ICE Sample Clauses
ICE. As a service to vendors, the Mudtown Days Committee will sell and deliver ice to all vendors upon request from a central location within the Festival site.
ICE. Trading limits are also to be restricted to the January isotherm of negative ten degrees Celsius (-10oC). The Vessel shall not be sent to or through icebound waters without Owner’s prior written consent and shall not be or become obligated to force ice or to follow ice breakers. Despite the receipt of Owner’s consent, if the alternative port at which the Vessel is ordered by Charterer to discharge cargo should be or become inaccessible owing to ice and the Master has notified Charterer by email and facsimile transmission or otherwise in writing accordingly, then Charterer shall be bound to order the Vessel by email and facsimile transmission or otherwise in writing to an alternative port which is free from ice and at which the Vessel can discharge the cargo. Also, if, on account of ice, the Master considers it dangerous for the Vessel to enter or remain at any alternative port for fear of the Vessel being frozen in or damaged and the Master should so advise Charterer, Charterer shall provide the Master with orders, by email and facsimile transmission or otherwise in writing, to proceed to an alternative port that is free from ice and at which the Vessel can discharge the cargo. If no orders are received by the Master from Charterer prior to the time when the Master must deviate or break ground to avoid ice or other dangerous situations, Owner shall cause the Master to proceed to the nearest safe, ice-free position to await further orders from Charterer.
ICE. Ice will be available for purchase during the fair. Vendors are encouraged to stock up early in the day. • ALL inspections must be done by 12 PM (noon) Thursday, first day of the fair. • Propane tanks should have a current inspection tag, and the suppliers name and phone number on them. • All propane tanks must be within current certification date. Out of date tanks must be removed from the property. • Any vendors frying or cooking where grease laden vapors are present must have appropriate k class or Ansul hood system. • All propane tanks must be firmly staked and strapped. • After you are set up at the fair, please send an email to to give the inspection team the time you will be at your space ready for inspection. Ready means the booth/concession is cleaned and ready to fire up the grills and start cooking, fire extinguishers in place, the propane has been delivered, etc. The Fire Marshal does not have the manpower to do multiple inspections to get you to pass. • Any concession using a fire flame or electricity for cooking or other purposes must have an approved 5 lb. dry powder fire extinguisher or equivalent. • All concessions must use flame-proof decorations. • All concessions using LP gas appliances must meet all LP requirements and must have one main valve for all tanks outside by the tanks. • An inspection of all concessions, trailers, tents and/or buildings may be made by the Fire Marshal and will not be allowed to operate until all requirements of the Fire Marshal are complied with. • Per the Fire Marshal all outdoor vendors will pay for two feet of frontage on each side of their location. • No part of your display may protrude outside the bounds of your Licensed Space. • No solicitation or roaming is allowed in aisles outside the bounds of your licensed space. • Do NOT set up signs outside the bounds of your licensed space. • Refer to OFFICIAL FAIR HOURS listed above. • Setup of concessions/exhibits (see Vendor Check-In information). NO concessions/exhibits are allowed to BEGIN setup before this time without prior authorization from the Concession Manager. • Break-down of concessions/exhibits may NOT START UNTIL 7 PM Sunday, September 27th. • ALL CONCESSIONS/EXHIBITS MUST BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS DURING THE OFFICAL HOURS of the FAIR. • Concessions/Exhibits must be removed by 4 PM on the Tuesday following the last day of the fair. The Fairgrounds will be open 7 AM to 4 PM on Monday and Tuesday following the Fair for thi...
ICE. The Vessel shall not trade in waters with a temperature below the January isotherm of minus ten degrees (-10°)
ICE. The Vessel shall not trade in waters with a temperature below the January isotherm of minus ten degrees Celsius (-10°C). The Vessel shall not be sent to icebound waters without Owner’s prior consent and shall not force ice or follow ice breakers. Despite the receipt of Owner’s consent, if the port at which the Vessel is ordered by Charterer to discharge cargo is, or could become, inaccessible owing to ice and the Master has notified Charterer thereof, then Charterer shall be bound to order the Vessel to an alternate ice-free port at which the Vessel can discharge the cargo. Further, if the Master reasonably considers it dangerous for the Vessel to enter or remain at any discharging place for fear of the Vessel being frozen in or damaged and the Master so advises Charterer, Charterer shall provide the Master with orders to proceed to an alternate port that is ice-free at which the Vessel can discharge the cargo. If no such orders are received by the Master from Charterer prior to the time when the Master must deviate or break ground to avoid the dangerous situations described in this Clause 12.2, Owner shall cause the Master to proceed to the nearest safe, ice-free anchorage to await further orders from Charterer.
ICE. Ice can be ordered on the Exhibitor Application form. If you require more ice during the Field Days, please contact the Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS
ICE. The term “ICE” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.21(b).
ICE. The Vessel shall not be ordered or bound to enter any port or place inaccessible due to ice or at which lights, lightships, markers, or buoys on Vessel’s arrival are (or are likely to be) withdrawn by reason of ice. The Vessel shall not be obliged to force ice. If a port or place to which the Vessel is ordered is inaccessible due to ice, the Master shall immediately notify Charterer requesting revised orders and shall remain outside the ice-bound area. If there is danger of the Vessel’s being frozen in at any port or place, the Vessel shall, at Master’s discretion, proceed to the nearest safe and ice-free position, at the same time requesting Charterer’s revised orders. Any delay or detention resulting from ice to be for Charterer’s account.
ICE. The Independent Case Examiner for the deposit schemes approved by the Government. The document prepared on behalf of the Landlord, showing details of the property’s fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment and so on, including the condition of the premises in general as drawn up prior to the commencement of the tenancy. The inventory will be relied upon at the end of the tenancy to assess any damage (other than reasonable wear and tear). See clause 4.3 for details.
ICE. Ice shall be furnished to employees covered by this Agreement in quantities to meet their needs for cooling water for drinking purposes. Illness on the job caused by consumption of ice water will not be considered to be an "injury on the job".