Helpdesk Customers must contact LightEdge Support to report service trouble or an outage with LightEdge Technical Support. LightEdge Technical Support will be available seven (7) days per week; twenty-four (24) hours per day; three hundred sixty-five days (365) days per year. LightEdge Technical Support provides support for network monitoring, trouble ticket resolution, and fault isolation up to the termination point of LightEdge provided Equipment. LightEdge Technical Support will accept trouble and outage related support calls from any customer representative. LightEdge will not perform any requested activity which may cause Service disruption or perform any changes to Service unless request is initiated by an Authorized Contact. LightEdge reserves the right to delay response on support tickets opened by anyone other than the Authorized Contact. Communication between Customer and LightEdge not initiated by Authorized Contact will not be subject to SLA remedies. All communications with Customer will be in the English language.
STATEWIDE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM If the maximum amount payable to Contractor under this Contract is $100,000 or greater, either on the Effective Date or at any time thereafter, this section shall apply. Contractor agrees to be governed by and comply with the provisions of §§00-000-000, 00-000-000, 00-000-000, and 00- 000-000, C.R.S. regarding the monitoring of vendor performance and the reporting of contract information in the State’s contract management system (“Contract Management System” or “CMS”). Contractor’s performance shall be subject to evaluation and review in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, Colorado statutes governing CMS, and State Fiscal Rules and State Controller policies.
Contract Management Contractor shall report to the Health and Human Services Agency Director or his or her designee who will review the activities and performance of the Contractor and administer this Contract.
Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.
Help Desk A help desk for Product support issues (the “Help Desk”) will be available to Customer. Unless specified in an Order, Customer should contact 000.000.0000 to receive a telephone number for the applicable supporting Solutions & Support Center. Customer will appoint one Product administrator and one backup administrator to serve as the primary point of contact regarding maintenance services.
Workstation Encryption Supplier will require hard disk encryption of at least 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on all workstations and/or laptops used by Personnel where such Personnel are accessing or processing Accenture Data.
Connectivity User is solely responsible for providing and maintaining all necessary electronic communications with Exchange, including, wiring, computer hardware, software, communication line access, and networking devices.
Network PHARMACY is a retail, mail order or specialty pharmacy that has a contract to accept our pharmacy allowance for prescription drugs and diabetic equipment or supplies covered under this plan. NETWORK PROVIDER is a provider that has entered into a contract with us or other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. For pediatric dental care services, network provider is a dentist that has entered into a contract with us or participates in the Dental Coast to Coast Network. For pediatric vision hardware services, a network provider is a provider that has entered into a contract with EyeMed, our vision care service manager.
Support Staff The College shall designate a clerical person on each campus whose primary responsibility will be to perform clerical duties related to workload assignments for Employees. Faculty assignments to the clerical person shall be given priority over non- faculty assignments. Any conflicts shall be reported to the Chief Academic Officer or to an academic officer of the College who holds the rank of Campus Director or higher. Employees will be notified of the identity of this person and the clerical person will be notified.
Mobility The ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces at the normal place of residence.