Advertising and Marketing The Parties agree not to use the name of the other Party or make any reference to the other Party without the prior written consent of the other Party (which may be via email) in any advertising or marketing materials. Any proposed use of the name of a Party must be submitted in writing for agreement and prior approval. The Parties may elect to collaborate to prepare pre-approved marketing for the Aggregator or for the Competitive Supplier to utilize during the Term of this ESA without approval for each usage.
Job Development Job development/placement is individualized and shall include weekly person-to-person job search assistance, assistance with identifying job leads, interview coaching and support, and maintaining a log of job search activities for the purposes of obtaining competitive integrated employment. By mutual consent of the consumer and the THE ARC XXXXXXX COUNTY, these services may be provided in-person or by Skype, FaceTime, or other online communication tools. Job development/placement may also include arranging job trials/job shadowing for individuals with a DORS Trial Work Experience Plan, assistance with completing applications, assistance with employer follow-up after interviews, use of personal employment networks in job search, and resume update. It would include time spent calling employers, visiting and educating employers and similar activities. Job development/placement shall not be paid for using supported employment funding and shall not include the Discovery process, which is pre-vocational in nature and may be completed prior to job development. Up to 60 hours for job search assistance, authorized in 20-hour increments, may be used for job development. Additional hours of job development may be requested and require written justification by THE ARC XXXXXXX COUNTY and approval of the DORS regional/program director. Job Development Reporting. The Employment Service Progress Form is expected to be submitted to DORS on a monthly basis per consumer. This form is available on the DORS website (
Advertising and Promotion Al. ARTIST is to receive 100% star billing on all publicity releases and paid advertisement including - without limitations - programs, electronic media, flyers, signage, newspaper advertisements, marquees, tickets, radio spots, TV spots, etc. unless otherwise authorized in writing by PRODUCER. Billing on all advertising and publicity materials must appear as follows: A2. PURCHASER agrees to use only artwork, ad mats, photos and/or promotional materials provided or approved by PRODUCER. Publicity photos, bios and other assets can be downloaded from PURCHASER shall supply all publicity and marketing materials to PRODUCER for review and approval prior to
Job Control Personal Data being processed on commission (i.e., Personal Data processed on a customer’s behalf) is processed solely in accordance with the Agreement and related instructions of the customer.
Training and Development 3.1 Authorities will develop local 'Workforce Development Plans (see Part 4.8),' closely linked to their service delivery plans, which will provide the focus for the establishment of training and development priorities. Training and development should be designed to meet the corporate and service needs of authorities both current and in the future, taking into account the individual needs of employees. Local schemes on training and development should enable authorities to attain their strategic objectives through development of their employees. Training and development provisions should be shaped to local requirements and take account of the full range of learning methods. Such an approach should enable access to learning for all employees. The needs of part time employees and shift workers need particular consideration. 3.2 Employees attending or undertaking required training are entitled to payment of normal earnings; all prescribed fees and other relevant expenses arising. Employees are also entitled to paid leave for the purpose of sitting for required examinations. When attending training courses outside contracted daily hours, part-time employees should be paid on the same basis as full- time employees. (Assistance for other forms of learning, for example that directed at individual development, will be locally determined). Some training can be very expensive and authorities may require repayment of all or part of the costs incurred should an employee leave the authority before a reasonable time period has expired. The authority's policy in this regard should be made explicit. 3.3 Objectives for training and development programmes should include the following: • To enable Councils to attain their strategic objectives via investment in their employees. • To promote equity of access to learning. • To encourage employees to develop their skills and level of responsibility to the maximum of their individual potential. • To widen and modernise the skills profile of employees to maximise their versatility, employability and so, job security. • To enable employees to raise productivity, quality and customer service in pursuit of sustainable improvement 3.4 Authorities should establish local partnership arrangements, to include recognised trade unions, to develop their local workforce development plans. 3.5 The NJC endorses partnership provision such as the "Return to Learn" scheme. Authorities and the recognised trade unions shall encourage and support employees taking on the statutory Union Learning Representative (ULR) role. This will include agreeing facilities and paid release in accordance with statutory provisions. ULRs should be enabled to play a full part in promoting and implementing local training and development programmes.
