Identification of the client. 9.2.1 The client will be provided with data placed in sealed envelope necessary for utilization of internet banking (hereinafter referred to as “Identification Data”), through utilization of which the client shall be identified when logging onto the website of the bank. Failure to properly input such data in special “log in” field on the website will result in denying the access to the account and inability to carry out banking operations and registering for services
9.2.2 for the purposes of securing information and operations of the client, the bank shall have the right to create additional mechanisms for proper identification of the client, e.g. require the use of additional code created (generated) by a special device (DigiPass Token) provided to the client by the bank for carrying out certain banking operations and/or the use of other codes (including the telephone code given in subparagraph 9.1.6 of this agreement).
9.2.3 The bank and the client shall be under obligation to maintain confidentiality of the Identification Data.
9.2.4 In the event of loss of the Identification Data, the client shall immediately inform the bank of such occurrence (in any form stipulated by the present agreement) to ensure receipt of renewed Identification Data.
9.2.5 In furtherance of the client’s notification on loss of the Identification Data, the bank shall ensure suspension of access to the client’s accounts by the internet banking until receipt of new instructions from the client.
9.2.6 In the event of opening of a new account with the bank by the client, internet banking will be extended to such account automatically through use of the existing Identification Data.
9.2.7 The client hereby declares and confirms that the client shall familiarize itself fully with the terms and conditions of appropriate services before registering for such services; the use of the Identification Data mentioned in paragraph 9.2.1 of the present agreement, and the expression of the will for registration will be deemed to be the client’s consent and acceptance of all conditions of those services for which it will be registered through the internet banking website.
9.2.8 Any claims with respect to the operations through internet banking shall be accepted only within 45 (forty-five) days after the performance of the respective operation.
9.2.9 The client shall understand and acknowledge that any notification/order sent to the Bank via the internet – banking (including payment order), any a...
Identification of the client. 14.2.1 Customer shall become registered/authorized for banking services using the code provided in the subparagraph 9.1.6 of this agreement or through internet banking customer’s user name and password.
14.2.2 After the first use of the code provided in the subparagraph 9.1.6 of this agreement the customer must change it with a new password (hereinafter “password”) in order to make the mobile banking services available.
14.2.3 The client shall maintain confidentiality of created by him/her password and not to allowtransfer thereof to third parties.
14.2.4 Before passing his/her cell phone to another party the client shall erase from the cell phonememory the recoded program.
14.2.5 The client is under obligation to immediately inform the bank in writing in case the code iscompromised or the cell phone is lost.
14.2.6 In case the telephone code or password becomes exposed to a third party due to customer’s fault the bank will not become liable for any consequences that may result from such exposure.
14.2.7 Bank is obliged to suspend mobile banking operations at customer’s accounts as per oral (through telephone), written or through internet bank notification of the customer with regard to the loss of the code, disclosure of the user name or password, or the loss of mobile phone, until further instructions are received from the customer. In case of oral notification the client identification shall take place using the questions (of personal character, as well related to the client’s products/operations) determined by the bank in advance..
14.2.8 Whenever a new account is opened at the bank by the customer the mobile banking services shall be performed using the password created under the subparagraph 14.2.2 of this agreement or the mobile banking user name and password. If this is the case the new agreement between the bank and the customer shall not be signed and the provisions of this agreement will become applicable to new accounts.
Identification of the client. 6.2.1. In case of registering as an internet banking user at the bank, the client shall be assigned the USERNAME for using the internet banking service, the PASSWORD (identification data) shall be provided to the client at the mobile telephone number registered at the bank, by means of which the client is identified when accessing the bank’s internet page. Client must, after receiving the identification data from the bank, log in the internet banking web page and change the password provided by the bank.
6.2.2. The client acknowledges that for the purpose to secure client’s information and transactions, also for receiving/approving the bank product offered by the bank to the client via internet banking (among them, credit/deposit products), the bank is authorized to establish additional mechanisms/requirements for identification of the client. Among them, for providing particular type of services, request use of codes created (generated) by means of devices (Digipass etc.) issued by the bank to the client and/or other types of codes, without which the client will not be able to accept/approve offered bank product (among them credit/deposit).
6.2.3. The bank and the client are committed to secure the confidentiality of the identification data.
Identification of the client. 11.2.1 For the Customer identification purposes or for the effective implementation of services and for the purposes indicated in the paragraph 11.3.7, the Bank will use preliminarily defined questions. Under the consent from the Customer, authentication will be carried out by means of voice. Identification of Customer is carried out prior to the telephone service as well as prior to provision of other Banking services/ in the process of registration for various Bank products (electronic services). Without the identification procedures, Customer will not be able to receive the telephone services described in the sub- paragraph 11.
1.1 of the present Agreement (except for cases considered under the sub-paragraph 11.3.3 of the present Agreement). During each telephone contact of the Customer with the Bank (in each case of receiving the telephone services), Customer shall undergo identification procedure (answer correctly questions given by the telephone service center operator (which are preliminarily defined by the Bank) or undergo verification by means of voice authentication).
