Key Agreement Phase Sample Clauses

Key Agreement Phase. In the key agreement phase, the actual symmetric secret shared SK between SM and SP is established. We denote the SM by the entity with identity XXX, key pair (dA, PA) and certificate certA. Similar, the SP is denoted by the entity with identity IDB, key pair (dB, PB) and certificate certB. The detailed description is as follows. SP broadcast: Every fixed period, the SP broadcasts the EC point M0 = {R2}. This point is computed by randomly choosing a variable r2 and R2 = r2P.
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Key Agreement Phase. In the key agreement phase, the sensor node and the CS chooses an elliptic curve EP(a, b), y2 = x3 + ax + b mod P, where P is a generator point on EP(a, b). The key agreement phase generates a shared key between a sensor node (SN) and the CS. The entire key agreement process is illustrated in Figure 2. QSN = h(tokenSN || IDSN || STAMPp1 ) HDP1 = h(QSN || tokenSN || IDSN || STAMPp1 ) (IDSN , STAMPp1, QSN , HDp1 ) Step 1 Checks HD p1 , STAMPp1 QSN1 = h(tokenSN || IDSN || STAMPp1 ) QSN = ?QSN1 Step 2 Checks HD p 2 , STAMPp 2 Generates (F, f ), (R, r) Chooses a1 c (0, m1 ) HDp 2 = h(F || tokenSN || R || STAMPp 2 ) (F, R, a1, STAMPp 2 , HDp 2 ) Generates (E, e) Chooses a2 c (0, m2 ) HDp3 = h(QSN || tokenSN || IDSN || STAMPp3 ) (E, a2 , STAMPp3 , HDp3 ) Checks HD p3 , STAMPp3 y = hash(HDp1 || HDp 2 || HDp3 ) M = m * m , M = M / m , y = M –1(mod m )(1 S i S 2) y = hash(HDp1 || HDp 2 || HDp3 ) x ÷ a1 y1M1 + a2 y2M 2 (mod M ) SKSN = e(Fx + yR) x ÷ a1 y1M1 + a2 y2M 2 (mod M ) SKCS = E( fx + yr) Step 1: After the SN is registered, some initialization parameters are obtained, including the sensor node identity IDSN, the authentication token tokenSN, and the Chinese Remainder Theory parameters m1andm2. Then, the SN computes the most important authority message digest: QSN = h(tokenSN ||IDSN ||STAMPp1) and the hash digest of the current package HDp1, where the index variable p1 represents the first phase in key agreement. All these parameters, QSN, IDSN, STAMPp1, andHDp1, will be sent to the CS. After receiving these parameters, the CS computes QSN1 = h(tokenSN ||IDSN ||STAMPp1) and verifies whether the equation (QSN = QSN1) makes sense. If this equation is not true, this key agreement step will be stopped immediately. Step 2: After successful verification, the CS generates two pairs of public keys and private keys: (F, f ) and (R, r). Subsequently, the CS chooses a random number a1(0 < a1 < m1). Then, the CS sends parameters F, R, a1, STAMPPp2, and HDp2 to the sensor node. Step 3: When the sensor node receives the parameters from the CS, the sensor node generates a pair of public and private keys (E, e), chooses a random number a2(0 < a2 < m2), and then computes HDP3 = h(E||a2||tokenSN ||STAMPp3).
