Mileage Payment Sample Clauses

Mileage Payment. When it is necessary for an employee to use his private vehicle to enable him to perform assigned duties on County business, he shall be reimbursed in accordance with Administrative Order No. 6-3.
Mileage Payment. Employees who drive their own car on Company business shall be paid in accordance with Company policy.
Mileage Payment. Teachers required or approved to use a personal vehicle in the performance of their duties shall be reimbursed at the IRS allowable rate, through direct deposit. Every teacher shall start logging reimbursable mileage from the teacher’s office location or from the teacher’s first assignment, as established by teacher and employer.
Mileage Payment. The payment of mileage to an employee for the use of his/her own vehicle for school business purposes shall be pursuant to the IRS RATE. The employee must have prior approval of the administration in order to be compensated for the use of the same.
Mileage Payment. Mileage payment shall be made by check issued on or before the 15th of each month following submission of the request and conditioned upon approval by the Department Head.
Mileage Payment. Employees who are required by the Administration to use their own vehicles for school business shall be paid at the IRS rate established at January 1 of each year of the Agreement.
Mileage Payment. A. The City shall not normally require an employee to provide transportation for the benefit of the City. B. In cases where it is necessary and specifically authorized by the City Administration for an employee to provide transportation in order to conduct City business, the employee shall be reimbursed in accordance with Florida Statute 112. C. In the event that employees are required to use personal transportation for City business on an extended or prolonged basis, and only if specifically authorized by the City Administration, compensation shall be in accordance Florida Statute 112.
Mileage Payment. Required District travel shall be paid at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mileage rates. This travel must have prior approval of the immediate supervisor. A District form indicating the date of travel, destination, the number of miles, and the reason for the mileage must be submitted to the District office for reimbursement. This form shall be signed by the person who is to be reimbursed and also signed by the supervisor who authorized the mileage.
Mileage Payment. A. The following guidelines will apply for payment of mileage for all school employees for the use of their personal car in conducting school business. 1. Mileage outside the School District - Mileage will be paid for all activities approved by the administration such as workshops, conferences, school business and school-related activities.
Mileage Payment. If assignments are not on campus locations, the College will pay mileage at the current IRS rate for distances traveled in excess of the distance traveled by the Employee in the Employee’s normal assignment.