Hazard Sample Clauses
Hazard. Lead poisoning is recognized as a serious environmental health hazard facing children today. Even at low levels of exposure, much lower than previously believed, lead can impair the development of a child's central nervous system, causing learning disabilities, and leading to serious behavioral problems. Lead enters the environment as tiny lead particles and lead dust disburses when paint chips, chalks, peels, wears away over time, or is otherwise disturbed. Ingestion of lead dust is the most common pathway of childhood poisoning; lead dust gets on a child’s hands and toys and then into a child’s mouth through common hand-to-mouth activity. Exposures may result from construction or remodeling activities that disturb lead paint, from ordinary wear and tear of windows and doors, or from friction on other surfaces. Ordinary construction and renovation or repainting activities carried out without lead-safe work practices can disturb lead- based paint and create significant hazards. Improper removal practices, such as dry scraping, sanding, or water blasting painted surfaces, are likely to generate high volumes of lead dust. Because the Contractor and its employees will be providing services for the District, and because the Contractor's work may disturb lead-containing building materials, Contractor is hereby notified of the potential presence of lead-containing materials located within certain buildings utilized by the District. All school buildings built prior to 1993 are presumed to contain some lead-based paint until sampling proves otherwise.
Hazard. Something that is potentially dangerous or harmful, often the root cause of an unwanted outcome.
Hazard. An unintentional, unpredictable, unavoidable and external event. Subscriber: The natural person who adheres to this insurance contract. Insured(s): the person or persons insured in accordance with this contract. Attack/Acts of terrorism: The term ‘attack’ means any act of violence which constitutes a criminal or illegal attack against persons and/or property, in the country in which you’re staying, the purpose of which is to greatly disturb the public order. This ‘attack’ must be identified as such by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Hazard. PMI/MIP Notifications -------------
Hazard. Hazard means the circumstances for which this insurance is provided as stated in Section III of the Schedule of Benefits and described in the Hazard Section of this policy.
Hazard. Alleging that an employee or group of employees are subjected unduly to hazardous or unsafe working conditions beyond the normal exposures inherent to the job assignment.
Hazard. Hazard means the circumstances for which this insurance is provided as stated in Section III of the Schedule of Benefits and described in the Hazard Section of this policy. Hemiplegia means complete and irreversible loss of all motion and all practical use of one arm and one leg on the same side of the body that lasts longer than 365 days as determined by a Physician approved by Us. Hijacking /Skyjacking means the unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of an aircraft or conveyance and its crew, in which an Insured Person is traveling.
Hazard. Identification (CAMEOfm Chemical in Inventory Page)
(a) For each Extremely Hazardous Substance present over the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ), create a Chemical in Inventory page (if a Chemical in Inventory page hasn’t been created already) and enter the proper chemical name and Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number.
(b) On each Chemical in Inventory page created for each Extremely Hazardous Substance present over the TPQ, enter in pounds (not range codes) the maximum quantity of each Extremely Hazardous Substance in the Max Daily Amount field of the Physical State and Quantity tab.
(c) Enter the amount (in pounds) of each Extremely Hazardous Substance stored in the largest container or interconnected containers in the Max amount in largest container field of the Physical State and Quantity tab (this is the release amount used to determine the Vulnerable Zone).
(d) Choose the appropriate description for the Type of storage container (drum, cylinder, tank etc.), storage pressure (ambient, greater than ambient etc.) and storage temperature (ambient, greater than ambient etc.) of each Extremely Hazardous Substance in those fields on the Location tab.
(e) For each Extremely Hazardous Substance over TPQ, On the Physical State & Quantity tab check the appropriate boxes in the Physical State, Hazards and Health Effects fields (information on the above may be found by clicking on the Datasheet button which opens either the CAMEO Chemicals program or website.)
Hazard. An element (of an activity, product, process or environment), act, practice, source, or situation with potential for harm.
Hazard analysis