Building Use. Agency facilities may be used for Union activities according to current building use policies, so long as the facility is available and proper scheduling has been arranged.
Building Use. University facilities may be used for Union activities according to current building use policies, so long as the facility is available and proper scheduling has been arranged.
Building Use. The Association may use District school buildings for meetings and to transact official business on school grounds at all reasonable times outside the regular school day with the approval of the Superintendent.
Building Use. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours provided a building permit has been issued.
Building Use. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings after normal school hours upon request and approval of the administrator at all reasonable hours. Representatives of the Association may hold small group meetings without the formality of a building use agreement, provided that the principal is notified in advance of the meeting to permit coordination of scheduled uses and further provided that the meeting would be completed prior to the normal closing time of the building.
Building Use. All groups agree that they will ensure that all event participants leave the building after the event. They will be responsible for turning off all lights and closing all windows. As applicable, if a key is provided, the group or member will be responsible for locking the facility.
Building Use. Upon request to the Superintendent or his/her designee, the Agency may allow the Union use of OSP facilities during non-duty hours for meetings when such facilities are available. Such meetings will not interfere with the business of the OSP.
Building Use. Upon request to the State Fire Marshal or his/her designee, the OSFM may allow the Union use of OSFM facilities during nonduty hours for meetings when such facilities are available. Such meetings will not interfere with the business of the OSFM. Requests for access to buildings other than OSFM headquarters shall be directed to station commanders.
Building Use. 1. The Board agrees that the Association may use the District’s building and utilities at any reasonable time with the prior approval of the Superintendent for the purpose of holding meetings of the Association or conducting Association business.
2. The Association may use the equipment (copying machines, typewriters, audio visual equipment, computers) within the buildings when such equipment is not otherwise in use, provided that the Board may request reimbursement for the cost of supplies used and any equipment damages due to negligence. The Association may also have the use of telephones for local calls.
3. Existing bulletin board space shall be made available to the Association to post notices of a non-political nature. The Association shall be allowed to distribute materials provided the building administrator is kept informed of the Association member(s) designated the responsibility for such distribution.
Building Use. The Association has the right to use school buildings for meetings during non-school hours, upon the approval of the building principal and so long as these meetings do not interfere with the normal operation of the schools.