Materials Certification Sample Clauses

Materials Certification. For certain products, assemblies and materials, not on GDOT QPL List, and in lieu of normal sampling and testing procedures by the Contractor, the Utility Owner, and GDOT may accept from the Contractor the manufacturer’s certification with respect to the product involved under the conditions set forth in the following paragraphs: 1. Material certifications shall be provided to GDOT, who shall distribute to the Utility Owner. Material certifications shall be approved by GDOT and the Utility Owner prior to construction. The certification shall state/specify that the named product conforms to these specifications and requirements of the Utility Owner and GDOT, and representative samples thereof have been sampled and tested as specified. 2. The certification shall either: a. Be accompanied by a certified copy of the test results, or b. Certify such test results are on file with the manufacturer and will be furnished to the Utility Owner and GDOT Project Coordinators upon demand. 3. The certification shall state/specify the name and address of the manufacturer and the testing agency and the date of tests; and sets forth the means of identification which shall permit field determination of the product delivered to the project as being the product covered by the certification. 4. Submit certification in triplicate with two copies of the covered product to the GDOT Project Coordinator, and one copy sent to GDOT’s State Materials and Research Engineer at 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Forest Park, Georgia. The certification shall specify the project number and contract ID number. No certificate shall be required for Portland cement when furnished from a manufacturer approved by GDOT. 5. GDOT or the Utility Owner will not be responsible for any costs of certification or for any costs of the sampling and testing of products in connection therewith. 6. GDOT and the Utility Owner reserve the right to require samples and test products for compliance with pertinent requirements irrespective of prior certification of the products by the manufacturer. Any materials that fail to meet specification requirements will be rejected. 7. In accordance with the BUY AMERICA requirements of the Federal regulations (23 U.S.C. 313 and 23 CFR 635.410) all manufacturing processes for steel and iron products or predominantly of steel or iron (at least 90% steel or iron content) furnished for permanent incorporation into the work on this project shall occur in the United States. The only exception to t...
Materials Certification. Prior to reporting a pay item quantity for payment, the materials used and incorporated in, or associated with the pay item, shall be verified for specification compliance by the Consultant. The Consultant shall obtain and review all certifications and/or test results required by the policies of the Department and the Department’s
Materials Certification. For certain products, assemblies and materials, in lieu of normal sampling and testing procedures by the Contractor, the GDOT, and Utility Owner may accept from the Contractor the manufacturer’s certification with respect to the product involved under the conditions set forth in the following paragraphs: 1. Material certifications shall be provided to GDOT, who shall distribute to the Utility Owner. Material certifications shall be approved by GDOT and the Utility Owner prior to construction. The certification shall state/specify that the named product conforms to these specifications and requirements of the Utility Owner and GDOT, and representative samples thereof have been sampled and tested as specified. 2. The certification shall either: a. Be accompanied by a certified copy of the test results, or on GDOT QPL list, or b. Certify such test results are on file with the manufacturer and will be furnished to the GDOT Project Manager and Utility Owner upon demand. 3. The certification shall state/specify the name and address of the manufacturer and the testing agency and the date of tests; and sets forth the means of identification which shall permit field determination of the product delivered to the project as being the product covered by the certification. 4. Submit certification with two copies of the covered product to the GDOT Project Manager, and Utility Owner. 5. GDOT or the Utility Owner will not be responsible for any costs of certification or for any costs of the sampling and testing of products in connection therewith. 6. GDOT and the Utility Owner reserve the right to require samples and test products for compliance with pertinent requirements irrespective of prior certification of the products by the manufacturer. Any materials that fail to meet specification requirements will be rejected. 7. In accordance with the BUY AMERICA requirements of the Federal regulations (23 U.S.C. 313 and 23 CFR 635.410) all manufacturing processes for steel and iron products or predominantly of steel or iron (at least 90% steel or iron content) furnished for permanent incorporation into the work on this project shall occur in the United States. The only exception to this requirement is the production of pig iron and the processing, pelletizing and reduction of iron ore, which may occur in another country. Other than these exceptions, all melting, rolling, extruding, machining, bending, grinding, drilling, coating, etc. must occur in the United States. a. Produc...
Materials Certification. For certain products, assemblies, and materials, in lieu of normal sampling and testing procedures by the Contractor, the Company, and the Department, the Engineer and Project Coordinator may accept from the Contractor the manufacturer’s certification with respect to the product involved, under the conditions set forth in the following paragraphs: 1. Ensure certification states/specifies the named product conforms to the City of Louisville Gas System Standards and Specifications and representative samples thereof have been sampled and tested as specified. 2. The certification shall either: a. Is accompanied with a certified copy of the test results, or b. Certify such test results are on file with the manufacturer and will be furnished to the Engineer and Project Coordinator upon demand.
Materials Certification. For certain products, assemblies, and materials, in lieu of normal sampling and testing procedures by the Contractor, the Company, and the Department, the Engineer and Project Coordinator may accept from the Contractor the manufacturer’s certification with respect to the product involved, under the conditions set forth in the following paragraphs: 1. Ensure certification states/specifies the named product conforms to the City of Wrens Gas System Standards and Specifications and representative samples thereof have been sampled and tested as specified. 2. The certification shall either: a. Is accompanied with a certified copy of the test results, or b. Certify such test results are on file with the manufacturer and will be furnished to the Engineer and Project Coordinator upon demand. 3. Ensure certification states/specifies the name and address of the manufacturer and the testing agency and the date of tests; and sets forth the means of identification which will permit field determination of the product delivered to the project as being the product covered by the certification. 4. Submit certification in duplicate with one copy to be sent with the shipment of the covered product to the Department’s Project Engineer, and with one copy sent to the Department’s State Materials and Research Engineer at 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Forest Park, Georgia. Ensure certification specifies the project number and contract ID number. No Certificate will be required for Portland Cement when furnished from a manufacturer approved by the Department. 5. The Department or the Company will not be responsible for any costs of certification or for any costs of the sampling and testing of products in connection therewith. 6. The Department and the Company reserves the right to require samples and to test products for compliance with pertinent requirements irrespective of prior certification of the products by the manufacturer. Any materials that fail to meet specification requirements will be rejected.
Materials Certification. Sex Offender Registration Act Certification.
Materials Certification. Prior to reporting a pay item quantity for payment, the materials used and incorporated in, or associated with the pay item, shall be verified for specification compliance by the Consultant. The Consultant shall obtain and review all certifications and/or test results required by the policies of the Department and the Department’s Manual for Documentation of Airport Materials. At the completion of, or any time prior to the completion of the final quantity of a pay item, the Consultant shall submit the aforementioned material certifications and/or test results, that were utilized for acceptance of material, to the Department for review and final approval. Prior to final payment of engineering services under this agreement, the Consultant shall have submitted required certifications and test results to the Department, and the Consultant shall have signed the Department’s MATERIALS CERTIFICATION FORM.

