Length of Course. The expected duration of the course will be discussed and outlined with Student before training starts. Training length is always considered a best estimate and will vary depending an several factors. The School may, in its discretion, vary the duration of the course as it sees fit to take account of weather conditions, the ability of the Student, or otherwise as the School shall deem requisite or expedient.
Length of Course. The duration of the course will be as stated on the School’s web-site. The School may, in its discretion, vary the duration of the course as it sees fit to take account of weather conditions, the ability of the Student, or otherwise as the School shall deem requisite or expedient.
Length of Course. 3 kilometers. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reduce the length of the swim, based on medical advice should adverse weather conditions prevail.
Length of Course. The Guaranteed Training Agreement signed by Student must be completed within 1 year or 9 months (if doing Instrument Commercial Professional Pilot Program) to remain valid. If the Commercial training is not completed in 1 year/9 months the School reserves the right to move the Student onto the current/most recent contract which may be at a higher price, remove the Student from the Guaranteed Program, or renegotiate the terms of the previous training agreement. The School may, in its discretion, extend the 1 year/9 months limit as it sees fit to take account of weather conditions, the ability of the Student, or otherwise as the School shall deem requisite or expedient. The regulatory minimum for the Private Pilot License (Part 141) is 35 aircraft hours. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 82 hours in the aircraft. Any hours after the 82 hour maximum will be charged at the most current dual rate of the aircraft. 20 hours training in the AATD is included for the Private Pilot training, if needed. Any hours over the 20 hour AATD maximum will be charged at the most current dual rate for the AATD. 40 hours of pre/post flight briefings are included in the Guaranteed Program for the Private Pilot portion of training. Any hours over the 40 hour pre/post flight briefing will be charged at $40 per hour. The regulatory minimum for the Instrument Rating is 35 hours. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 72 total hours which will be a combination of Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) and Aircraft time (28 hours AATD & 44 hours Aircraft). Any hours after the 72 hour maximum will be charged at the most current dual rates of the aircraft and/or AATD. 40 hours of pre/post flight briefings are included in the Guaranteed Program for the Instrument Rating portion of training. Any hours over the 40 hour pre/post flight briefing will be charged at $40 per hour. The regulatory minimum for the Commercial Multi-Engine is 24 hours in the AATD and 20 hours in the multi- engine aircraft. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 30 total hours in the AATD and 25 hours in the multi-engine. Any hours after the 30 hour maximum in the AATD and 25 hour maximum in the aircraft will be charged at the most current dual rates of the aircraft and/or AATD. 40 hours of pre/post flight briefings are included in the Guaranteed Program for the Commercial Multi-Engine portion of training . Any ho...
Length of Course. The Guaranteed Training Agreement signed by Student must be completed within 1 year to remain valid. If the Commercial training is not completed in 1 year the School reserves the right to move the Student onto the current/most recent contract which may be at a higher price, remove the Student from the Guaranteed Program, or renegotiate the terms of the previous training agreement. The School may, in its discretion, extend the 1 year limit as it sees fit to take account of weather conditions, the ability of the Student, or otherwise as the School shall deem requisite or expedient. Students who are on a pay-as-you go course are not limited to a year, however, prices are subject to change. The regulatory minimum for the Private Pilot License is 35 hours. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 72 hours in the aircraft. Any hours after the 72 hour maximum will be charged at the most current dual rate of the aircraft. The regulatory minimum for the Instrument Rating is 35 hours. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 72 total hours which will be a combination of Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) and Aircraft time (28 hours AATD & 44 hours Aircraft). Any hours after the 72 hour maximum will be charged at the most current dual rates of the aircraft and/or AATD. The regulatory minimum for the Commercial Multi-Engine is 24 hours in the AATD and 20 hours in the multi- engine aircraft. No additional fees are required if the course is completed in less than 30 total hours in the AATD and 27.5 hours in the multi-engine. Any hours after the 30 hour maximum in the AATD and 27.5 hour maximum in the aircraft will be charged at the most current dual rates of the aircraft and/or AATD. Students must pass an Oral portion of each Stage Check. Students are allotted 2 hours of Oral time to complete each Stage Check Oral of the Private Pilot Training and Instrument training and Stage 1 & 2 of the Commercial Training. Students are allotted 3 hours of Oral time to complete the Stage 3 Check Oral of the Commercial Training. If a Student goes over these hours they will be charged for each additional hours at $60 per hour. Additionally, any retraining with an Instructor necessary to retraining necessary to pass the Oral Portion of the Stage Check will be charged at the current ground rate of $60 per hour. The Student will pay for any extra examination fees if he fails a flight test or ground examination. The Studen...
Length of Course. The Guaranteed Training Agreement signed by student must be completed within 1 year to remain valid. If the Commercial training is not completed in 1 year the school reserves the right to move the student onto the current/most recent contract which may be at a higher price, remove the student from the Guaranteed Program, or renegotiate the terms of the previous training agreement. The School may, in its discretion, extend the 1 year limit as it sees fit to take account of weather conditions, the ability of the Student, or otherwise as the School shall deem requisite or expedient.
Length of Course. 8 Sessions Eight one hour classes with your dog (one per week). Please bring your dog to the first night of class. dogs. · Agreed (initial)
Length of Course. 32 hrs No. of Lessons: 16 Length of Lesson: 2 hrs Cost Per lesson $6.25 Total Course Cost $150
Length of Course. 9 Sessions Please check the class you wish to attend. Starting Day: □ Starting Time: Class Location: Alternate Date: □ Alternate Time: Alt. Location: Eight one hour classes with your dog (one per week), and one two hour semina.r Please bring your dog to the first night of class. Do not bring your dog to the seminar. dogs. · Agreed (initial)
Length of Course. This course will run for 180 days, including weekends and holidays. If you have not completed the course in that time, you may apply for an extension. The extension period will be billed at $1,000.00 dollars a month, for any part of the month the student is enrolled in the school beyond the 180 day period.