Subcontractors The Contractor will not subcontract any work under the Contract without prior written consent of the Department. The Contractor is fully responsible for satisfactory completion of all its subcontracted work. The Department supports diversity in its procurements and contracts, and requests that the Contractor offer subcontracting opportunities to certified woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small businesses. The Contractor may contact the OSD at for information on certified small business enterprises available for subcontracting opportunities.
Contractors All LAUSD Contractors and their Representatives are expected to conduct any and all business affiliated with LAUSD in an ethical and responsible manner that fosters integrity and public confidence. A “Contractor” is any individual, organization, corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, nonprofit, joint venture, association, or any combination thereof that is pursuing or conducting business with and/or on behalf of LAUSD, including, without limitation, consultants, suppliers, manufacturers, and any other vendors, bidders or proposers. A Contractor’s “Representative” is also broadly defined to include any subcontractors, employees, agents, or anyone else who acts on a Contractor’s behalf.
Injured Workers Provisions At the time an injury occurs, the injured worker's employer shall provide transportation for the worker (if the worker needs it) to a hospital or a physician located within a reasonable distance or to the worker's home. The employer shall pay for the transportation.
Contractor If COUNTY elects to renegotiate this Agreement due to reduced or terminated 20 funding, CONTRACTOR shall not be obligated to accept the renegotiated terms.
THE WORK The Work comprises the completed construction required by the Contract Documents and includes all labor necessary to produce such construction, and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction.
Contractor’s Expense The Contractor will be responsible for all costs related to photo copying, telephone communications and fax communications while on County sites during the performance of work and services under this Contract.
Claim by Contractor After receipt of the Notice of Termination from the state, the Contractor shall submit any claim for additional costs not covered herein or elsewhere in the Contract within 60 days of the effective termination date, and not thereafter. Should the Contractor fail to submit a claim within the 60-day period, the State may, at its sole discretion, based on information available to it, determine what, if any, compensation is due the Contractor and pay the Contractor the determined amount.
By Contractor Should the Contractor be liable for any payments to the State hereunder, interest, late payment charges and collection fee charges will be determined and assessed pursuant to Section 18 of the State Finance Law.
Contractor’s Personnel Contractor warrants that all Contractor personnel engaged in the performance of Work under this Contract shall possess sufficient experience and/education to perform the services requested by the County. County expressly retains the right to have any of the Contractor personnel removed from performing services under this Contract. Contractor shall effectuate the removal of the specified Contractor personnel from providing any services to the County under this Contract within one business day of notification by County. County shall submit the request in writing to the Contractor’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any reason, rationale or additional factual information if it elects to request any specific Contractor personnel be removed from performing services under this Contract.
Contractor Key Personnel The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).