Key Agreement Phase. Xxxxx and Xxx each chooses random values a, b ∈ Z∗. Given these initializations, the protocol is as follows: Protocol messages: A −→ B: TA=aP B −→ A: TB=bP . After the above messages are exchanged, Xxxxx com- putes KAB = e(QB, PB)a · e(xASA, TB), and Xxx computes KBA as follows: h(ID). (For example, Xxxxx’s partial private key from TA is SA = sQA, where QA = h(XXX)); KBA = e(QA , PA )b · e(xBSB , TA). 5) Finally, TA distributes the partial private key SID to the user with the identity information ID via a secure channel. After the above steps, Xxxxx and Xxx get their partial private key SA and SB, respectively. User Setup Phase. A user (Xxxxx) does the following to set up her public/private key pair (For simplic- ity of description, here we only describe a simplified version of user setup phase which is suitable for grid computing.): 1) She firstly chooses a xA ∈ Z∗ as her own-chosen partial private keys; 2) Then computes PA = xAPPub = xAsP as her public key; 3) Publishes her public key via an open directory that all users in the system have access to. After the above two setup phases, when another user (Xxx) wants to send a message to Xxxxx, he must obtain Xxxxx’s public key. However, no authentication of this public key is necessary and no public key certificate is required. 3.3 The Xx-Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx XX-AK Protocol Al-Riyami and Xxxxxxxx also gave the first certificateless authentication and key agreement (CL-AK) protocol in [2]. Here we briefly review their protocol (hereafter re- ferred to as the AP’s CL-AK) [2]. The AP’s CL-AK pro- tocol consists of two phases: Setup and Key Agreement.
Key Agreement Phase. This phase occurs between the vehicles and without an intervention of a third- party server. This phase is demonstrated in Fig. 2. Step 1. selects a random number ∗ and calculates = , and sends { , , } to . Step 2. Upon reception of the message, selects a random number ∗ and = and sends the message < , , > to . At the same time, it obtains the public key of as = + ℎ1( ∥ ) and calculates = ℎ2() and the session key = ℎ3( ∥ ∥ ∥ ∥ ). Step 3. receives the message < , , > and obtains public key = + ℎ1( ∥ ), and calculates = ℎ2() and obtains the session key = ℎ3 ( ∥ ∥ ∥ ∥ ).
Key Agreement Phase. This phase occurs between the vehicles 𝑉𝑖 and Xx without an intervention of a third- party server. This phase is demonstrated in Fig. 2. 𝑝 𝑖 Step 1. 𝑉𝑖 selects a random number 𝑥 𝜖 𝑍∗ and calculates 𝜏 = 𝑥𝐺, and sends {𝐼𝐷 , 𝑅 , 𝜏 } to 𝑉 . �� 𝑖 𝑖 𝑗 𝑝 𝑖 Step 2. Upon reception of the message, Xx selects a random number 𝑦 𝜖 𝑍∗ and 𝜏 = 𝑦𝐺 and sends the message < 𝐼𝐷𝑗 , Xx, 𝜏𝑗 > to 𝑉𝑖 . At the same time, it obtains the public key of 𝑉𝑖 as 𝑄𝑖 = 𝑅𝑖 + ℎ1(𝐼𝐷𝑖 ∥ 𝑅��)𝐾𝑝𝑢𝑏 and calculates 𝐾𝑗 = ℎ2(𝑑𝑗𝑄𝑖)𝑦𝜏𝑖 and the session key 𝑆𝐾𝑗 = ℎ3(𝐼𝐷𝑖 ∥ 𝐼𝐷𝑗 ∥ 𝐾𝑗 ∥ 𝑦𝑄𝑖 ∥ 𝑑𝑗 𝜏𝑖). Step 3. 𝑉𝑖 receives the message < 𝐼𝐷𝑗 , Xx, 𝜏𝑗 > and obtains public key 𝑄𝑗 = Xx + ℎ1(𝐼𝐷𝑗 ∥ Xx)𝐾𝑝𝑢𝑏, and calculates ��𝑖 = ℎ2(𝑑𝑖𝑄𝑗)𝑥𝜏𝑗 and obtains the session key 𝑆𝐾𝑖 = ℎ3 (𝐼𝐷𝑖 ∥ 𝐼𝐷𝑗 ∥ 𝐾𝑖 ∥ 𝑥𝑄𝑗 ∥ 𝑑𝑖 𝜏𝑗 ). Fig. 2. Authentication process in Li et al.’s protocol 3.4. Weakness of Li et al.’s protocol The following summarizes security issues of Xx et al.’s protocol.
