Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level Sample Clauses
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level a. Within five (5) days of notification that a grievance still exists, the Superintendent, or his designee, shall conduct a hearing involving all parties of interest. The aggrieved shall have the right to be accompanied by an Association Representative. A decision in writing shall be rendered within five (5) days of the hearing by the Superintendent or his/her designee with a copy to the Association.
b. If the grievant, after examining the Superintendent’s decision, still wishes to pursue the grievance, he/she has ten (10) days from the receipt of the Superintendent’s report to request a Level Three Hearing or a Level Four Hearing.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the Aggrieved Person is not satisfied with the disposition of the Grievance at Step Two of Level One, the Aggrieved Person may, within three (3) work days after the decision at Level One, appeal the decision at Step Two of Level One in writing to the Superintendent setting forth the respects in which the Aggrieved Person disagrees with the decision at Step Two of Level One and the action requested to be taken by the Superintendent. If the appeal is not timely filed in writing with the Superintendent, the matter shall be orally discussed between the Superintendent or his designee and the Aggrieved Person. The Aggrieved Person and the Superintendent or his designee shall, at the conclusion of such oral discussion, execute a form acknowledging such discussion. The Superintendent or his designee shall communicate his decision in writing to the Aggrieved Person within fifteen (15) work days after the conclusion of said oral discussion. If the Superintendent or his designee fails to communicate his decision in writing within the time prescribed, the appeal shall be deemed denied and the Aggrieved Person may proceed to the next Level of the Grievance Procedure.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the Aggrieved Person is not satisfied with the disposition of the Grievance at Step Two of Level One, the Aggrieved Person may, within three (3) school days after the decision at Level One, appeal the decision at Step Two of Level One in writing to the Superintendent setting forth the respects in which the Aggrieved Person disagrees with the decision at Step Two of Level One and the action requested to be taken by the Superintendent. If the appeal is not timely filed in writing with the Superintendent, the matter shall be orally discussed between the Superintendent or his designee and the Aggrieved Person. The Aggrieved Person and the Superintendent or his designee shall, at the conclusion of such oral discussion, execute a form acknowledging such discussion. The Superintendent or his designee shall communicate his decision in writing to the Aggrieved Person within fifteen
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the Teacher is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Step Two of Level One, the Teacher may, within three (3) school days after the decision at Level One, appeal the decision at Step Two of Level One in writing to the Superintendent setting forth the specific nature of the Grievance, the facts relating thereto, the respects in which the Teacher disagrees with the decision at Step Two of Level One and the action requested to be taken by the Superintendent. If the appeal is not timely filed in writing with the Superintendent, the decision at Step Two of Level One shall be final and the matter closed. If the appeal is timely filed with the Superintendent, then within five (5) school days after the appeal has been filed with the Superintendent, the matter shall be orally discussed between the Superintendent and the Teacher. The Superintendent shall communicate this/her decision in writing to the Teacher within six (6) school days after the conclusion of said oral discussion. If the Superintendent fails to communicate his/her decision in writing within the time prescribed, the appeal shall be deemed denied and the Teacher may proceed to the next Level of the Grievance Procedure.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the decision of the supervisor is unsatisfactory to the grievant, the Union, within five (5) days of receipt of the supervisor's decision, shall transmit to the Personnel Director or other Superintendent's designee, the Level One decision, and statement of intent to file at Level Two. Within ten (10) days of a Level Two grievance, the Personnel Director shall schedule a Level Two hearing. Within seven (7) days of the hearing on the grievance, the District shall render a decision in writing, transmitting a copy to the Union and to the aggrieved party.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the decision of the supervisor is unsatisfactory to the grievant, the Union, within five (5) days of receipt of the supervisor's decision, shall transmit to the Personnel Director or other Superintendent's designee, the Level One decision, and statement of intent to file at Level Two. Within ten (10) days of a Level Two grievance, the Personnel Director shall schedule a Level Two hearing. Within seven (7) days of the hearing on the grievance, the District shall render a decision in writing, transmitting a copy to the Union and to the aggrieved party. LEVEL THREE Mediation If the Grievance is not resolved through Level Two, then the parties shall within ten (10) days of the Unions receipt of a Superintendent’s Level Two decision, request the assistance of a Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) mediator. Such mediation will commence as soon as possible. In the event a MERC mediator is not available in a reasonable time a Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) mediator may be used. The District and the Union may mutually agree to waive mediation. If the mediation results in a satisfactory settlement, then the parties shall reduce it to writing. If no settlement is reached, the grievance shall proceed to Level Four.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level a. Within five (5) workdays of notification that a grievance still exists, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, shall conduct a hearing involving all parties in interest. The aggrieved shall have the right to be accompanied by Association Representatives of his or her choice. The aggrieved or his or her representative will be expected to present his or her case to the Superintendent or his/her designee. A decision in writing shall be rendered within five (5) workdays of the hearing by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
b. If the aggrieved party and the Superintendent, or his/her designee, agree on the resolution of the grievance at this meeting, the Superintendent’s, or his/her designee’s, report shall be written and agreed to by both parties at this time.
c. If the grievant, after examining the Superintendent’s, or his/her designee’s decision still wishes to pursue the grievance, he/she has five (5) workdays from the receipt of the Superintendent’s, or his/her designee’s, report to request a Level Four hearing with the Board. Such request shall be made in writing to the Treasurer of the Board.
d. If the Superintendent was the administrator rendering the disposition in Level One then this step will be waived.
Level Two: (Superintendent’s Level. If the employee is not satisfied with the disposition of her grievance at Step Two of Level One, the employee may, within three