Manual Disconnect Switch. 12.01. Customer shall install a manual disconnect switch of the visible load break type to provide a separation point between the AC power output of the CRG system and any Customer wiring connected to Utility’s electric system such that back feed from the CRG system to Utility’s electric system cannot occur when the switch is in the open position. The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from the meter socket on an exterior surface adjacent to the meter. The switch shall be readily accessible to Utility and capable of being locked in the open position with a Utility padlock. When locked and tagged in the open position by Utility, this switch will be under the control of Utility.
12.02. Utility may open the switch, isolating the CRG system, without prior notice to Customer. To the extent practical, however, prior notice shall be given. If prior notice is not given, Utility shall leave a door hanger at the time of disconnection notifying the Customer that the CRG has been disconnected, including an explanation of the condition necessitating such action. The switch will be re-closed by Utility as soon as practical once the conditions causing the disconnection cease to exist. Typical conditions which may require the switch to be opened include, but are not limited to: Utility electric system emergencies or maintenance requirements. Hazardous conditions existing on Utility’s electric system due to the operation of the CRG or protective equipment as determined by Utility. Adverse electrical effects (such as power quality problems) on the electrical equipment of Utility's other electric consumers caused by the CRG as determined by Utility. Failure of Customer to pay amounts owed to Utility.
12.03. On termination of services pursuant to this Agreement, Utility shall open and padlock the manual disconnect switch and remove any additional metering equipment related to this Agreement. At the Customer's expense, within five (5) working days following the termination, the Customer shall permanently isolate the CRG and any associated equipment from Utility's electric supply system, notify Utility that the isolation is complete, and coordinate with Utility for return of Utility's lock.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1 U.L.1741 Listed, inverter-based Tier 1 customer-owned renewable generation systems do not require a customer-installed manual disconnect switch.
5.2 Other customer-owned Tier 1 renewable generation systems that are not U.L. 1741 inverter based. FPL shall require the Customer to install, at the Customer’s expense, a manual disconnect switch of the visible load break type to provide a separation point between the AC power output of the Customer-owned renewable generation and any Customer wiring connected to FPL’s system. The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from, but adjacent to, the FPL meter socket. The Customer shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to FPL and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single FPL utility padlock.
5.3 In the event that FPL has determined with respect to the Customer-owned renewable generation that the installation of a manual disconnect switch or switches adjacent to FPL’s meter socket would not be practical from a safety perspective and/or design considerations in accordance with good engineering practices; and FPL and the customer agree upon a location on the customer’s premises for the switch or switches which meet all applicable safety and/or design considerations, then, pursuant to the conditions set forth in Section 5.2 above, each manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from FPL’s meter socket at a location agreed to by the Customer and FPL, and the customer shall install a permanent weather-proof plaque adjacent to FPL’s meter socket indicating the location of the manual disconnect switch or switches.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1. Participant must install a manual, lockable, visible load break disconnect switch between the generation source and the Distributor’s system that is visibly marked “Participant Generation Disconnect.” The disconnect shall be mounted separate from but adjacent to the Distributor’s meter socket. The Participant shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to Distributor and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single Distributor utility padlock. A permanent, weatherproof single line diagram of the facility must be located adjacent to the disconnect switch. Names and current telephone numbers of at least two persons authorized to provide access to the facility that have authority to make decisions regarding the interconnection and operation of the Qualifying System will be included.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1 FPL shall require the Customer to install, at the Customer’s expense, a manual disconnect switch of the visible load break type to provide a separation point between the AC power output of the Customer-owned renewable generation and any Customer wiring connected to FPL’s system. The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from, but adjacent to, the FPL meter socket. The Customer shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to FPL and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single FPL utility padlock.
5.2 In the event that FPL has determined with respect to the Customer-owned renewable generation that the installation of a manual disconnect switch or switches adjacent to FPL’s meter socket would not be practical from a safety perspective and/or design considerations in accordance with good engineering practices; and FPL and the Customer agree upon a location on the Customer’s premises for the switch or switches which meet all applicable safety and/or design considerations, then, pursuant to the conditions set forth in Section 5.1 above, each manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from FPL’s meter socket at a location agreed to by the Customer and FPL, and the Customer shall install a permanent weather-proof plaque adjacent to FPL’s meter socket indicating the location of the manual disconnect switch or switches.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1. Participant must install a manual, lockable, visible load break disconnect switch between the generation source and the Distributor’s electric power distribution system that is visibly marked “Distributed Generation Disconnect”. The AC disconnect shall provide for dead front access. The disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from the Distributor’s meter socket in a visible location within five feet of the Distributor’s meter socket or as otherwise approved by the Distributor. Participant shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to Distributor and be capable of being locked in the open position by the Distributor with a single utility padlock.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1. Participant must install a manual, lockable, visible load break disconnect switch between the generation source and the Distributor’s electric power distribution system that is visibly marked in accordance with the Distributor’s labeling requirements. The AC disconnect shall provide for dead front access. The disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from the Distributor’s meter socket in a visible location within five feet of the Distributor’s meter socket or as otherwise approved by the Distributor. Participant shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to Distributor and be capable of being locked in the open position by the Distributor with a single utility padlock.
5.2. The following shall be required for Tier 3 installations: A permanent, weatherproof single line diagram of the facility must be located immediately adjacent to the disconnect switch. Names and current telephone numbers of at least two persons, one of whom must be the “Operator in Charge” of the System, authorized to provide access to the facility and who have authority to make decisions regarding the interconnection and operation of the Qualifying System will be included, shall be listed below the line diagram.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1. LCEC shall require the Customer to install, at the Customer's expense, a manual disconnect switch of the visible load break type to provide a separation point between the AC power output of the Customer-owned renewable generation and any Customer wiring connected to LCEC's system. The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from, but adjacent to, LCEC meter socket. The Customer shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to LCEC and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single LCEC utility padlock.
Manual Disconnect Switch. Participant must install a manual, lockable, visible load break disconnect switch between the Qualifying System and GEA’s system marked “Participant Generation Disconnect”. This disconnect shall be mounted separate from, but adjacent to, GEA’s meter socket. The participant shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to GEA and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single GEA utility padlock. A permanent, weatherproof single line diagram of the facility must be located adjacent to the disconnect switch. Names and current telephone numbers of at least two persons authorized to provide access to the facility that have authority to make decisions regarding the interconnection and operation of the Qualifying System will be included.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1. Participant must install a manual, lockable, visible load break disconnect switch between the generation source and AEC’s system that is visibly marked “Participant Generation Disconnect”. The disconnect shall be mounted separate from but in proximity to the members meter socket. The Participant shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to AEC and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single AEC utility padlock.
Manual Disconnect Switch. 5.1 U.L.1741 Listed, inverter-based Tier 3 customer-owned renewable generation systems do not require customer-installed manual disconnect switch.
5.2 Other customer-owned Tier 3 renewable generation systems that are not U.L. 1741 inverter based. FPL shall require the Customer to install, at the Customer’s expense, a manual disconnect switch of the visible load break type to provide a separation point between the AC power output of the Customer-owned renewable generation and any Customer wiring connected to FPL’s system. The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted separate from, but adjacent to, the FPL meter socket. The Customer shall ensure that such manual disconnect switch shall remain readily accessible to FPL and be capable of being locked in the open position with a single FPL utility padlock.