Chiropractic Services This plan covers chiropractic visits up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. The benefit limit applies to any visit for the purposes of chiropractic treatment or diagnosis.
PUBLICITY AND BRANDING 24.1 Subject to Clause 25 (Marketing), the Supplier shall not make any press announcements or publicise this Framework Agreement or its contents in any way without the Authority's prior Approval. 24.2 The Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its Staff, servants, employees, agents, Sub-Contractors, suppliers, professional advisors and consultants comply with Clause 24.1. 24.3 The Authority shall be entitled to publicise this Framework Agreement in accordance with any legal obligation upon the Authority, including any examination of this Framework Agreement by the National Audit Office pursuant to the National Audit Act 1983 or otherwise. 24.4 The Supplier shall not do anything or cause anything to be done, which may damage the reputation of the Authority or bring the Authority into disrepute. 24.5 The Supplier shall at all times during the Term on written demand fully indemnify the Authority and keep the Authority fully indemnified against all losses, incurred by, awarded against or agreed to be paid by the Supplier arising out of any claim or infringement or alleged infringement (including the defence of such infringement or alleged infringement) resulting from the Supplier's use of the Government Procurement Service logo.
Job Stewards (1) An employee appointed as a Job Xxxxxxx shall, upon notification by the Union to the employer be recognised as the accredited representative of the Union and he/she shall be allowed all necessary time during working hours to submit to the employer matters affecting the employees he/she represents and further shall be allowed reasonable time during working hours to attend job matters affecting the Union. Provided that the foregoing does not relieve the Job Xxxxxxx of the obligation imposed upon him/her by his/her employer. A Job Xxxxxxx shall notify the employer and where relevant the principal contractor's representative and the Union prior to the calling of any stop work meeting so that the procedures laid down in Clause 42. - Settlement of Disputes - may be observed before any stoppage of work occurs. (2) Prior to termination or transfer two days' notice shall be given to any Job Xxxxxxx and the Union. Payment in lieu of notice shall not be given. In the event of the Union disputing the decision of management to transfer the Job Xxxxxxx or terminate his/her service, the Union shall notify management within two working days after being informed of the decision of management. The Job Xxxxxxx shall remain on the job during which time a Board of Reference shall deal with the matter. The Union shall, within three working days of notifying the management that it disputes the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx, request the Registrar or Deputy Registrar in writing to appoint a Board of Reference to deal with the matter. The Union and the employer shall do all things necessary to enable the Board to sit within ten working days of the management decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the employer's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx shall be null and void. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the Union's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the job xxxxxxx'x transfer or termination shall automatically take effect at the expiry of the period of ten working days. Provided that nothing in this subclause shall prevent the parties proceeding by agreement to have the matter settled by the Commission or a Local Disputes Board set up in accord with Clause 42 (3) in lieu of the Board of Reference procedure. Provided further that nothing shall affect the right of the employer to dismiss a job xxxxxxx without notice for misconduct or refusing duty.
Promotion A promotion shall mean the transfer of an employee to a higher level position of more responsibility as well as salary.
Training and Promotion a. The contractor will assist in locating, qualifying, and increasing the skills of minorities and women who are applicants for employment or current employees. Such efforts should be aimed at developing full journey level status employees in the type of trade or job classification involved. b. Consistent with the contractor's work force requirements and as permissible under Federal and State regulations, the contractor shall make full use of training programs, i.e., apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs for the geographical area of contract performance. In the event a special provision for training is provided under this contract, this subparagraph will be superseded as indicated in the special provision. The contracting agency may reserve training positions for persons who receive welfare assistance in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 140(a). c. The contractor will advise employees and applicants for employment of available training programs and entrance requirements for each. d. The contractor will periodically review the training and promotion potential of employees who are minorities and women and will encourage eligible employees to apply for such training and promotion.