skill check off sheets• Appropriate dress- no shorts, open toed shoes, sleeveless shirts- department t-shirts ok • Complete set of approved turnout gear• Approved SCBA w/spare cylinder• 20’ 8-10 mm non-life, utility rope for knot tying & fireground functions• NO Body piercings for hands-on sessions, all students • 32 oz. sports drink to mix with drinking water for all hands-on sessions Make reasonable, safe decisions when attempting to accomplish a task or solve a problem Is courteous and respectful Handles interpersonal conflicts effectively Uses appropriate tone of voice Articulates in a clear, logical and understandable manner Displays confidence Is persuasive and makes a positive impression Demonstrates appropriate non-verbal communication techniques Understands that there is physical contact required in obtaining objectives Conducts physical interactions in an appropriate manner Realizes aggressive physical contact is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program Works effectively with others in order to accomplish tasks or solve problems Offers help or encouragement to team members or other candidates when needed Consistently demonstrates safe practices for self and others
Facial Hair. Mustaches: Mustaches can be worn as long as it conforms to Marine Corps Standards. The Mustache cannot go past the corner of the mouth and it should clear the area below the nostrils.
Facial Hair. Mustaches shall be neatly trimmed; and will not extend below the upper lip; or beyond the corners of the mouth. Beards and goatees are permitted.
Facial Hair. 39.1 Members of the bargaining unit will be permitted to wear beards/goatees subject to the following guidelines.
A. A letter of intent must be submitted by the member of his intent to grow facial hair.
B. The facial hair will follow the jawline and will be kept neatly trimmed And clean at all times and not extend more than one-half (1/2) inch in length at its longest point. Goatees must not extend more than one-half inch in width from the corner of the mouth and must maintain that width to the jawline.
C. The facial hair shall not extend more than ¼ inch below the jawline nor up onto the cheek under the eye.
D. The facial hair must be developed while on vacation or otherwise away from the Department. Members will not be permitted to maintain shabby appearances as a result of a simple failure to shave.
39.2 The member’s immediate supervisor shall have the responsibility of enforcing these guidelines. Any dispute will be submitted to the Chief whose decision will be final and not subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure.
Facial Hair. Restrictions and exemptions relative to facial hair shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations Manual for Protective Services.
Facial Hair. Any approved facial hair worn shall be kept neat and trim at all times.
a. Sideburns: Sideburns will not extend downward below the lowest part of the earlobe.
b. Moustaches: Moustaches may extend laterally, not more than one-half (1/2) inch beyond the corner of the mouth and may not extend below the xxxxxxxxxx border of the upper lip or below the corner of the mouth.
c. Beards/Goatees: Beards/goatees are prohibited for officers in a uniformed assignment, unless medical reasons exist and the Chief of Police provides the employee a written exception. Employees are expected to be clean-shaven when reporting for duty.
Facial Hair. Section 1 A firefighter shall not be permitted to have facial hair growth, such as stubble xxxxx growth or beards. Mustaches must not extend downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip no more than one-half inch. Sideburns, when worn must be neatly trimmed and tapered. They must be straight and of even width (i.e., not flared). They must end in a clean-shaven horizontal line. Sideburns must not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.