Job Stewards Sample Clauses

Job Stewards. (1) An employee appointed as a Job Xxxxxxx shall, upon notification by the Union to the employer be recognised as the accredited representative of the Union and he/she shall be allowed all necessary time during working hours to submit to the employer matters affecting the employees he/she represents and further shall be allowed reasonable time during working hours to attend job matters affecting the Union. Provided that the foregoing does not relieve the Job Xxxxxxx of the obligation imposed upon him/her by his/her employer. A Job Xxxxxxx shall notify the employer and where relevant the principal contractor's representative and the Union prior to the calling of any stop work meeting so that the procedures laid down in Clause 42. - Settlement of Disputes - may be observed before any stoppage of work occurs. (2) Prior to termination or transfer two days' notice shall be given to any Job Xxxxxxx and the Union. Payment in lieu of notice shall not be given. In the event of the Union disputing the decision of management to transfer the Job Xxxxxxx or terminate his/her service, the Union shall notify management within two working days after being informed of the decision of management. The Job Xxxxxxx shall remain on the job during which time a Board of Reference shall deal with the matter. The Union shall, within three working days of notifying the management that it disputes the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx, request the Registrar or Deputy Registrar in writing to appoint a Board of Reference to deal with the matter. The Union and the employer shall do all things necessary to enable the Board to sit within ten working days of the management decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the employer's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx shall be null and void. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the Union's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the job xxxxxxx'x transfer or termination shall automatically take effect at the expiry of the period of ten working days. Provided that nothing in this subclause shall prevent the parties proceeding by agreement to have the matter settled by the Commission or a Local Disputes Board set up in accord with Clause 42 (3) in lieu of the Board of Reference procedure. Provided furt...
Job Stewards. Job Stewards shall be recognized on all jobs and they shall not be discriminated against. It will be his/her duty to attend to all complaints between the workers on the job and the company to endeavor to reach a settlement before these complaints become grievances.
Job Stewards. 10.01 Job stewards shall be recognized on all jobs and shall not be discriminated against. All Job stewards shall be appointed by the Member Representative of the Union, and the Employer shall be notified in writing. The job superintendent or xxxxxxx shall be notified by the Union of the name or names of such job stewards and, in the event of a layoff or reduction in the work force, such job stewards shall, at all times, be given preference of continued employment until completion of the work unless otherwise agreed between the parties hereto. Time shall be given to the job xxxxxxx to carry out their duties. 10.02 The Union shall be notified in writing within forty-eight (48) hours if a job xxxxxxx is discharged for cause, and such cause shall be stated in the reasons. 10.03 Member representatives shall have access to all jobs covered by this Agreement in the carrying out of their regular duties after first notifying the Employer, superintendent or xxxxxxx; however, in no way will the Member Representative interfere with the employees during working hours unless permission is granted. 10.04 The Employer agrees to supply the Union, once a month, with a list of all employees and sub-contractors on the request of the Member Representative.
Job Stewards. The Union may, for each Employer and each shift worked, appoint one (1) Xxxxxxx on each project or jobsite. Job Stewards shall be recognized on all jobsites and shall not be discriminated against. The Xxxxxxx shall be notified of the appointment of a Xxxxxxx.
Job Stewards. (i) Job Stewards shall be recognized on all jobs and shall not be discriminated against. The job superintendent or xxxxxxx shall be notified by the Union of the name or names of such job stewards and in the event of a layoff or reduction in the work force, such job stewards shall at all times, be given preference of continued employment until completion of the work for which he is qualified. Reasonable time shall be given to the job xxxxxxx to carry out his duties. (ii) The job xxxxxxx shall notify the employer of a temporary job xxxxxxx in the event of his absence and the said employee shall be recognized by the employer as job xxxxxxx and shall not be discriminated against for accepting this position and shall be one of the latter to be laid off.
Job Stewards. A. The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to designate job xxxxxxx and alternates so designated by the Union. B. The authority of job stewards and alternates so designated by the Union, shall be limited to, and shall not exceed, the following duties and activities: 1. The investigation and presentation of grievances in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. 2. The transmission of messages and information which shall originate with, and are authorized by the Local Union or its officers, provided such messages and information contain a signature of a duly authorized agent and are of a routine nature. C. Job stewards and alternates have no authority to take strike action or any other action interrupting the Employer's business. D. The Employer recognizes these limitations upon the authority of job stewards and alternates, and shall not hold the Union liable for any unauthorized acts. The Employer in so recognizing such limitations shall have the authority to impose proper discipline, including discharge, in the event the job stewards or alternates have taken unauthorized strike action, slowdown, or work stoppage in violation of this Agreement. E. Stewards shall be permitted to investigate, present and process grievances on or off the property of the Employer, without loss of time or pay. Such time spent in handling grievances shall be considered working hours in computing daily and/or weekly overtime, subject, however, to an emergency work schedule or project. F. Stewards will not leave their assigned place of work for the above noted purposes without authorization by their immediate supervisor.
