Involuntary Reassignment 1. The following guidelines shall be observed in making an involuntary reassignment: a. No vacancy will be filled by means of a reassignment or outside hire without first considering a properly certified volunteer available to fill such position. Such decisions will not be made on an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory basis. b. Tentative teaching schedules will be made available to staff by the end of the school year. Notification of reassignments will be made as soon as possible, but no later than July 10 except in the case of unforeseen emergencies such as late vacancies, classroom course enrollment, or problems with data processing equipment/systems. c. When an involuntary reassignment is necessary, a teacher’s area of certification and length of service in the District shall be considered when determining who will be reassigned. The District will move the belongings and materials of bargaining unit members who are involuntarily reassigned. d. If said involuntary reassignment is from building to building, the reassignment will be made only after an opportunity for a meeting between those involved and the Superintendent or his/her designee. Those involved will have at least forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of the opportunity for a meeting and the subject to be discussed. The teacher may, at his/her option, have a representative of the Association present at such a meeting. If the involuntary reassignment is at the building level, reassignment will be made only after an opportunity for a meeting between those involved and the Building Principal and/or the Superintendent. e. Before the involuntary reassignment occurs, a list of posted positions in the District will be made available to all teachers being reassigned. Such teachers may request the positions, in order of preference, to which they desire to be reassigned. Every effort will be made by the Administration to honor that assignee’s first choice of assignment. f. A teacher being involuntarily reassigned will be placed in a position which involves no reduction in rank or in total compensation and/or impairment of seniority. g. No teacher in K-4 core subjects shall be involuntarily reassigned two (2) consecutive years. No teacher shall be involuntarily transferred mid year unless such transfers are the result of a reduction in force.