Merit Principle a) The successful applicant in a competition will possess the requisite qualifications, have passed all aspects of the selection process and be deemed to be the most qualified by the selection panel. All things being equal, seniority shall prevail.
b) If the most senior applicant is not the successful candidate, the Employer agrees to meet, at their request to discuss their results.
Merit Principle. (a) The Corporation agrees that appointment into any position for which the Alliance is the bargaining agent shall be made in accordance with the merit principle of candidates as determined in paragraph "b" hereunder, unless otherwise specified in this article.
(b) The selection standards as established for each position or class of positions shall be used to assess the merit of candidates as to education, knowledge, experience, skills, or any other matters that are necessary having regard to the duties to be performed. The selection standards shall not be inconsistent with any classification standard prescribed for that position or any position in that class.
Merit Principle. All appointments to positions at Yukon University, other than recall from layoff, shall be based on merit. The process for assessing merit shall include an objective statement of qualifications for each position, a fair test of the factors, open access to information about the position and process, and timely decisions made by a representative selection committee whose members are free from conflict with regard to the process and all of the candidates. Merit includes the knowledge, abilities, and personal suitability of a person to perform the position and may be assessed from the resumes/curriculum vitae, interviews, reference checks, reasonable and relevant tests and/or prior documented work history with Yukon University.
Merit Principle. The parties agree that it is their mutual intent to strengthen the merit principle in the City, and shall use all due diligence to maintain the merit principle among public employees. The merit principle is the principle that the most qualified person has the most opportunity for employment reward and advancement.