Program Elements definition

Program Elements means components of a comprehensive program plan, which include, but need not be limited to, definition, communication, identification, programming, personnel, accountability, reporting, record keeping, and resolution of disagreements.
Program Elements. During periods of fiscal emergency as determined by the City Council, employees would have greater flexibility to transfer, and bureaus would be required to offer vacancies to qualified employees before being able to consider hiring from outside of the City workforce. • While this transition program is in effect, the expanded transfer process will attempt to re- deploy employees in at-risk positions. Once an at- risk position has been identified, the Bureau of Human Resources will assess the affected employee’s KSA’s (knowledge, skills and abilities). The Bureau of Human Resources will identify declared vacancies suitable for expanded transfers. • A posted, City-wide competitive process is used for selecting the employee for the position, unless waived by the HR Director because an employee (“impacted employee”) whose position is being eliminated or is being bumped as a result of the elimination of a position has applied for the transfer. • If an impacted employee has applied for an expanded transfer, the bureau with the vacancy must interview the impacted employee and make a hiring decision before interviewing anyone else. • Any employee who transfers to a different job class or to a different bureau, via Expanded Transfer, must complete the applicable probation period. In the event this probation period is not completed, the employee shall return to a vacancy in the former job class in the former bureau. If no vacancy exists, the employee shall be subject to the Personnel Rules on lay off and recall or the applicable labor agreement. • Employees may transfer to any job classification which has a maximum rate of not more than 20% above or below the maximum rate of the job class from which they transfer. • If an employee utilizes this process during times of fiscal emergency, reduction in City revenues or City-wide reorganization to transfer to a classification with a lower maximum salary, the employee's salary will be redlined for one year. The expense of the redlined salary will be the responsibility of the bureau accepting the transferred employee. (Redlining a salary occurs when an employee is moving to a classification with a maximum salary that is lower than the employee's current salary and the organization wants to keep the employee whole for a specified period of time. When a salary is redlined, it remains at the current level for a specified period of time. If the salary range of the classification for that position increases due to COLAs, the re...
Program Elements means those goal-directed service components which may be found in each program.

Examples of Program Elements in a sentence

  • Beginning in FY 2018, these areas have been merged and categorized by the National Program Elements as described in 49 CFR 350.109.

  • Beginning in FY 2017, these areas have been merged and categorized by the National Program Elements as described in 49 CFR 350.109.

  • IMPEP identifies four non-common performance indicators to be used in reviewing Agreement State programs: (1) Legislation and Program Elements Required for Compatibility; (2) Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Program; (3) Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Program; and (4) Uranium Recovery Program.

  • Four non-common performance indicators are used to review Agreement State programs: (1) Legislation, Regulations, and Other Program Elements; (2) Sealed Source and Device (SS&D) Evaluation Program; (3) Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Disposal Program; and (4) Uranium Recovery Program.

  • To improve and enhance the individual’s professional and technical knowledge and ability in the performance of the individual’s present or prospective duties and responsibilities.4.43 Program Elements.

More Definitions of Program Elements

Program Elements means those specific services required to promote and implement an opportunity to recycle, as provided in ORS 459A.007 and OAR 340-090-0040.
Program Elements means all activities, tasks, duties, assignments, functions, or responsibilities to be conducted to complete grant outputs, projects or programs.
Program Elements means the following 11 program elements of the California Bay-Delta Program:
Program Elements means the unified program elements specified in Health and Safety Code Section 25404(c), the administration of which have been consolidated under California State Law as the unified program.For the purposes of Title 6 of this code, generation, storage, transfer, or disposal of medical waste subject to Part 14 of Division 104 of the California Health and Safety Code at unified program facilities is also defined as a program element. "Program element" refers to any of the program elements.
Program Elements means the 14 program elements that must be offered by the local workforce development area to eligible Youth Program participants.
Program Elements means components of a program
Program Elements. The Fisheries Program: 1) provides for reintroduction of anadromous species above the current site of Iron Gate Dam, including tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake; 2) establishes conditions that, combined with effective implementation of the Water Resources Program and the Hydroelectric Settlement will contribute to the natural sustainability of fisheries and full participation in harvest opportunities, as well as the overall ecosystem health of the Klamath River Basin; 3) assesses status and trends of fish Approaches: The Fisheries Program will use collaboration, incentives, and adaptive management as preferred approaches. In the basin above Upper Klamath Lake, program planning will involve and reflect collaboration among Upper Basin irrigators, tribes, and other appropriate parties. It will emphasize strategies and actions to restore and maintain properly functioning lake and river processes and conditions, while also striving to maintain or enhance economic stability of adjacent landowners. Further, it will prioritize habitat restoration and monitoring actions to ensure the greatest return on expenditures. Geographic Scope: The focus of restoration and monitoring will be the Klamath River Basin, excluding the Trinity River watershed above its confluence with the Klamath River. The focus of reintroduction program will be the Upper Klamath Basin. The agreement is not intended and will not be implemented to establish or introduce populations of salmon, steelhead, or Pacific lamprey in the Lost River or its tributaries, or to the Tule Lake Basin.