Approved Leave of Absence During Vacation Where it can be established by the employee through a doctor's certificate that an illness or accident occurred, or where an employee qualifies for bereavement or any other approved leave during his/her period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation or reinstated for use at a later date, at the employee's option, as mutually agreed.
Leaves of Absences 10.1 It is agreed that the use of leave days will be confined to legitimate purposes provided in this Article and the Superintendent or his/her designee may, at his/her sole discretion, extend the leaves set forth herein.
Approved Leave of Absence With Pay During Vacation When an employee is qualified for bereavement leave, sick leave or any other approved leave with pay during her vacation period, there shall be no deduction from the vacation credits for such leave. In the case of sick leave, this section shall only apply when the period of illness or injury is in excess of two (2) days and a note from a physician may be required. The period of vacation so displaced shall be taken at a mutually agreed time. An employee intending to claim displaced vacation leave must advise the Employer and provide necessary documentation within seven (7) days of returning to work.
Paid Leaves of Absence Paid leaves of absences granted under this Article shall not exceed the employee's normal work schedule.
Paid Time Off (PTO) Executive shall earn and accrue paid-time-off covering vacation and sick time benefits at the rate of twenty (20) days per year for employment periods of up to five years of service. The PTO accrual rate shall automatically increase by five (5) additional days for each additional 5 years of service up to maximum of thirty (30) days per year after 10 years of service. For example, after five years of service, the annual PTO accrual rate shall increase to twenty-five (25) days. Unused PTO shall carry over to the next year, but Executive shall cease accruing further PTO at any time Executive has accrued two times his annual accrual rate. Unused PTO days which are not in excess of two-times the annual accrual rate shall be paid in a cash lump sum payment promptly after Executive’s termination of employment.
Unpaid Leaves of Absence 24.01 An employee who has completed one (1) year of continuous service with the Employer may be granted a leave of absence without pay or benefits because of injury, illness, education purposes, employment by the Union, or other personal reasons, including maternity leave. The decision to grant the leave or the length of the leave period will be at the discretion of the Employer with due consideration given to the reasons and evidence presented by the employee to the Employer. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. 24.02 All leaves of absence (and any extensions thereof) must be applied for and granted in writing on forms provided by the Employer (with a copy to the employee). Except in cases of emergency, the leave request shall be filed with the employee's Department Head not later than two (2) weeks prior to the date on which the leave is to start. Along with the request for the leave, he shall supply any and all available documentation in support of said leave. This documentation shall consist of medical proof of disability in cases where the leave is for medical purposes and the specific reason for the leave when the leave is for other purposes. An employee will be notified in writing within five (5) working days from the date the application was made of the approval or disapproval of the leave of absence request for ten (10) working days or less. For a leave request in excess of ten (10) working days, the employee will be notified within two (2) weeks from the date the application was made of the approval or disapproval of the leave. An employee who is granted such a leave shall not accrue any benefits during his absence, including seniority. 24.03 Leaves of absence will not be granted for the employee to seek employment with another employer, nor shall any employee work for another employer during the time period he is on leave. Any employee who works for another employer while on leave shall have his leave canceled immediately and be subject to disciplinary action. 24.04 When an employee returns to work after a leave of absence, he will be assigned to the position which he formerly occupied or to a similar position if his former position no longer exists at the applicable rate of pay, provided the employee is able to perform the work. 24.05 An employee may, upon request, return to work prior to the expiration of any leave of absence, provided that such early return is agreed to by the Employer. 24.06 Employees absent from work without authorization or approval shall be considered on an unauthorized leave. An unauthorized leave for a period of more than four (4) eight (8) hour consecutive working days may, at the Employers discretion, subject the employee to disciplinary action, including discharge.
Leaves of Absence applies for both paid and unpaid leaves. For the purposes of an unpaid 11.25 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 14.05 hours. For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours.
