Maintenance Training. 16.8.1 The Seller will provide maintenance training for the Buyer’s ground personnel as further set forth in Appendix A to this Clause 16. The available courses will be as listed in the Seller’s Customer Services Catalog current at the time of the course. The practical training provided in the frame of maintenance training will be performed on the training devices in use in the Seller’s Training Centers.
Maintenance Training. 1.1 Maintenance Training Minor Model Differences Course, if required, covering operational, structural or systems differences between Customer's newly-purchased Aircraft and an aircraft of the same model currently operated by Customer; 1 class of 15 students;
Maintenance Training. 3.1 The Seller will provide to the Buyer ***** trainee days of maintenance training ***** for the Buyer’s personnel.
Maintenance Training. The Seller shall provide maintenance training for each Operator’s ground personnel as defined in Appendix A to this Clause 16. The available courses are listed in the Seller’s applicable Training Courses Catalog. The relevant Operator shall provide the Seller with an attendance list of trainees at the latest one (1) month before the start of the training course. The practical training provided in the frame of maintenance training is performed exclusively on the training devices in use in the Seller’s Training Centers or Affiliated Training Centers. In the event of practical training on aircraft being requested by an Operator (as applicable), such practical training can be organized with the assistance of the Seller, in accordance with Clause 16.8.1 hereunder.
Maintenance Training. 3.1 The Seller will provide to the Buyer [*] in total for the buyer’s fleet of one hundred and fifty two (152) Aircraft firmly ordered.
Maintenance Training. 16.8.1 [***]
Maintenance Training. 3.1 The Seller will provide to the Buyer [*] trainee days of maintenance training free of charge for the Buyer’s personnel per Aircraft firmly ordered.
Maintenance Training. The Seller will provide free-of-charge Training courses for ground personnel for a total of *** trainee-days of instruction. The range of maintenance courses is listed in Appendix "B" to this Clause 16. The Buyer may elect to use part of this Training allowance to perform some maintenance training classes at another US carrier on a space available basis. The trainee days will be counted as follows:
Maintenance Training. 3.1 The Seller shall provide to the Buyer or its Operator ****.
Maintenance Training. 3.1 The Seller will provide to the Buyer [*CTR*] of maintenance training [*CTR*] for the Buyer’s personnel.