Key Agreement Phase. 3.2.1 Negotiatory Keys (NKs) f A ( x) . But in this paper, we make use of negotiatory keys so as to enhance security. The generation of negotiatory keys is as follows. For example, let Xxxxx has the key set A = {a1 (= a11 || a12 ), a 2 ( = a 21 || a 22 ), ..., am (= am1 || am 2 )} , Xxx has the key set B = {b1 (= b11 || b12 ), b2 ( = b21 || b22 ), ..., bm (= bm1 || bm 2 )} , and h() generates the value of limited length. Also, ri and r ' are random numbers where r ≠ r and i i−1 i r ' ≠ r ' for 1 ≤ i ≤ m . We yield a negotiatory key by concatenating the first half of i−1 i the key and a hash function's value, and in reverse. That is, the half of Alice's negotia- tory keys consists of {s11 (= a11 || h(a11 )), s 21 ( = a 21 || h(a 21 )), ..., sm1 (= am1 || h(am1 ))} . The other half consists of {s12 (h(a12 ) || a12 ), s22 (h(a22 ) || a22 ), ..., sm1 (h(am 2 ) || am 2 )} . Similarly, the first half of Bob’s negotiatory keys consists of the follow- ing. {t11 (= b11 || h(b11 )), t 21 ( = b21 || h(b21 )), ..., tm1 (= bm1 || h(bm1 ))} . Also, the second half consists of {t12 (= h(b12 ) || b12 ), t22 (= h(b22 ) || b22 ), ..., tm 2 (= h(bm 2 ) || bm 2 )} .
Key Agreement Phase. In the key agreement phase, two rounds are required for generating a common conference key for multiple partici- pants, and the way of message exchanges is with respect to the group data sharing model established by the structure E of the (v, k + 1, 1)-design.
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Key Agreement Phase. In this phase, FA and HA can be authenticated, and a secure session key between MN and FA can be established. The steps of this phase are shown as follows. Step 1. HA computes K = EcP KF A (rMN ||rF A) and S = EcA(rMN rF A IDF A PKF A), and sends the message (K, S) to FA. Step 2. After receiving the message, FA decrypts K with d × PKHA to recover rMN and rF A. If the recovered rF A and the original one are identical, FA believes that the mobile user MN is a valid user. Then FA forwards S to MN. Step 3. Upon receiving the message S from FA, MN first decrypts S with e × PKHA, where e × PKHA = c × A, for recovering {rMN , rF A, IDF A, PKF A}. If the rMN and the IDF A are both verified, MN be- lieves that FA is authenticated. Finally, both MN and FA can compute the agreed session key SK = Ed×A(rMN ⊕ rFA) = Ee×PKF A (rMN ⊕ rFA). The above two phases are outlined in Figure 2.
Key Agreement Phase. In this phase, entities A and B that have private/public key pairs, ( X A = DA , xA , YA = XXX , PA ) and ( X B = DB , xB , YB = IDB , PB ) respectively, execute protocol 1. Description of the protocol is as follows: • Entity A, as initiator of the protocol, chooses two random numbers, rA1, rA2 ∈R Ζ* , and computes TA1 = rA1P and TA2 = rA2 P such that k A1, k A2 ≠ 0 modn , where k A1 and k A2 are x-coordinates of points TA1 and TA2 respectively. Then A signs points TA1 and TA2 as follows: SA = (k A1 ⋅ k A2 )(xAk AQA + DA )+ (k A1rA1 + k A2rA2 )QA Where k A is x-coordinate of public key PA . At the end of the step, A sends quantities (TA1,TA2 , SA ,YA = XXX , PA ) to B. kB1, kB2 ≠ 0 modn . Then he computes rB1, rB2 ∈R Ζ* and computes TB1 = rB1P and TB2 = rB2 P where, SB = (kB1 ⋅ kB2 )(xBkBQB + DB )+ (kB1rB1 + kB2rB2 )QB Where k B is x-coordinate of public key