Parental Leave of Absence A. Female unit members may use any or all accumulated leave during pre and post-natal care for that period of time she is temporarily disabled, as determined by the unit member and her physician. B. Unit members desiring to use any or all accumulated leave during a period of pregnancy or post-natal care should state this in writing to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations using the FMLA paperwork. C. Unit members who use any or all accumulated leave as a temporary disability during pre- and post- natal care must return to active service as soon as her physical health permits according to her physician; unless she requests a leave of absence without pay or she resigns. D. Any non-probationary female unit member who does not wish to use any or all accumulated [sick] leave during pre- and/or post-natal care shall be granted a leave of absence without pay provided that a reasonable notice in writing to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations is made in advance. E. Unit members using a leave of absence without pay for pre-natal care, adoption, post-natal care and/or child rearing (not to exceed a period of one (1) year in duration and taken within the first year after birth or adoption) shall have the opportunity to continue benefit programs provided to unit members. Unit members with at least one (1) year of experience with the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education will be required after the first twelve (12) weeks to assume the Board’s share of the premium in addition to any premiums he/she theretofore paid for dependent coverage. Provided that a written, advanced request is made to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations the employee on such leave will be offered employment upon expiration of the leave in the first available position in their classification for which they are qualified. The request should be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the return and should include the anticipated date of return. If the return is within ninety (90) duty days and such return is stipulated at the beginning of the leave, the same position shall be offered. F. Adoptive parents may use up to twelve (12) weeks in compliance with Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of any or all accumulated leave for the purpose of adoption and/or bonding. G. If using combined sick leave and leave without pay teachers who have at least one (1) year experience with the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education will have premiums paid for a total of twelve (12) weeks per year in accordance with the terms of the FMLA, and have their position held prior to such leave.
Unpaid Leave of Absence If an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, then vacation leave, compensatory time, or sick leave cannot be used for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for an Employer Contribution by keeping the employee on a State payroll for one (1) working day per pay period.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE 12.01 Employees requesting leave of absence shall make written application to their Location Manager giving at least seven (7) working days· notice. The Company may, at its discretion, grant such leave of absence for a period of up to three (3) months provided the services of the employees are not immediately required and there is an employee available who has the qualifications to perform the work. Such leave of absence shall be granted in writing, with a copy to the Local Chairperson. Leaves of absence will not be granted during the month of September. The Company's response to the request shall be given in writing within seven (7) days of the· Company receiving the employee's written request. 12.02 Leave of absence may be extended in writing by the Company upon application in writing from the employee, provided such application is received at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the expiration of the leave of absence. 12.03 An employee who fails to report for duty on or before the expiration of a leave of absence shall forfeit his seniority and his name will be removed from the seniority list. In the case of an employee being granted an extended approved unpaid leave 6f absence, the employee may not be permitted to sign for a regular school run and/or the run vacated by the employee may be posted. 12.04 Absolute proof of illness preventing return upon expiration of leave of absence shall excuse an employee's failure to return at that time. 12.05 Leave of absence shall not be granted to enable an employee to work outside the Company's service. Leave of absences or illness longer than five (5) working days will be posted as a temporary position. 12.06 An employee elected as a full-time representative of the Union shall be granted leave of absence without pay while so engaged. 12.07 Upon written request of the National Representative, Local President and/or Local Chairperson, employees delegated and attending general business of the Union shall be granted leave of absence without pay for that purpose. As much advance notice as possible will be given by the National Representative and/or Local Chairperson prior to the effective date of the requested leave of absence. The Company will pay lost time for regular scheduled work for all union leaves under this article to employees at their regular rate of pay and such rate of pay will be reimbursed by Unifor Local 195. 12.08 The name of an employee who is on authorized leave of absence shall be retained on the seniority list and shall continue to accumulate seniority. School bus drivers on an approved leave shall be returned to their scheduled work on the scheduled return date. 12.09 An employee wishing to return from leave of absence prior to the expiration of his approved period of leave must advise his Supervisor at least seven (7) days in advance of the date upon which he wishes to return to work. The Supervisor will, if such leave is due to illness, make every effort to change the work schedule to accommodate the returning employee, but if this is not possible, the employee shall return at the earliest possible date following the receipt of such notification by the Supervisor. If the leave were for other reasons, the employee will resume his duties at a time specified by the Company.