Temporary Vacancies Sample Clauses
Temporary Vacancies. 14.12.1 Surplus employees shall be eligible for assignment into temporary assignments in their own Ministry that are posted for recruitment in accordance with Article 7 in the last two (2) months of their notice provided that:
(a) The employee applies for and indicates on his or her application for the vacancy that they have received notice of layoff and are eligible for a temporary assignment; and
(b) He or she is qualified for the position. Such assignments are meant to provide additional employment opportunities for surplus employees prior to lay-off. Where more than one surplus employee matches the temporary assignment, the employee with greater seniority shall be offered the temporary assignment. It is understood that such assignment of a surplus employee to a temporary vacancy has priority over Article 8.11 (Temporary Assignments).
14.12.2 A surplus employee shall retain his / her status in the regular service and current salary entitlements while placed in a temporary assignment. Placement in a temporary assignment will not constitute a promotion for pay purposes. Subject to Sub-article 14.12.1, for placement into temporary assignments, the Employer shall use the same criteria and rules as for assignment into vacancies under Article 14.4 (Targeted Direct Assignment).
14.12.3 An offer of a temporary assignment to a surplus employee must be in writing and must specify the duration of the temporary assignment. The surplus employee shall have five (5) working days in which to accept or reject the offer of a temporary assignment.
14.12.4 The original temporary assignment may be extended by a maximum of three (3) months.
14.12.5 When a temporary assignment takes place, the employee shall not be unreasonably denied the opportunity to complete any portion of training already underway. Surplus employees who refuse a temporary assignment shall continue to be considered for assignment into permanent vacancies for the duration of their surplus notice period, but not for further temporary assignments.
14.12.6 Where an employee accepts a temporary assignment or secondment under Article 14.12, it shall be considered to be a hiatus in their notice period under Article 14.3.8 for the duration of their temporary assignment and all redeployment activities shall cease. Notwithstanding the hiatus, the employee may continue to identify and be considered for vacancies under Article 14.
4.1. At the end of the temporary assignment or secondment, the balance of the notice pe...
Temporary Vacancies. (a) Vacancies of a temporary nature which exceed or are expected to exceed three (3) months shall be posted as per Article 24.
(b) Casual employees may elect to maintain their ten point two percent (10.2%) in lieu of vacation and statutory holidays for the duration of the temporary vacancy they are filling. Successful applicants who fill a temporary vacancy may apply for Article 27, Health and Welfare Benefits for which they are eligible, after three (3) months in the temporary vacancy. Upon completion of the temporary work assignment, the employee's entitlement to the Health and Welfare Benefit plan will cease.
(c) Temporary vacancies shall not exceed twelve (12) months without the agreement of the Union, or as specifically permitted in this Agreement.
Temporary Vacancies. Temporary vacancies anticipated to be less than six (6) weeks duration shall not be posted, unless otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Union. The Employer will endeavour to distribute shifts as equally as possible.
Temporary Vacancies. (a) Vacancies of a temporary nature, which exceed or are expected to exceed three months will be posted as per Clause 24.1 (Job Postings).
(b) Casual employees may elect to maintain their 9.8% in lieu of vacation and statutory holidays for the duration of the temporary vacancy they are filling. Successful applicants who fill a temporary vacancy may apply for Article 27 (Health and Welfare Benefits) for which they are eligible, after three months in the temporary vacancy. Upon completion of the temporary work assignment, the employee's entitlement to the Health and Welfare Benefit plan will cease.
(c) Where an employee is off on long-term disability benefits, a temporary posting may continue to a date of 18 months from that employee's last day worked. If the 18 months as noted above is reached and the employee is still off on long-term disability benefits, the position will be posted as a regular position.
(d) Accepting a temporary vacancy does not change the status of an employee.
Temporary Vacancies. NAV CANADA may assign employees to fill temporary vacancies normally of less than twelve (12) months duration. Absences due to accidents or illness which are anticipated to be of less than twelve (12) months duration, and vacancies which are caused by temporary assignments, vacations or leaves of absence shall be deemed temporary if they are of less than twelve (12)
Temporary Vacancies. Any temporary vacancy with an anticipated duration of six (6) weeks or more will be posted. Employees shall be given the first opportunity to fill temporary vacancies subject to Article 11.
Temporary Vacancies. For temporary vacancies (such as when a chair is on leave or during the interim period when an election is being conducted), the President/designee may, after consultation with the faculty members of the department, appoint an interim chair for a period not to exceed nine (9) months unless a longer period is mutually agreed upon by the President and the department, in which case the appointment may be for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) months.