Related to Materials Certification

  • Medical Certification (1) The University may require an employee to provide medical certification from a health care provider for FMLA leave without pay when taken for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member. (2) Medical certification may be required to affirm the employee's ability to return to work and perform one or more of the essential functions of the job within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), after being absent on FMLA leave.

  • Debarment Certification The Contractor, by signature to this Contract, certifies that the Contractor is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency from participating in transactions (Debarred). The Contractor also agrees to include the above requirement in any and all Subcontracts into which it enters. The Contractor shall immediately notify DSHS if, during the term of this Contract, Contractor becomes Debarred. DSHS may immediately terminate this Contract by providing Contractor written notice if Contractor becomes Debarred during the term hereof.

  • Recertification Upon expiration of the time period which the health care provider originally estimated that the employee needed for his/her own serious health condition, the City may require the employee to obtain recertification if additional leave is requested.

  • Class Certification Solely for the purposes of this Settlement, the Parties stipulate and agree to certification of the claims asserted on behalf of Class Members. As such, the Parties stipulate and agree that in order for this Settlement to occur, the Court must certify the Class as defined in this Agreement.

  • CLEC Certification 8.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, CenturyLink shall have no obligation to perform under this Agreement until such time as CLEC has obtained such FCC and Commission authorization(s) as may be required by Applicable Law for conducting business in the State as a competitive local exchange carrier. CLEC shall not be permitted to establish its account nor place any orders under this Agreement until it has obtained such authorization and provided proof of such to CenturyLink. For the life of this Agreement, CLEC must represent and warrant to CenturyLink that it remains a certified local provider of Telephone Exchange Service within CenturyLink’s Local Calling Area(s) in the State. At any time during the life of this Agreement, CLEC will provide a copy of its current Certificate of Operating Authority or other evidence of its status to CenturyLink upon request. CLEC’s failure to maintain such authorization(s) as may be required by Applicable Law for conducting business in the State as a CLEC shall be considered a Default of Agreement.