COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. A. Communication and outreach to connect Client to services are required activities under this Grant Agreement. All communication and outreach strategies must meet the following requirements:
1. Be for the purpose of informing the public of the services provided under the project and how to access services;
2. Be approved by HHSC prior to implementing; and
3. Be in English and Spanish, when appropriate.
B. Required communication and outreach activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Outreach to other county social service programs to enhance awareness and collaboration.
2. Developing and maintaining a Project specific website. The website and its content must be approved in writing by HHSC within 30 calendar days of Grant Agreement execution. At no time shall the website contain any content not approved in writing by HHSC. The approved website must be fully operational (active and accessible to potential Clients) within 90 Calendar Days after Effective Date of the Grant Agreement. Upon termination of the Grant Agreement, Grantee must transfer the website domain to HHSC in accordance with directions provided by the TTF program.
3. Procuring informational or educational materials used in the direct delivery of services to Clients. All materials to be used as part of the Project shall be approved in writing by HHSC prior to distribution to Clients. Informational and education materials must be provided to HHSC within 30 Calendar Days of Grant Agreement execution and reviewed before the distribution of new material developed during the Grant Agreement period can occur. All materials developed or used by Grantee as part of a Grant Agreement are the property of HHSC.
4. Grantee must ensure that all informational or educational materials are available, at a minimum, in both English and Spanish, and must ensure materials available to Clients with limited English proficiency are available in languages other than English based on the individual need of the Client.
5. Grantee must ensure that all Client informational material and grievance policies include HHSC Ombudsman's office contact information and complaint language listed below: If you have a complaint that is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the HHS Office of the Ombudsman by calling 0-000-000-0000, selecting a language, and then Option 3, or by making an online submission at xxxxx://
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH a. Create joint communication, outreach, and training strategies to keep parents, educators, students, military leaders, and other stakeholders informed about tools and resources available from ED and DoD.
b. Enhance parental awareness about the significance of their involvement in the academic success of their children and in improving their schools.
c. Raise awareness among educators and community leaders about the impact of deployment and transfers on student achievement.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. The workshop participants agreed that a single project cannot solve the challenges related to data collection, data handling and storage. Much longer time frames than provided through projects is needed for this. The important task is to build sustainable cooperation and events, such as this workshop, present one step forward towards achieving cooperation between countries, institutions and projects. Besides, we need better cooperation and communication between national projects, EU projects and global programmes (Global Cryopshere Watch, GEO). The Arctic Council and its working groups (AC WGs) are playing an important role because it is the leading intergovernmental forum for cooperation between the eight Arctic States, and Arctic Council observer countries and organisations. There are 13 observer states to the Arctic Council, 13 intergovernmental organisations and 13 non-governmental organisations, but still there are several countries working in the Arctic which are not observers to the Arctic Council, so it is important to engage other international fora where a wider group of countries can collaborate. EU representatives and scientists have been involved in some of the AC WGs assessments and examples of good cooperation are between AMAP and EU organizations and projects like EEA, JRC and EU PolarNet. Systematic communication and outreach (C&O) from EU to AC WGs annual meetings could be a way forward to improve cooperation. C&O activities are part of all Arctic projects but more coordinated efforts between the projects would be beneficial both for the scientists and the media. Media attention can be difficult and time consuming, (e.g. the journalists need to find the projects/results interesting, and we are always competing with other news) but due to the very rapid Arctic changes, media has become more interested in Arctic issues. Communication of research is evolving rapidly. New methods of disseminating knowledge replace the traditional methods. Different target audiences and people of different age use different types of media; from books, newspapers and Facebook to e.g. Instagram and Snapchat. For example, not everybody can be reached via online consultation or social media: broadband and internet connection is not well developed everywhere in the circumpolar Arctic. Project planning and implementation is changing, where stakeholder involvement is becoming more important to show that the research is useful for the society.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. The Communications and Outreach Director joined the project in mid-December and commenced planning and developing a series of strategic documents that will be delivered during the next quarter, including the Strategic Communications Plan, Branding and Marking Plan, various reporting templates to be utilized by staff, organizing GRAIN’s image library and preparing the FY18 Q1 USAID report. In coordination of the December 27 public announcement by MAIL of the Doctoral and Master’s Degree Scholarships Program, GRAIN initiated follow-on distribution of the training opportunity among CSOs and women’s groups, and continued liaising with MAIL/ARIA/DAIL and universities to promote awareness, and assist with any associated clarifications and queries.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. All technical team members will have excellent analytical skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and good report writing skills. The team shall have English/Arabic language capabilities, able to clearly communicate with the GOE, local community and other stakeholders. The team members must also have a proven understanding of the different areas of expertise within the Middle East, preferably within the Egyptian context.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. The COHE will develop and implement a communication and outreach program to ensure workers and employers are familiar with COHE best practices. This program will equitably meet the needs of both the business and labor community. The COHE will collaborate with L&I on communication materials.
a) L&I will provide templates or examples of previously approved materials, if available. The COHE will maintain a public web page explaining COHE processes and resources for providers, workers, and employers and provide a link to appropriate L&I websites.
b) A COHE must collaborate with their L&I Contract Manager on all COHE-related communications. The L&I Contract Manager must approve content for all printed materials such as brochures, advertisements, standardized forms, and presentations.
c) At a minimum of once per three-year period of performance of the contract, the COHE will offer at least one community forum or seminar to the labor and employer communities regarding the benefits of the COHE and/or occupational health best practices. This requirement can be met by hosting a joint forum with another COHE or by hosting a seminar. This event must be interactive for the audience, and can be held either in-person or virtually.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. Promotional materials were disseminated mainly during meetings, events, conferences: : Piknik
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. 3.1 The Parties shall agree on how they will promote their collaboration, including Projects and events on which they cooperate, including use of each other’s names, logos and, where applicable, acronyms.
3.2 The use of the name of the Parties or any of their logos or trademarks in advertising, publicity or otherwise shall be subject to their prior written approval.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH. Under Task 2, E2 will continue to provide outreach and communication support for the JPA. This will include management of the website and responding to public questions received via phone or through the website. In addition, this task involves the coordination of public JPA Board meetings including developing the agenda and Board items, public noticing, and facility reservations. E2 recognizes that Environ International (Environ) is under contract with the JPA to prepare the EIR for the proposed project and is therefore ultimately responsible for the response to public comments on the Draft EIR. E2, in its role as public contact for the JPA, will work with Environ to make that public comments on Draft EIR received through the JPA website are recorded in the official record and are addressed in the Final EIR. E2 has assumed that communication and outreach support will be necessary throughout the duration of E2’s contract and therefore we have based this task on a period of performance from September 2012 through September 2014. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx will lead this effort.