Indirect Cost. Except as otherwise authorized by this contract, no indirect costs shall be reimbursed.
Indirect Cost. Should the Grantee request reimbursement for indirect costs, the Grantee must submit to the State a copy of the indirect cost rate approved by the cognizant federal agency or the cognizant state agency, as applicable. The Grantee will be reimbursed for indirect costs in accordance with the approved indirect cost rate and amounts and limitations specified in the attached Grant Budget. Once the Grantee makes an election and treats a given cost as direct or indirect, it must apply that treatment consistently and may not change during the Term. Any changes in the approved indirect cost rate must have prior approval of the cognizant federal agency or the cognizant state agency, as applicable. If the indirect cost rate is provisional during the Term, once the rate becomes final, the Grantee agrees to remit any overpayment of funds to the State, and subject to the availability of funds the State agrees to remit any underpayment to the Grantee.
Indirect Cost. These cost categories are used to distribute costs of general administrative operations that have not been directly charged to individual subrecipient programs. The Indirect Cost expenditures distribute administrative overhead costs to each program element, project or service grouping. Two separate local rates may apply to the agreement period (i.e., one for each local fiscal year). Use Calendar Rate 1 to reflect the rate applicable to the first part of the agreement period and Calendar Rate 2 for the rate applicable to the latter part. Indirect costs are not allowed on programs elements designated as vendor relationship. An indirect rate proposal and related supporting documentation must be retained for audit in accordance with records retention requirements. In addition, these documents are reviewed as part of the Single Audit, subrecipient monitoring visit, or other State of Michigan reviews. Following is further clarification regarding indirect rate and/or cost allocation approval requirements to distribute administrative overhead costs, in accordance with Title 2 CFR Part 200 (formerly Circular A-87 2 CFR Part 225, Appendix E), for Local Health Departments budgeting indirect costs:
1. Local Health Departments receiving more than $35 million in direct Federal awards are required to have an approved indirect cost rate from a Federal Cognizant Agency. If your Local Health Department has received an approved indirect rate from a Federal Cognizant agency, attach the Federal approval letter to your MI E-Grants Grantee Profile.
2. Local Health Departments receiving $35 million or less in direct Federal awards are required to prepare indirect cost rate proposals in accordance with Title 2 CFR and maintain the documentation on file subject to review.
3. Local Health Departments that received approved indirect cost rates from another State of Michigan Department should attach their State approval letter to their MI E-Grants Grantee Profile.
4. Local Health Departments with cost allocation plans should reflect these allocations in the Other Cost Distributions budget category. See Section M. Other Cost Distribution for budgeting guidance.
5. As a Subrecipient of federal funds from MDHHS, a Local Health Department that has never received a negotiated indirect cost rate, your Local Health Department may elect to charge a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) based on Title 2 CFR part 200 requirements. MTDC includes all direct salaries and wag...
Indirect Cost. If indirect costs are charged, the Subrecipient will develop an indirect cost allocation plan for determining the appropriate Subrecipient's share of administrative costs and shall submit such plan to the Grantee for approval, in a form specified by the Grantee.
Indirect Cost. Subrecipients may charge indirect costs in accordance with 2 CFR §§200.414- 416 for certain federal and state grants upon approval by the state.
i. Subrecipients may request indirect costs with their grant application so the indirect costs may be an approved expense with PGA execution.
ii. Subrecipients may elect to use a rate derived from a current cost allocation plan documented in the required Indirect Cost Certificate submitted to the state (along with any other supporting documents required by the state) or may elect to use a de minimis rate up to 10% Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) as described in 2 CFR §200.414 and TxGMS.
iii. Indirect Cost Rate Certificates must be received from the subrecipient annually and no later than the expiration date of the indirect cost rate certificate on file at PTN. If a subrecipient with a history of using a negotiated rate elects to use the de minimis rate, they must notify PTN by email by the expiration date of the certificate on file at PTN.
iv. A subrecipient with a current negotiated indirect cost rate, may apply for an extension of the rate for a period of up to four years. The extension must be approved by PTN. After the four (4) year extension, the subrecipient must re-apply to negotiate a rate.
Indirect Cost. Also known as “overhead,” any cost of doing business other than direct costs. These costs include utilities, rent, administrative staff, officers’ salaries, accounting department costs, and personnel department costs, which are requisite for general operation of the organization but are not directly allocable to a particular service or product.
Indirect Cost. Cost that is not directly accountable to a cost object (such as a particular program or site). It may be either fixed or variable and may include administration, personnel and security costs.
Indirect Cost. If indirect costs are charged, the Recipient must develop an indirect cost allocation plan for determining the appropriate share of administrative costs. The Recipient must submit such plan to the City for approval. Said plan must be consistent with principles outlined in OMB Circular A-122.
Indirect Cost. In the event that the Sponsor must serve as the fiscal agent, and indirect costs are allowable expense of the grant, the School agrees that the Sponsor will be permitted to retain grant funds in an amount equal to the annually negotiated indirect cost rate as determined by the FDOE. Indirect costs shall be reflected in the budget of the grant application submitted by the School.
Indirect Cost. Indirect Cost backcharges originate from Whole Cost or Premium Cost backcharges and include Lost Revenue, Lost Profit, Lost Rental Value, Delays, Disruptions, Time Extensions, Acceleration, Escalation on Material, Storage Costs, Interests, Additional Administrative Costs, Overhead, and any other indirect costs that result from an error or omission.