Temporary Vacancies. When a Temporary Vacancy of a duration of one hundred and twenty (120) days or longer exists the vacancy shall be posted and filled in accordance with the terms of Article 11.01 subject to the following: Temporary positions shall be posted and filled in accordance with the terms of Article 11.01 subject to the following:
i. One additional posting shall be required for the position of the employee transferred or promoted as a result of the original posting. The additional posting shall be for a minimum of three (3) working days. Additional postings shall not be required after the second posting, however the employer shall consider existing employees before hiring outside the scope of the union.
ii. If as a result of the posted temporary position an individual is hired from outside the existing work force, the temporary employee shall be considered terminated upon completion of the temporary position and shall not be entitled to notice of dismissal as provided in Article 9.04;
iii. Should the temporary position subsequently become a permanent position, it shall be posted and filled in accordance with Article 11.01.
iv. If the temporary position is filled with a permanent employee, the permanent employee will be returned to their former position upon completion of the temporary work.
v. The temporary position can be extended for any period of time as mutually agreed to by the Union and the Employer.
vi. If the Employer decides to end the temporary position, which may occur at any time during the definite period, the Employer will give the employee notice as provided in The Labour Standards Act. The length of time the employee has been working in the temporary position will be used to calculate the notice. When the notice period expires, the employee shall be returned to their original position. If an individual is hired from outside the bargaining unit, for the temporary position, the employee shall be deemed terminated after the notice period expires.
Temporary Vacancies. Temporary full-time vacancies which are not expected to exceed six (6) months will not be posted and may be filled at the discretion of the Employer. In filling such vacancies, consideration will be given as follows:
(a) part-time employees within the primary area of the vacancy who have expressed interest first,
(b) part-time employees within the supervisor’s areas of the vacancy who have expressed interest second,
(c) part-time employees who have expressed interest to Human Resources third.
1. Part-time employees interested in working temporary full-time positions within the homes supervised by her supervisor, will express interest in writing to the supervisor, which will be valid from the time received by the supervisor until the end of the calendar year, unless withdrawn by the employee.
2. Part-time employees interested in working temporary full-time positions within other areas of the Employer, must submit an “Application to Transfer” to Human Resources (one application per area). Each time the employee is offered or accepts a temporary vacancy, or is otherwise unavailable, her application shall be removed from the “Application to Transfer” file. As well, applicants who do not receive a temporary offer by December 31st of the year in which the application was submitted, will be required to submit a new application the following year.
3. The supervisor shall maintain a rotating list of employees within each primary area of assignment. Each time the employee is offered or accepts a temporary vacancy, or is otherwise unavailable, her name shall rotate to the bottom of the list, regardless of the length of the vacancy. If the supervisor is unable to fill using (a) above, she will access a rotating list from her other areas, as in (b) above. If the supervisor is still unable to fill the vacancy, she shall access the file from Human Resources, where the criteria for selection in .03 shall apply.
Temporary Vacancies. (a) Vacancies which are not expected to exceed sixty (60) calendar days may be filled at the discretion of the Employer. The Employer will consider seniority as one of the criteria in its decisions.
(b) Temporary vacancies expected to exceed sixty (60) days shall follow the posting procedure as set out in 11.05 (b). In the event there is no successful internal applicant a Temporary Employee may be hired for a specific term which would not normally exceed twelve (12) months.
(c) Employees newly hired to temporarily replace employees may be released and such release shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. If retained by the Employer, in a permanent position, the employee shall be credited with seniority from date of hire subject to successfully completing her or his probationary period. The Employer will outline to employees hired to fill such temporary vacancies the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy and the special conditions relating to such employment.
(d) In filling temporary part time vacancies covered by 11.06 (b) above consideration shall be given first to regular part-time employees in the bargaining unit on the basis of seniority who are qualified to perform the work in question.
(e) Where part time employees fill temporary full time vacancies, such employees shall be considered regular part time and shall be covered by the terms of this agreement.
(f) Where a full time employee fills a temporary full time or part time position such employee will be considered full time and shall be covered by the terms of this agreement.
(g) Upon completion of the temporary vacancy the nurse shall be reinstated to her former position, unless the position has been discontinued, in which case the nurse will be subject to provisions of the collective agreement (Articles 11.08, 11.09).