Management and Administrative Officers. 2.1 For Employees classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G, where they are required to carry out duties on a Saturday or Sunday in excess of the weeks work, such duties will be paid for at the rate of double time.
Management and Administrative Officers. Employees classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G who are required to assume the duties of an Employee on a higher classification for a period of five consecutive working days or more shall be paid not less than the minimum rate for the classification of the Employee being relieved, for the period of higher duties.
Management and Administrative Officers. 86.2.1 In order to terminate the employment of an Employee classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G, the Employer shall give one month’s written notice, or pay one month’s wages in lieu of notice.
86.2.2 The period of notice in clause 86.2.1 shall be increased by one week if the Employee is over 45 years of age and has completed at least 2 years continuous service with the Employer at the end of the day the notice is given.
86.2.3 An Employee classified as a Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive officer shall not be dismissed unless the committee of management has first made careful enquiry into any matter alleged against such officer and has heard whatever statement he/she may wish to make relative to that matter and against such dismissal or has given him/her a reasonable opportunity to make such a statement before the committee of management. An officer may be assisted in making any such statement or submission by a representative of the Union. Pending such enquiry an officer may be relieved of duty.
Management and Administrative Officers. 98.5.1 For Employees classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G the ordinary hours of work shall be worked either:
a. in 5 days of shifts of not more than 8 hours each; or
b. by mutual agreement: ii. in some other averaging arrangement, provided that the length of any ordinary day does not exceed ten hours, and that not more than 50 ordinary hours is worked in any one week.
Management and Administrative Officers. The on call allowances in Schedule E (as applicable to management and administrative officers) shall be paid to an Employee classified under Part 1 & Part 2 of Schedule G respectively, as follows:
Management and Administrative Officers. Employees classified under Schedule B shall be paid at the rate of:
(i) time and one half for the first two hours and double time thereafter for hours worked in excess of the ordinary agreed hours on a particular day; and
(ii) double time for all overtime worked outside a spread of twelve hours after commencing ordinary duty.
Management and Administrative Officers. 102.4.1 Employees classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G shall be paid at the rate of:
a. time and one half for the first two hours and double time thereafter for hours worked in excess of the ordinary agreed hours on a particular day; and
b. double time for all overtime worked outside a spread of twelve hours after commencing ordinary duty.
Management and Administrative Officers. 4.1 Employees classified under Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule G shall be paid at the rate of:
a. time and one half for the first two hours and double time thereafter for hours worked in excess of the ordinary agreed hours on a particular day; and
b. double time for all overtime worked outside a spread of twelve hours after commencing ordinary duty.
4.2 Clause 144 (Overtime) is to be read in conjunction with this clause as it applies to management and administrative Employees at Royal Women’s Hospital and Royal Children’s Hospital.
Management and Administrative Officers. 21.2.1 In order terminate the employment of an employee classified under Schedule B and Schedule C, the employer shall give one month’s written notice, or pay one month’s wages in lieu of notice.
21.2.2 The period of notice in 21.2.1 shall be increased by one week if the employee is over 45 years of age and has completed at least 2 years continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is given.
21.2.3 An employee classified as a Chief Executive or Deputy Chief Executive officer shall not be dismissed unless the committee of management has first made careful enquiry into any matter alleged against such officer and has heard whatever statement he/she may wish to make relative to that matter and against such dismissal or has given him/her a reasonable opportunity to make such a statement before the committee of management. An officer may be assisted in making any such statement or submission by a representative of the Union. Pending such enquiry an officer may be relieved of duty.
21.2.4 Clause 21.2.3 above does not apply to positions that fall within the scope of the Government Sector Executive Remuneration Panel (GSERP) policies.
Management and Administrative Officers. 32.5.1 For employees classified under Schedule B and Schedule C, the ordinary hours of work shall be worked either:
(a) in 5 days of shifts of not more than 8 hours each; or
(b) by mutual agreement:
(i) in weeks of four days in shifts of not more than 10 hours each; or
(ii) in some other averaging arrangement, provided that the length of any ordinary day does not exceed ten hours, and that not more than 50 ordinary hours is worked in any one week. 32.6. Health and Allied Services Employees and Dental Assistants
32.6.1 For employees classified under Schedule D, the hours for an ordinary weeks work shall be 38 or be an average of 38 per week in a fortnight, or in a four week period or by mutual agreement, in a five week period in the case of an employee working ten hour shifts and shall be worked either:
(a) in 5 days in shifts of not more than 8 hours each; or
(b) in a fortnight of 76 hours in 10 shifts of not more than 8 hours each; or
(c) in a four-week period of 152 hours in 19 shifts of not more than 8 hours each; or
(d) by mutual agreement:
(i) in weeks of four days in shifts of not more than 10 hours each; or
(ii) in a fortnight of 76 hours in eight shifts of not more than ten hours each.
32.6.2 Any employee required to work more than six consecutive periods of duty without 24 hours off duty shall be paid for the seventh and any further consecutive period of ordinary duty worked at the rate of triple time until they have been given 24 hours off duty.