Multi-Union Subcommittee Sample Clauses

Multi-Union Subcommittee. The parties agree that SEIU will join the multi-union Union Management Subcommittee established to review the impacts of smoking in psychiatric hospitals and to consider a policy to make the two psychiatric hospitals tobacco free. The committee will exist from September 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015. The committee will include up to four Nurses selected by SEIU. The committee will be co-facilitated by representatives of the Unions and the Assistant Human Resources Director for DSHS. Any policy proposals from the subcommittee regarding changes to DSHS’s smoking policy will be communicated to SEIU and the union will have 21 days to file a demand to bargain the decision to implement. Failure by the parties to reach agreement will not result in implementation of any proposed changes that remain in dispute.

Related to Multi-Union Subcommittee

  • Joint Safety Committee (a) The Union and the Company shall cooperate in selecting one or more Safety Committees, which will meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems. (b) The local Joint Safety Committee shall consist of equal representation from Company and Union. This Committee shall meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems.

  • The Joint Committee (a) shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Parties; and (b) may establish and delegate its responsibilities to Sub-Committees.

  • Joint Union/Management Committee It shall be appropriate for either the Union or the University to request that a Joint Union/Management committee be convened, with Environmental Health and Safety as a participating member, to discuss health and safety concerns and to explore options for addressing those concerns through appropriate training or other approaches.

  • Union Committee The Union shall appoint and maintain a Committee comprising persons who are employees of the Employer, and/or the Senior Union Official, or her/his representative, which shall be known as the Union Committee. The Union at all times shall keep the Employer informed of the individual membership of the Committee.

  • Joint Committee 10.1 The Councils shall form the joint committee ("Joint Committee") for the purpose of overseeing and co-ordinating the discharge of the Councils' obligations in relation to the City Deal and to carry out the functions set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) and the Joint Committee shall be known as the "Cardiff Capital Region Joint Cabinet", "Joint Cabinet" or "Regional Cabinet" (as the context requires). 10.2 The Joint Committee may carry out such other functions as the Councils determine from time to time and approve as a "Matter Reserved To The Councils". 10.3 The Joint Committee shall not have power to approve any "Matter Reserved To The Councils" pursuant of Clause 9.1.3 ("Matter Reserved To The Councils"). 10.4 Each Council shall appoint one (1) elected member representative to the Joint Committee. The Chairperson of the Joint Committee shall be an elected member representative of a Council appointed to the Joint Committee and shall rotate amongst the Councils on an annual basis. 10.5 Each Council shall be entitled from time to time to appoint a deputy for its representative but such deputy (in each case) shall only be entitled to attend meetings of the Joint Committee in the absence of his or her corresponding principal. 10.6 Each Council shall be entitled to invite appropriate third parties to observe Joint Committee Meetings and such third parties shall be entitled to take part in such Joint Committee Meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Joint Committee. Such observers shall not have a vote. 10.7 The Regional Programme Director shall attend the Joint Committee meetings but shall not have the right to vote on any Joint Committee Matters. 10.8 Each Council may, at their discretion, replace their representatives (and their respective deputies) appointed to the Joint Committee, provided that:- 10.8.1 at all times, they have representatives appointed to the Joint Committee in accordance with the roles identified in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference); and 10.8.2 any such replacement shall have no lesser status or authority than that set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) unless otherwise agreed by the Councils. 10.9 The Joint Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis during the second Accounting Period and thereafter as and when required in accordance with the timetable for the City Deal and, in any event, at appropriate times and on reasonable notice (to be issued through the Regional Programme Director) to carry out the Joint Committee Matters referred to in Schedule 1 (Delegations Policy) and in carrying out such activities. 10.10 The Regional Programme Director shall circulate a meeting agenda and any relevant information wherever possible at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Joint Committee meeting and any representative may add to the meeting agenda (i) prior to the Joint Committee meeting by written request to the Regional Programme Director and/or (ii) by request to the Chairperson at the start of the Joint Committee meeting. 10.11 The quorum necessary for a Joint Committee meeting shall be an elected member or appropriate deputy appointed pursuant to Clause 10.5 (Joint Committee) from at least seven (7) of the Councils at the relevant time. 10.12 At meetings of the Joint Committee each elected member or appropriate deputy appointed pursuant to Clause 10.5 (Joint Committee) above from each Council shall have one vote. The Chairperson shall be granted a casting vote provided always that the Councils agree and acknowledge that the Chairperson shall not under any circumstances exercise such casting vote. Decisions at meetings of the Joint Committee will be taken by a majority vote of a quorate meeting. The Regional Programme Director shall not have a vote. 10.13 If, at a meeting of the Joint Committee, a matter is not determined pursuant to Clause 10.12 above, that matter ("JC Unresolved Matter") shall be deferred for consideration at the next Joint Committee meeting which shall be convened within ten (10) Business Days of that meeting. If at the reconvened Joint Committee meeting the JC Unresolved Matter is not determined, the JC Unresolved Matter shall become a "Matter Reserved To The Councils" and shall be deferred for consideration by each Council. Each Council shall each use its reasonable endeavours to convene a full Council meeting of its councillors as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within three (3) weeks of the Joint Committee Meeting. Where a JC Unresolved Matter is referred to each Council as a "Matter Reserved to each Council" and is not approved unanimously by each Council, the JC Unresolved Matter shall not be agreed and shall not be implemented by the Joint Committee. 10.14 Each Council shall provide all information reasonably required upon request by the Joint Committee to the Regional Programme Director and shall comply with any decisions of the Joint Committee to request such information. 10.15 Each Council shall consult with the other Councils to ensure the diligent progress of the day to day matters relating to the discharge of the Councils' obligations in relation to the City Deal. 10.16 Where a Council wishes to provide any information and/or serve a notice or demand on the Joint Committee, this should be served on the Regional Programme Director in accordance with Clause 23.3 (Notices). The Regional Programme Director shall keep a record of all information, notices and demands received and shall update each representative promptly. 10.17 The Councils agree and acknowledge that the Joint Committee shall adopt the Accountable Body's prevailing contract standing orders, financial procedure rules, codes of conduct and such other applicable policies and procedures for and behalf of the Councils in the discharge of its obligations under this Agreement.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • Safety Committee 63.1 Where a Health and Safety Committee is established on a job in accordance with section 72 of the OHS Act, it shall include the Employer’s Site Safety Supervisor and the Health and Safety Representative/s. 63.2 The Health and Safety Committee may, by agreement, include additional Workers’ Representatives and Employer Representatives of significant sub- contractors. 63.3 The Health and Safety Committee shall meet at least once every three (3) months and otherwise as often as is necessary to provide an overview of safety on the job, and assist in the promotion of a safe working environment on the job site. 63.4 The Safety Committee shall minute the meetings and determine an action plan for the rectification of unsafe items.

  • TRANSITION COMMITTEE A transition committee comprised of the employee representatives and the employer representatives, including the Crown, will be established by January 31, 2016 to address all matters that may arise in the creation of the Trust.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • LIAISON COMMITTEE 8.1 The Law Society shall establish a committee to include, without limitation, representatives from Qualifying Insurers, the Law Society, and the ARP Manager (the Liaison Committee). 8.2 The purpose of the Liaison Committee shall include: 8.2.1 reviewing the arrangements relating to the provision of compulsory professional indemnity insurance to members of the solicitors’ profession generally; and 8.2.2 considering proposed amendments to such arrangements, including proposed variations to the Rules, the Minimum Terms or the standard form Qualifying Insurer’s Agreement. 8.3 The terms of reference relating to the Liaison Committee shall be as determined by the Law Society from time to time.