Related to Key Agreement Phase

  • Agreement Overview This SLA operates in conjunction with, and does not supersede or replace any part of, the Agreement. It outlines the information technology service levels that we will provide to you to ensure the availability of the application services that you have requested us to provide. All other support services are documented in the Support Call Process.

  • Development Agreement As soon as reasonably practicable following the ISO’s selection of a transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution, the ISO shall tender to the Developer that proposed the selected transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution a draft Development Agreement, with draft appendices completed by the ISO to the extent practicable, for review and completion by the Developer. The draft Development Agreement shall be in the form of the ISO’s Commission-approved Development Agreement for its Reliability Planning Process, which is in Appendix C in Section 31.7 of Attachment Y of the ISO OATT, as amended by the ISO to reflect the Short-Term Reliability Process. The ISO and the Developer shall finalize the Development Agreement and appendices as soon as reasonably practicable after the ISO’s tendering of the draft Development Agreement. For purposes of finalizing the Development Agreement, the ISO and Developer shall develop the description and dates for the milestones necessary to develop and construct the selected project by the required in-service date identified in the STAR or Generator Deactivation Assessment, including the milestones for obtaining all necessary authorizations. Any milestone that requires action by a Connecting Transmission Owner or Affected System Operator identified pursuant to Attachment P of the ISO OATT to complete must be included as an Advisory Milestone, as that term is defined in the Development Agreement. If the ISO or the Developer determines that negotiations are at an impasse, the ISO may file the Development Agreement in unexecuted form with the Commission on its own, or following the Developer’s request in writing that the agreement be filed unexecuted. If the Development Agreement is executed by both parties, the ISO shall file the agreement with the Commission for its acceptance within ten (10) Business Days after the execution of the Development Agreement by both parties. If the Developer requests that the Development Agreement be filed unexecuted, the ISO shall file the agreement at the Commission within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the request from the Developer. The ISO will draft, to the extent practicable, the portions of the Development Agreement and appendices that are in dispute and will provide an explanation to the Commission of any matters as to which the parties disagree. The Developer will provide in a separate filing any comments that it has on the unexecuted agreement, including any alternative positions it may have with respect to the disputed provisions. Upon the ISO’s and the Developer’s execution of the Development Agreement or the ISO’s filing of an unexecuted Development Agreement with the Commission, the ISO and the Developer shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement that are not in dispute, subject to modification by the Commission. The Connecting Transmission Owner(s) and Affected System Operator(s) that are identified in Attachment P of the ISO OATT in connection with the selected transmission Short-Term Reliability Process Solution shall act in good faith in timely performing their obligations that are required for the Developer to satisfy its obligations under the Development Agreement.

  • COMMENCEMENT OF WORK UNDER A SOW AGREEMENT Commencement of work as a result of the SOW-RFP process shall be initiated only upon issuance of a fully executed SOW Agreement and Purchase Order.

  • Collaboration Agreement The Collaboration Agreement shall not have been terminated in accordance with its terms and shall be in full force and effect.

  • SERVICE AGREEMENT NO 2603 Hazardous Substances shall mean any chemicals, materials or substances defined as or included in the definition of “hazardous substances,” “hazardous wastes,” “hazardous materials,” Initial Synchronization Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are initially synchronized with the New York State Transmission System and upon which Trial Operation begins, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or Transmission In-Service Date(s) shall mean the date(s) upon which the Transmission Project and Network Upgrade Facilities, as applicable, are energized consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and available to provide Transmission Service under the NYISO’s Tariffs, which date(s) shall be set forth in the milestones table in Appendix B. The Connecting Transmission Owner or IRS shall mean the Internal Revenue Service. Metering Equipment shall mean all metering equipment installed or to be installed at the Transmission Project pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to instrument transformers, MWh-meters, data acquisition equipment, transducers, remote terminal unit, communications equipment, phone lines, and fiber optics. Metering Points shall mean the location(s) identified by the NYISO for any Metering Equipment associated with the Transmission Project that are required for the Transmission Project to provide zonal or subzonal metering data. NERC shall mean the North American Electric Reliability Council or its successor organization. Network Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to the New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed Transmission Project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Transmission Interconnection Standard. For purposes of this Agreement, the Network Upgrade Facilities are described in Appendix A of this Agreement. New York State Transmission System shall mean the entire New York State electric

