Mileage Rates Sample Clauses
Mileage Rates. The mileage rate shall be the maximum allowed by the Internal Revenue Service. If the IRS rate should change during the term of the contract, the contract rate shall change also on the date specified by the IRS.
Mileage Rates. Over-the-road drivers shall be paid the cents per mile shown below for all miles, as determined in Section 2. Single/Double Sleeper Triple Sleeper Triple (per driver) (per driver) Ratif 0.5520 0.2941 0.5622 0.3001 7/1/08 0.5600 0.2982 0.5700 0.3042 1/1/09 0.5688 0.3025 0.5788 0.3085 7/1/09 0.5775 0.3069 0.5875 0.3129 1/1/10 0.5869 0.3116 0.5969 0.3176 7/1/10 0.5963 0.3163 0.6063 0.3223 1/1/11 0.6063 0.3213 0.6163 0.3273 7/1/11 0.6163 0.3263 0.6263 0.3323 1/1/12 0.6270 0.3316 0.6370 0.3376 7/1/12 0.6376 0.3370 0.6476 0.3430 1/1/13 0.6489 0.3426 0.6589 0.3486 7/1/13 0.6601 0.3482 0.6701 0.3542
Mileage Rates. Premium Service drivers will be paid the cents per mile shown below for all miles driven. Sleeper teams will receive a two (2) cents per mile premium on the appropriate mileage rate and will equally divide the appropriate rate. The mileage rates set forth below shall be effective for each of the specified contract years. In the first three (3) years of the contract, the increase will be effective on August 1st. In 2016 and 2017 the increase in the mileage rate shall be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first half of the increase shall become effective on August 1 of the specified year. The second half of the increase shall become effective on February 1 of the following calendar year. The total increases for each year will result in the following mileage rates: Single Double Triple August 2013 0.7554 0.7719 0.7883 August 2014 0.7713 0.7882 0.8049 August 2015 0.7873 0.8045 0.8216 August 2016 0.7964 0.8138 0.8311 February 2017 0.8055 0.8231 0.8406 August 2017 0.8169 0.8347 0.8525 February 2018 0.8282 0.8463 0.8643
Mileage Rates. (a) The mileage payment rate will be set annually on July 1st at the Canada Revenue Agency “reasonable” mileage allowance rate as reflected in the CCH Canada Ltd. Pay Source. At no time shall the mileage rate exceed the provincial government rate.
(b) In the event that an employee agrees to utilize his/her vehicle to attend some activity more than fifty-five (55) kilometres from the Board Office, then he/she will receive a car payment equivalent to his/her gasoline costs.
Mileage Rates. Premium Service drivers will be paid the cents per mile shown below for all miles driven. Sleeper teams will receive a two (2) cents per mile premium on the appropriate mileage rate and will equally divide the appropriate rate. The mileage rates set forth below shall be effective on August 1 for each of the specified contract years. The total increases for each year will result in the following mileage rates: Single Double Triple August 2018 0.8442 0.8626 0.8810 August 2019 0.8613 0.8800 0.8988 August 2020 0.8796 0.8987 0.9179 August 2021 0.9001 0.9196 0.9393 August 2022 0.9229 0.9429 0.9631 Thirty-Six (36) Months .6979 .7127 .7275 Forty-Eight (48) Months TOP RATE Those drivers in progression as of the ratification of this Agreement will maintain a three (3) the four (4) year progression to Top Rate and be slotted into the above progression rates as set forth in Article 43, Section 2 (11) of the 2013-2018 NMA but will be paid the applicable mileage rates as set forth above. Those drivers in progression as of the ratification of this Agreement will maintain a three (3) the four (4) year progression to Top Rate and be slotted into the above progression rates as set forth in Article 43, Section 2 (11) of the 2013-2018 NMA but will be paid the applicable mileage rates as set forth above.
Mileage Rates. Where employees elect and are permitted to use their personal vehicle in lieu of transportation made available by the Company, they shall receive the rate prescribed in Canada Revenue Agency Guidelines for all distance travelled on Company business.
Mileage Rates. A. The parties jointly agree to recommend to County's Board of Supervisors that said Board provide mileage reimbursement for mileage permittees as follows:
Mileage Rates. Mileage shall be paid at the current IRS rate.
Mileage Rates. Over-the-road drivers shall be paid the cents per mile shown below for all miles, as determined in Section 2. Single/Double Sleeper (per driver) Triple Sleeper Triple (per driver) Top Progression Rate 0.7232 0.3815 0.7342 0.3881 Once Top Progression Rate is achieved, employee will receive applicable general wage increases as set forth in Article 26, Section 2 (a).