Job Stewards. At each work location, the Union will have the right to designate, pursuant to its own procedures, one employee (and one alternate) to serve as the Job Xxxxxxx. The Union shall provide the Office of Staff Relations a written quarterly list of each employee so designated by name, classification and work location. If, during a quarter, the Job Xxxxxxx designation changes, the Union shall inform the Office of Staff Relations in writing of the changed information within fifteen (15) days of the change being made. The Job Xxxxxxx shall have the right to: a. Represent an employee upon request, in a formal grievance meeting as expressly provided in Article IV, Section 2.0, in an evaluation appeal conference as provided in Article XI, Section 1.3, and in a disciplinary conference as expressly provided in Article XI, Section 3.0. Provided, that in disciplinary conferences where a Union staff representative has assumed responsibility, the Job Xxxxxxx may not attend on a released time basis; b. Be permitted reasonable use of the school telephone for local calls involving representation matters, so long as such use is not on the Xxxxxxx'x paid time (excluding rest periods) and does not interfere with normal office business at the location; c. Have the right to coordinate Union meetings, which may be held in school buildings at times before or after the school day or during employees' duty free lunch period, subject to availability of facilities and provided that there is no interference with other scheduled duties or events; d. Post, initial, and date official Union notices on officially designated bulletin boards and, where they currently exist, in employee mailboxes; e. Report to the appropriate administrator, upon discovery and without delay, any unsafe or unsanitary conditions at the work site; and f. Have the right to inspect, and copy (at Union expense at the regular District rate) non-exempt public records maintained at the work site which relate to administration of this Agreement; and g. There shall be no reprisals against the Job Xxxxxxx for the performance of his/her xxxxxxx responsibilities.
Job Stewards. The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to designate Job Stewards and Alternates. The authority of Job Stewards and Alternates so designated by the Union shall be limited to and shall not exceed the following duties and activities. 1. The investigation and presentation of grievances in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement; 2. The collection of dues when authorized by appropriate Local Union action. 3. The transmission of such messages and information which shall originate with, and are authorized by the Local Union or its Officers, provided such messages and information: A. Have been reduced to writing, or B. If not reduced to writing, are of a routine nature and do not involve work stoppages, slowdowns, refusal to handle goods, or any other interference with the Employer's business. Job Stewards and Alternates have no authority to take strike action, or any other action interrupting the Employer's business. The Employer recognizes these limitations upon the authority of Job Stewards and Alternates and shall not hold the Union liable for any unauthorized acts. The Employer in so recognizing such limitations shall have the authority to impose proper discipline, including discharge, in the event the Job Xxxxxxx has taken unauthorized strike action, slowdown, or work stoppage in violation of this Agreement. Stewards shall be permitted to investigate, present and process grievances on or off the property of the Employer without loss of time or pay. Such time spent in handling grievances shall be considered working hours in computing daily and/or weekly overtime. The Union shall have the right to designate Stewards and Alternate Stewards and shall attempt to limit Stewards to one (1) Xxxxxxx for every one hundred (100) employees; provided, however, there shall always be not less than one (1) Xxxxxxx for each shift of employees within each building regardless of the number of employees on such shift and regardless of the total number of Stewards. Job Stewards, while serving in that capacity, shall receive top seniority in their classification for the purpose of lay-off.
Job Stewards. The Union will appoint or elect certain employees to serve as job stewards, not to exceed six (6) job stewards and two (2) alternate job stewards. The Union will provide to the College a listing of its current job stewards, including all alternative job stewards. Such list shall be updated and provided to the College whenever there is a change. The College will permit a job xxxxxxx (or alternative job xxxxxxx in the absence of the job xxxxxxx) to have a reasonable amount of release time, without loss of compensation, not to exceed 600 hours per calendar year for all job stewards and alternate job stewards combined, to investigate and present grievances to the College on behalf of employees and to attend monthly xxxxxxx meetings. If 600 hours is not an appropriate amount of time for the job stewards to responsibly represent employees, the parties shall meet to discuss the amount of time required. Xxx Xxxxxxxx must obtain authorization from their supervisor for release time to conduct representational duties during working time. Approval of release time will not be unreasonably denied.
Job Stewards a) The union may appoint one xxxxxxx as spokesman on each project and he may have assistants where required. Each xxxxxxx, at the time of his appointment, shall be a qualified tradesman in his classification. b) Job stewards shall be recognized on all jobs on which they are appointed and shall not be discriminated against. The job superintendent or other senior Employer's representative on the job shall be notified of the name of the job xxxxxxx and the names of any assistant stewards appointed. Time shall be given to the job xxxxxxx to carry out his duties.