(A) Hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length or bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt appearance. When combed, it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. The hair of uniformed female members may touch the shirt collar but not fall below the collar’s edge and may cover a portion of the ear. Long hair must be worn up in a neat, stylish manner that permits the wearing of the hat. Conspicuous barrettes, pins, or xxxxx will not be worn.
(B) If an employee desires to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed. The base will be a clean-shaven horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend downward beyond the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.
(C) The face will be clean-shaven, except that if a mustache is worn it will be kept neatly trimmed and tidy. No portion extending beyond the corners of the mouth will fall below a line parallel with the bottom of the lower lip.
GROOMING STANDARDS. While on duty, each employee shall uphold the standards established by the Department relative to grooming to ensure the professional reputation and integrity of the Department and University.
GROOMING STANDARDS. 25.1 Haircuts will conform to the following standards: Hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length or bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt appearance. When combed, it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. The hair of uniformed female members may touch the shirt collar but not fall below the collar’s edge and may cover a portion of the ear. Long hair must be worn up in a neat, stylish manner that permits the wearing of the hat. Conspicuous barrettes, pins, or xxxxx will not be worn.
25.2 If an employee desires to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed. The base will be a clean shaven horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend downward beyond the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.
25.3 The face will be clean shaven, except that a mustache and goatee may be worn. If a mustache or goatee is worn, it must be kept neatly trimmed and tidy. No portion of the mustache extending beyond the corners of the mouth will fall below a line parallel with the bottom of the lower lip. Handlebar mustaches are not allowed. If a goatee is worn, it shall be in accordance with the following:
A. The goatee shall be worn with a mustache.
B. The goatee shall not be thicker than 1/2 inch.
C. The goatee shall not exceed a 1/4 inch width beyond the corners of the mouth.
D. The goatee shall cover the chin, but not extend back more than 1/2 inch toward the throat.
E. The goatee and mustache shall not be colored or dyed except to match the employee’s natural hair color.
F. The goatee shall be modified to accommodate Department equipment when operationally required.
GROOMING STANDARDS. Each member of this department must maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance to accomplish the objectives of individual safety, neatness, cleanliness, and acceptable public image. It is the responsibility of each member to be properly groomed while on duty. See Grooming Policy for further information. Supervisors shall be directly responsible for enforcement of this grooming standard. A supervisor who does not take the necessary actions to correct employee’s deficiencies will be subject to administrative actions.
GROOMING STANDARDS. The County and Union acknowledge that the grooming standards as contained in the Department Manual remain in effect.
12.1 Hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length or bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt appearance. When combed, hair will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair on the back of the neck. The hair of uniformed members may touch the shirt collar but not fall below the collar’s edge and may cover a portion of the ear. Long hair of female officers must be worn up in a neat, stylish manner which permits the wearing of the hat. Conspicuous barrettes, pins, or xxxxx will not be worn.
12.1 If an employee desires to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed. The base will be a clean shaven horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend downward beyond the lowest part of the exterior ear opening.
12.2 The face will be clean shaven, except that if a mustache is worn it will be kept neatly trimmed and tidy. No portion extending beyond the corners of the mouth will fall below a line parallel with the bottom of the lower lip.
GROOMING STANDARDS. 1. Grooming is an important part of making a good first impression on a client. We are in the image business and we believe that our clients care about how things look. We want our clients to feel comfortable with their technician. If you make a good first impression, the homeowner is more likely to trust you and your work. Our general guidelines for hair are short and clean-cut looking. Hair needs to be brushed and maintained. A short xxxxx that is maintained and neatly trimmed can be a beautiful thing.
2. Pierced body parts, tongue, face etc. Are not allowed.
GROOMING STANDARDS. All personnel covered by this Memorandum of Understanding shall conform to the Grooming Standards specified in Departmental Policy 1-VI-2 and said policy is hereby incorporated by reference.
GROOMING STANDARDS. A. Mustaches - shall have a neat appearance. They shall be trimmed in such a manner that they shall not extend further that three quarters of an inch (3/4”) down from the corner of the mouth and horizontally they shall not pass the corner of the eye.
B. Sideburns - shall be neatly trimmed and present a groomed appearance. They shall not extend one half inch (1/2”) beyond the earlobe. Sideburns shall be no wider than one and one half inches (1 ½”) and shall end with a clean horizontal line.