Involuntary Demotion. An employee assigned to a lower rated position shall continue to be paid at the employee's current rate of pay until the rate of pay in the new position equals or exceeds it.
Involuntary Demotion. Thirty (30) calendar days’ notice shall be given to an employee who is to be demoted involuntarily. Such notice shall be given to the employee in writing and shall set out in detail the reasons. A copy of this notice shall be supplied concurrently to the Union.
Involuntary Demotion. Involuntary demotion is placement in a lower classification.
Involuntary Demotion. A unit employee who received a less than satisfactory work performance evaluation after written warning, counseling, and at least 3 months to improve, may be demoted involuntarily. Such employee must receive written notice at least 15 calendar days prior to the effective date of the demotion. The notice must contain the reasons for the action with specific charges or reasons, the effective date, and appeal rights.
Involuntary Demotion. An employee may be reassigned, to a position with a lower pay grade, as a result of a change in the Board’s organizational chart or corrective action. An employee shall not be granted a pay increase as a result of being demoted. As a result of a demotion for non-disciplinary reasons, reassignment, or a reclassification to a lower paid position on the BTU-TSP Salary Schedule an affected employee shall not receive a decrease in pay for a period of at least ten (10) months from the date of demotion. Employees demoted as a result of corrective action shall receive a decrease in pay immediately upon Board approval. At the conclusion of the ten (10) month salary protection period, the employee will be placed on a step on the new pay grade based on the employee’s assigned step in the previous paygrade. This reduction in salary shall be no less than 3% and no more than 10% of the employee’s salary in the previous pay grade. If the reduction reflects more than a 10% decrease, the employee will be placed on the highest step within a maximum reduction of 10% of the previous salary.
Involuntary Demotion. The rate of pay of an employee involuntarily demoted for other than disciplinary reasons or for other than incompetence or unsuitability shall be established at a point on the new scale which is equivalent to his/her existing rate. If his/her existing rate falls between two steps, it shall be adjusted to the higher rate. If his/her existing rate is above the maximum for the new pay range the existing rate shall be red-circled.
Involuntary Demotion. “Involuntary Demotion” is the placement of the worker in a lower classification. Demotion may be an alternative to suspension.
Involuntary Demotion. If an employee is involuntarily demoted, his/her rate of pay shall be established in the following manner:
(i) if his/her present salary is above the maximum, it shall be retained;
(ii) if his/her present rate falls between two (2) steps, the employee shall retain the old salary until he/she would have been entitled to an increment at which he/she shall move to the next higher step.
Involuntary Demotion. Discharge then a request for arbitration may be brought only by the Union within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Union received the Step Two decision. The request for arbitration shall be submitted in writing to the Public Employment Relations Commission with a copy sent to the Director of Labor Relations. Arbitrators shall be selected, on a case-by-case basis, under the selection procedure of the Public Employment Relations Commission. A transcript of all arbitration hearings may be taken. All expenses of arbitration shall be borne by the University and Union equally, except that the cost of preparing and presenting each party's case or charge for a late cancellation shall be borne by each respective party. The arbitrator selected shall be requested to hold the arbitration within one hundred, eighty (180) calendar days from the date selected and render his/her decision within thirty (30) calendar days after the close of the hearing unless such time is extended by mutual consent of the parties in writing. The arbitrator shall have the right to subpoena relevant documents and witnesses if requested by either party. The function of the neutral arbitrator shall be of a judicial rather than a legislative nature. The arbitrator shall give effect to the plain meaning of the Agreement language and shall not interpret such language unless the meaning of the language is unclear and ambiguous. When an arbitrator is called upon to interpret language in this Agreement, he/she shall render a decision which is consistent with the plain meaning of the Agreement's language, consistent with the common law of contract interpretation and with general considerations reserved to management by the Public Employee Relations Act and case interpretation of that Act. The arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from or otherwise amend this Agreement nor shall he/she have the authority to prescribe a monetary award as a penalty for a violation of this Agreement. Should the arbitrator reinstate an employee with back pay, the employee may be paid for the hours he/she would have worked in his/her normally scheduled work week, at his/her regular rate of pay less any deductions required by law or other off-setting income for the back pay period specified by the arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the University, the Union and employee, unless either party seeks a review in an appropriate court proceeding. In the event eith...
Involuntary Demotion. Involuntary demotion is the placement in a lower classification without the employee's consent arising from disciplinary consideration.