11.2.2 The bank shall have the right to refuse rendering of the telephone service to the person who is not willing to go through or will fail the identification procedure
11.2.3 If the suspicion is generated in the relevant representative of the Bank that not the customer but the third party is attempting to obtain information or to carry out transaction, the Bank has right to reject fulfillment of orders made by the phone.
11.2.4 In case the client opens a new account with the bank, the telephone banking will be extended to such account through use of the existing procedures. In such event no new agreement will be executed between the bank and the client and terms and conditions of this agreement will apply to the new account.
11.2.5 With the purpose of client identification, the Bank is authorised, at its own discretion, to establish additional mechanisms (requirements), non-performance of which shall result in inability of the client to receive services described in subparagraph 11.1.1 hereof.
Identification of the client. 15.2.1 Client shall become registered for banking services using internet banking client’s user name and password provided in the subparagraph “9.2.1” of this Agreement.
Identification of the client. 11.2.1 For the Customer identification purposes or for the effective implementation of services and for the purposes indicated in the paragraph 11.3.7, the Bank will use preliminarily defined questions. Under the consent from the Customer, authentication will be carried out by means of voice. Identification of Customer is carried out prior to the telephone service as well as prior to provision of other Banking services/ in the process of registration for various Bank products (electronic services). Without the identification procedures, Customer will not be able to receive the telephone services described in the sub-paragraph 11.
1.1 of the present Agreement (except for cases considered under the sub-paragraph
Identification of the client. 9.2.1 The client will be provided with data placed in sealed envelope necessary for utilizationinotfernet banking (hereinafter referred to as¯Identificati on Data_), through utilization of which the client shall be identified when logging onto the website of the bank. Failure to properly input such data in special ¯log in_field on the website will result in denying the access to the account and inability ctoarry out banking operations and registering for services
9.2.2 for the purposes of securing information and operations of the client, the bank shall have the right to create additional mechanisms for proper identification of the client, e.g. require the useadodf itional code created (generated) by a special device (DigiPass Token) provided to the client by the bank for carrying out certain banking operationsand/or the use of other codes (including the telephone code given in subparagraph 9.1.6 of this agreenmt)e.
9.2.3 The bank and the client shall be under obligation to maintain confidentiality of the Identification Data.
9.2.4 In the event of loss of the Identification Data, the client shall immediately inform the bank of such occurrence (in any form stipulated by thepresent agreement) to ensure receipt of renewed Identification Data.
9.2.6 In the event of opening of a new account with the bank by the client, internet banking will be extended to such account automatically through use of the existing Identification Data.
9.2.7 The client hereby declares and confirms that the client shall familiarize itself fully with the terms and conditions of appropriate services before registering for such services; the use of the Identification Data mentioned in paragraph 9.2.1 of the prestenagreement, and the expression of the will for registration ZLOO EH GHHPHG WR EH WKH FOLHQW¶V FRQVHQW DQG DFFH will be registered through the internet banking website.
9.2.8 Any claims with respect to theoperations through internet banking shall be accepted only within 45 (forty-five) days after the performance of the respective operation.
9.2.9 The client shall understand and acknowledge that any notification/order sent to the Bank via the internet ±banking (including payment order), any application/ request (including account opening/closing and/or credit advance payment, cancellation and/or changes of the registered services / products, a...
Identification of the client. 14.2.1 Customer shall become registered/authorized for banking services using the code provided in the subparagraph
Identification of the client. 1Customer shall become register/eaduthorized for banking services using the code provided in the VXESDUDJUDSK RI WKLV DJUHHPHQW RU WKURXJK LQW
Identification of the client. 11.2.1 The Bank will use pre-defined questions/procedures for Customer identification purposes or, for the efficient provision of services and for the purposes indicated in paragraph 11.3.7, voice authentication will be applied, provided the Customer consents thereto. Customer identification is to be performed before providing the telephone service as well as before any other banking services / customer registration for various Bank products (electronic services). Without the identification procedure, Customer will not be able to receive the telephone service described in sub-paragraph 11.
1.1 of the present Agreement (except for the case considered under sub- paragraph 11.3.3 hereof). During each telephone conversation with the Bank (each time the Customer receives telephone services), the Customer will undergo identification procedure/give correct answers to questions pre- defined by the Bank or undergo voice authentication).
11.2.2 The bank shall have the right to refuse rendering of the telephone service to the person who is not willing to go through or will fail the identification procedure.
11.2.3 If the Bank’s respective representative suspects that the inquiry or transaction is being attempted by a third party (a party other than the Customer), the Bank has the right to refuse to follow the telephone instruction/ refuse to provide the service.~
1.2.4 In case the client opens a new account with the bank, the telephone banking will be extended to such account through use of the existing procedures. In such event no new agreement will be executed between the bank and the client and terms and conditions of this agreement will apply to the new account.
11.2.5 With the purpose of client identification, the Bank is authorised, at its own discretion, to establish additional mechanisms (requirements), non-performance of which shall result in inability of the client to receive services described in subparagraph 11.1.1 hereof.