  • Non-Disturbance Agreement Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b), neither this Lease nor any right, title or interest of Tenant in the Leased Premises shall be subordinate to the lien of any ground or underlying lease or any Mortgage made or placed after the date of this Lease, and Tenant shall not be required to subordinate this Lease or Tenant's interest in the Leased Premises to any such ground or underlying lease or any such Mortgage, unless such lease or Mortgage contains an express provision (or the lessor or the Mortgagee or other party secured by the Mortgage agrees in writing) to the effect that so long as this Lease has not been terminated by reason of the occurrence of an Event of Default, the lessor or the Mortgagee (or other party secured by the Mortgage) will be bound by all of the terms and provisions of this Lease (except as otherwise set forth in such agreement), a default by the Landlord under such lease or by the mortgagor under such Mortgage shall not have any effect upon Tenant's right to occupy the Leased Premises in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, and the term, estate and options of Tenant under this Lease shall not be terminated or otherwise affected by a termination of such ground or underlying lease or a foreclosure and sale or other action instituted under or in connection with such Mortgage. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Lease, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a non-disturbance agreement, in form reasonably satisfactory to Tenant, from the Mortgagee under any existing Mortgage, to the effect that so long as this Lease has not been terminated by reason of the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Mortgagee (or other party secured by the Mortgage) will be bound by all of the terms and provisions of this Lease, a default by the mortgagor under such Mortgage shall not have any effect upon Tenant's right to occupy the Leased Premises in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, and the term, estate and options of Tenant under this Lease shall not be terminated or otherwise affected by a foreclosure and sale or other action instituted under or in connection with such Mortgage. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a non-disturbance agreement, in form reasonably satisfactory to Tenant, from the lessor under the Ground Lease, to the effect that so long as this Lease has not been terminated by reason of the occurrence of an Event of Default, the lessor will be bound by all of the terms and provisions of this Lease, a default by the Landlord under such Ground Lease shall not have any effect upon Tenant's right to occupy the Leased Premises in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, and the term, estate and options of Tenant under this Lease shall not be terminated or otherwise affected by a termination of such Ground Lease.

  • TERM OF FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT The Framework Agreement shall take effect on the Commencement Date and (unless it is otherwise terminated in accordance with the terms of this Framework Agreement or it is otherwise lawfully terminated) shall terminate at the end of the Term.

  • Cooperation Agreement If a Cooperating Institution is appointed, the Fund shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Cooperating Institution setting forth the terms and conditions of its appointment.

  • Service Agreement Refers to the Contract, Purchase Order or Terms of Service or Terms of Use. Student Data: Student Data includes any data, whether gathered by Provider or provided by LEA or its users, students, or students’ parents/guardians, that is descriptive of the student including, but not limited to,

  • Project Agreement 1.1 If applicable, the Department will recommend approval of the project by the Federal Highway Administration. 1.2 The Sponsor agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. § 252, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21 - “Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 1964". 1.3 The DEPARTMENT and SPONSOR mutually recognize that each party is a governmental entity subject to the provisions of the Governmental Tort Claims Act (51 O.S. § 151 et seq.). The DEPARTMENT and SPONSOR hereby mutually agree that each is and may be held severally liable for any and all claims, demands, and suits in law or equity, of any nature whatsoever, paying for damages or otherwise, arising from any negligent act or omission of any of their respective employees, agents or contractors which may occur during the prosecution or performance of this Agreement to the extent provided in the Governmental Tort Claims Act. Each party agrees to severally bear all costs of investigation and defense of claims arising under the Governmental Tort Claims Act and any judgments which may be rendered in such cause to the limits provided by law. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted or construed to waive any legal defense which may be available to a party or any exemption, limitation or exception which may be provided by the Governmental Tort Claims Act. 1.4 The Sponsor understands that should it fail to fulfill its responsibilities under this Agreement, such a failure will disqualify the Sponsor from future Federal-aid funding participation on any proposed project. Federal-aid funds are to be withheld until such a time as an engineering staff, satisfactory to the Department has been properly established and functioning, the deficiencies in regulations have been corrected or the improvements to be constructed under this Agreement are brought to a satisfactory condition of maintenance.

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