Leaves of Absences Sample Clauses
Leaves of Absences. 10.1 It is agreed that the use of leave days will be confined to legitimate purposes provided in this Article and the Superintendent or his/her designee may, at his/her sole discretion, extend the leaves set forth herein.
Leaves of Absences. 14.01 Written requests for personal leaves of absence without pay for educational or personal reasons will be considered on an individual basis by the employee’s manager or her designate. Such requests are to be submitted as far in advance as possible with a minimum notice of four (4) weeks except in cases of emergency or if the Employer determines that service needs and staffing requirements can accommodate a leave on shorter notice. A written reply will be given as soon as possible. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except in unusual circumstances, a leave of absence other than for educational reasons will not be granted until one year’s continuous service has been completed.
Leaves of Absences. 1. The Board shall grant leaves of absence to tenured licensed staff, at no cost to the Board. The Board shall grant leaves for periods of one (1) or two (2) semesters and may grant requests for extensions of leaves up to a maximum of an additional two (2) semesters.
2. The educator and the Superintendent or his/her designee shall agree upon a plan for the commencement and termination of such leave, taking into consideration maintenance of continuity of instruction to the maximum possible degree and the pertinent time factors related thereto. Every effort shall be made to have such leave terminate immediately prior to the start of a new school term.
3. Sick leave shall not be applicable during an educator’s period of leave. Sick leave shall not accumulate during the period of leave. Any accumulated sick leave available at the commencement of the leave shall be available to the educator upon return to employment in the District.
4. Health insurance may remain in force for the duration of the leave, at no cost to the Board, by monthly prepayment of premiums to the Business Office. Single plan coverage will be maintained, at no cost to the employee, for staff on FMLA leave.
5. Any educator, who has been employed 100 or more days of the school year, prior to the commencement of such leave, shall be entitled to such advancement on the salary schedule as they would have if the leave had not been granted. If the leave exceeds the year, such leave commences the second year shall not be considered for step advancement on the salary schedule except if the educator returns to work for at least 100 days during that school year.
6. In all instances, when an educator is granted a leave of eight (8) months or more, as a condition thereof, they shall advise the Superintendent in writing, delivered in person or by registered mail, at least by February 1st prior to the agreed termination of such leave, (September 1st if termination of leave falls in the second semester) of their intention to return to employment.
7. Failure to advise the Superintendent of intent to return, as required above, shall be treated as an election not to return to employment and as a resignation from the District. Leaves of absence shall be granted for any of the following circumstances:
Leaves of Absences. 18 63 Letter to New Employee 178 Lie Detector Test .......................................35 102 Life Insurance ........................ Appendix A-8 121 Lists of Departments ......................... XXX 2 147 Locker Search ...........................................38 103 Long Term Disability Benefit Appendix A-3 116 Loss Prevention.................................. XXX 9 156 Lunchroom ............................................13.08 56 Managements Rights and Functions .......12 53 Manitoba Food & Commercial Workers Education and Training Trust Fund .......................... Appendix D 139 Maternity Leave............................. 18.04 (A) 64
Leaves of Absences. 11.01 All applications for a leave of absence, including educational leave and personal leave with or without pay are to be made in writing to the Director of Nursing or her/his designate. The application must include the reason or reasons for the request of leave of absence and the starting date of leave of absence and proposed date of return to work. A written reply will be given to the nurse within fourteen (14) days of such request and shall not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that leaves of absence with or without pay may be granted for purposes other than those listed below.
Leaves of Absences. The provisions of this section shall be read and administered in accordance with applicable provisions of state and federal statutes, regulations and decisional law (hereafter referred to as governing law) pertaining to family, pregnancy, disability and military leave rights. To the extent provisions of this section conflict with the governing law and the conflict results in a more favorable benefit for the employee, the governing law will take precedence. Otherwise, the provisions of this Section shall govern. If, during the term of this agreement, judicial, legislative, or regulatory changes to the governing law invalidate provisions of this section, the parties shall, as soon as it can be mutually arranged, meet and confer to address the impact of the invalidated provisions on existing terms and conditions of employment.
Leaves of Absences a. Upon written request by the employee and approval by the Executive Director or designee, a leave of absence with or without pay may be granted to any regular employee for a maximum of six (6) months. In unusual and special circumstances, one extension to a maximum of twelve (12) months in total, including both paid and unpaid leave, and statutory and contract leave may be approved. Leaves are available for the following reasons:
(1) Illness or injury, including pregnancy-related disability and family care;
(2) Union business;
(3) Education or training which will materially benefit the Agency;
(4) Parental leave pursuant to Agency policy; or
(5) Other personal reasons which do not adversely affect Agency costs or services.
b. Any leave of absence granted for medical reasons shall be only for the actual period of illness, disability, or pregnancy-related disability. Any request for a leave of absence longer than the actual period of illness, disability, or pregnancy-related disability, must be approved by the Executive Director based on unusual and special circumstances.
c. Unpaid medical leaves of absence may not be granted for absences which can be covered by paid time off accruals, except as provided below:
(1) In the event an employee elects to utilize paid leave at the beginning of the leave and thereafter elects either to interrupt the paid leave or exhausts his/her paid leave accruals prior to the end of a medical leave, he/she will be carried on without pay status for the remainder of the authorized leave period.
(2) The employee shall not be entitled to selectively intersperse paid leave accruals with unpaid leave for the purpose of accruing benefits or qualifying for Agency insurance contributions.
d. Requests for leave of absence for medical, pregnancy and parental leave shall be submitted to the employee's supervisor, the Human Resources Chief, and the Department Head, and shall state specifically the reasons for the leave (insofar as allowed by the law), the date when the leave is to begin, and the probable date of return.
e. All other leaves of absence shall be submitted to the supervisor and Department Head and state specifically the reason for the leave, the date it is requested to begin, and the duration and return date.
f. A regular employee on leave of absence without pay necessitated by pregnancy, illness or disability, as verified by medical reports, which does not exceed time covered by FMLA, CFRA or other protected absences is eligi...
Leaves of Absences. The Company shall comply with The Employment Standards Code as it applies to Bereavement, Compassionate Care and Family Leave. However, the following is provided as a guideline of information:
Leaves of Absences. 1. Authority:
a. Leaves of Absence - Immediate
i. Paternity Leave ii. Adoption Leave iii. Bereavement Leave iv. Compassionate Leave v. Discretionary Leave
34.1 SICK LEAVE Sick leave may be for personal illness or except as otherwise permitted by this agreement, the college Family and Medical Leave Policy, city law, state law, or federal law.
34.1.1 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES shall receive nine (9) days of sick leave the first day of each Fall semester, and eight (8) days of sick leave the first day of each Spring semester. Sick leave will be cumulative to a maximum of two hundred and twenty (220) days. For the life of this contract, full-time employees hired after March 1, 1997, shall receive eight (8) days of sick leave the first day of each Fall semester, and eight (8) days of sick leave the first day of each Spring semester. Sick leave will be cumulative to a maximum of two hundred and twenty (220) days. Full-time employees hired on or after June 1, 2005, shall receive seven (7) days of sick leave the first day of each Fall semester, and seven (7) days of sick leave the first day of each Spring semester. Sick leave will be cumulative to a maximum of two hundred and twenty (220) days.