PURPOSE AND INTENT The general purpose of this Agreement is to set forth terms and conditions of employment, and to promote orderly and peaceful labor relations for the mutual interest of the Employer and the employees.
PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between the Employer, the Union and the employees and to set forth herein certain terms and conditions of employment upon which agreement has been reached through collective bargaining. 1.02 The parties to this Agreement share a desire to improve the quality of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and to promote the well-being and increased efficiency of its employees to the end that the people of Canada will be well and efficiently served. Accordingly, the parties are determined to establish, within the framework provided by law, an effective working relationship at all levels of the Agency in which members of the bargaining units are employed.
Purpose and Scope The purpose of these standard contractual clauses is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation)1 for the transfer of personal data to a third country.
MUTUAL AGREEMENT PROCEDURE 1. Where difficulties or doubts arise between the Contracting Parties regarding the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement, the respective competent authorities shall endeavour to resolve the matter by mutual agreement. 2. In addition to the agreements referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties may mutually agree on the procedures to be used under Articles 5 and 6. 3. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties may communicate with each other directly for purposes of reaching agreement under this Article.
INTENT AND PURPOSE The Employer and the Union each represent that the purpose and the intent of this Agreement is to promote cooperation and harmony, to recognize mutual interests, to provide a channel through which information and problems may be transmitted from one to the other, to formulate rules to govern the relationship between the Union and the Employer, to promote efficiency and service, and to set forth herein the basic agreements covering rates of pay, hours of work, and conditions of employment.
NOW THEREFORE THE PARTIES AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING During the term of this agreement, if the proclamation of the above noted legislation results in additional costs for teachers or School Divisions, TEBA and the Association shall meet within sixty (60) days to discuss the appropriate apportionment of costs.
Scope and Purpose 1.01 This document is intended to set out general guidelines and principles regarding child welfare sector integrations during the term of this agreement which are mandated by the Ministry and for which local Human Resources Adjustment Plans (HRAP) are required to be negotiated. Subject to the following terms, these principles will serve as the framework for the treatment of bargaining unit employees and will apply to subsequent negotiations with unions, as may be required, as part of an integration arising within the context of the Ontario Labour Relations Act (OLRA) or PSLRTA, whichever is applicable. 1.02 Employees who may be impacted by an integration are valued and are to be treated fairly and respectfully. The parties agree that they will make reasonable efforts to reduce any negative affect on employees as a result of an integration in accordance with the following.
COMPLETION OF AGREEMENT This document comprises the entire agreement between the District and the Association in the matters lawfully within the scope of negotiation. Neither party shall have any obligation to meet and negotiate during the term of this agreement.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURE A. It is contemplated that the terms and conditions of employment provided in this Agreement shall remain in effect until altered by mutual consent in writing between the parties. It is likewise recognized that matters previously unforeseen may be negotiated by mutual consent of the parties. B. Representatives of the Employer and Association may meet during the term of this Agreement for purposes of discussing matters of mutual concern. These meetings are not intended to by-pass the grievance procedure or to constitute negotiations. C. Negotiations between the parties on a successor agreement shall begin at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the contract term. When negotiations are conducted during regular school hours, released time shall be provided for the Association's negotiating committee. D. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives will be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make concessions in the course of negotiations. However, the parties recognize that all tentative agreements reached between the parties must be approved by the Board of Education and the Association’s members, respectively. E. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all previous Agreements, verbal or written or based on alleged past practices, between the Board and the Association and constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any amendment or agreement supplemental hereto shall not be binding upon either party unless executed in writing by the parties hereto. F. There shall be two signed copies of any final agreement. One copy shall be retained by the Employer and one by the Association. Copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the expense of the Employer within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed, and presented to all bargaining unit members now employed or hereafter employed by the Employer. All school district personnel policy revisions pertaining to this bargaining unit shall be distributed to all bargaining unit members within thirty (30) days of the policy revision.