Health Education. Training
Health Education. Charges for health education classes and materials in accordance with Exhibit herein provided.
Health Education. Arrangements will be made to provide Program Member with regular personalized health information on topics pertinent to Program Member’s health, including bulletins, health articles and website postings that may cover vitamin supplements and holistic treatment options and health care supplements. Any such information will be conveyed via web posting or e-mail. Arrangements may also be made to arrange for Program Member to attend education, lecture, support group and discussion sessions, at Program Member’s choice. (Additional registration fees may apply for such sessions.)
1 Member Amenities Fees are solely for the Enhancements and Amenities listed in this Schedule that are furnished, or arranged to be furnished. Physician will seek reimbursement from the Program Member’s health plan only for covered medical services.
Health Education. Utilization management using TDH Claims Administrator encounter data to provide appropriate interventions for Members through administrative case management;
Health Education. The MCO must routinely, but no less frequently than annually, remind and encourage Members to utilize benefits including physical examinations that are available and designed to prevent illness. The MCO must also offer periodic screening programs that in the opinion of the medical staff would effectively identify conditions indicative of a health problem. The MCO shall keep a record of all activities it has conducted to satisfy this requirement.
Health Education. Contractor shall implement and maintain a health education program that includes programs, services, functions, and resources necessary to provide health education, health promotion and patient education for all Enrollees. This includes helping the Enrollee understand their health plan and the benefits the plan provides. Contractor shall ensure administrative oversight of the health education program by a qualified full-time health educator. Contractor shall provide health education programs and services at no charge to Enrollees directly and/or through subcontracts or other formal agreements with providers that have expertise in delivering health education services to the Enrollee population. Contractor shall ensure the organized delivery of health education programs using educational strategies and methods that are appropriate for Enrollees and effective in achieving behavioral change for improved health. Contractor shall ensure that health education materials are written at the sixth grade reading level and are culturally and linguistically appropriate for the intended audience. Contractor shall maintain a health education program that provides educational interventions addressing the following health categories and topics:
Health Education a) The Employer, in consultation and with agreement from the Union, agrees to put in place a policy dealing with the protection of employees and residents from infectious diseases. A Committee consisting of one (1) Employer representative and one (1) Union representative shall be struck and shall endeavour to have the policy ready for implementation within six (6) months of the signing of this Agreement.
b) The Employer agrees to consult with the Department of Health on suspected cases of communicable disease. The Employer will endeavour to provide appropriate education information to employees upon request.
Health Education. The Contractor shall establish and maintain an ongoing program of health education as delineated in its written plan and submitted annually to the Department. The health education program will advise Beneficiaries concerning appropriate health care practices and the contributions they can make to the maintenance of their own health. All health education materials must be approved by the Contractor's medical director. Providing material during Marketing and Enrollment does not satisfy the requirements of this Article V, Section 5.
Health Education. Not covered.
Health Education. Program: Public Health Degree: Associate in Science (A.S.)