Meetings and Consultation Sample Clauses

Meetings and Consultation. The following meetings shall be held:
Meetings and Consultation. Initial consultation meeting costs are regularly free of charge but in certain circumstances will be inclusive in the agreed quotation. Any further meetings which involve travel beyond 40 kilometres round trip will be charged at AED 00.75 per mile and an hourly rate of AED 250.00.
Meetings and Consultation. A. Participation and Use. Both parties agree to meet as needed, minimally one time each year, by and through authorized representatives, to identify issues of mutual concern, discuss and devise strategies, provide key contacts, and work to address identified issues, in furtherance of this MOU and the mutual obligations of the parties. It is specifically agreed by and between the parties that the meeting(s) contemplated by this subsection may include a work session at the discretion of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction agrees to host a yearly meeting for all education directors and the leadership of each of the tribal nations in Wisconsin.
Meetings and Consultation. A. Participation and Use. Both parties agree to meet as needed, minimally one time each year, to identify issues of mutual concern, discuss strategies, work to address identified issues, and provide key contacts to advance work moving forward within the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction agrees to host a yearly meeting for all education directors and the leadership of each of the tribal nations in Wisconsin.
Meetings and Consultation. A. Consultation
Meetings and Consultation. The parties will make their personnel --------------------------- available to each other for consultation to support performance of this Agreement. Each party will be responsible for any travel expenses incurred by its own personnel.
Meetings and Consultation. HWMA staff agrees to meet as needed with Participating Agency staff to coordinate and discuss the ongoing management of the Recyclable Materials Processing Agreement.
Meetings and Consultation. Both parties agree to meet as needed, to identify issues of mutual concern and discuss strategies to address identified issues.
Meetings and Consultation. Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to meet with bargaining unit members on school property during non-work times provided that such activities do not unreasonably interfere with the school operations
Meetings and Consultation. Meetings and consultation requiring the Consultant’s participation will likely include but may not be limited to the following:  Kick‐off meetings, Xxxxx 0Preliminary Plans, specifications, and submittal review meeting(s), Task 1  Utilities coordination meetings, if needed (Task 1 and/ or 2)  Final Plans, specifications, and Contract documents review, Task 1  Pre‐Construction Conference, if needed (Task 2)  Construction Progress Meetings/Site Visits, Task 2.