Name of Work Sample Clauses
Name of Work. Assisting the Commission in processing, assessing, evaluating, determination & issuance of Tariff Orders in the matter of True-Up of FY 2019-20, Annual Performance Review (APR) of FY 2020-21 and Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) of FY 2021-22 for the 6 distribution licensees (DVVNL, MVVNL, PVVNL, PuVVNL, KESCo. & NPCL) and 1 transmission licensee (UPPTCL) and SLDC as per applicable Regulations.
Name of Work. Est No. : OW/TESD/TRS/5166/OF 2018-2019 Prov Solar Street Light for Wadrai Village, Taluka & Dist. Palghar. PERIOD OF SALE OF BIDDING DOCUMENT ONLINE : FROM 01.02.2019 on 10.10 A.M. TO 08.02.2019 on 18.00 P.M. TIME AND DATE OF PRE-BID CONFERENCE : NO PRE-BID CONFERENCE LAST DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF ONLINE BIDS (BID DUE DATE) : DATE 08.02.2019 TIME 18.00 A.M. HOURS DATE AND TIME OF SUBMISSTIION OF BID SECURITY AND COST OF TENDER FEE DOCUMENT IN ORIGINAL : DATE 11.02.2019 TIME 18.00 A.M. HOURS TIME AND DATE OF OPENING TECHNICAL BIDS : DATE 12.02.2019 TIME 11.00A.M. HOURS TIME AND DATE OF OPENING FINANCIAL BIDS : TO BE ANNOUNCED PLACE OF OPENING OF BIDS : EXECTIVE ENGINEER ( ELECTRICAL ) THANE ELECTRICAL DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, STATION ROAD, THANE OFFICER IINVITING BIDS : EXECTIVE ENGINEER ( ELECTRICAL ) Contractor sign. No Of Correction Executive Engineer 1 Tender Forms can be downloaded from e-Tendering Portal of Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e.xxxx:// after entering the details of payment toward Tender Fees as per the Tender Schedule / tender notice
Name of Work. Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (JMRC) Ltd. invites online open e-Bids from eligible applicants, who fulfill qualification criteria as stipulated in Clause 1.1.3 of NIB, for the work “Design and Construction of Elevated Ramp, Elevated Viaduct and one Elevated Station (Transport Nagar) from start of elevated ramp (CH: 13040.00 m) to Transport nagar Dead end (CH: 13996.00 m) of Jaipur Metro phase-1C and Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct and one Elevated Station (Ajmer Road Chauraha including loop line) from Mansarovar dead end (CH: -1243.930 m) (excluding) to Ajmer Road Chauraha dead end (CH: -2595.930 m) of Jaipur Metro Phase-1D, including Entry Exit Structures, Architectural finishing, water supply, Sanitary Installations, Drainage Works, Pre- Engineered Sheet Roof Structure, Roof Sheeting Works and E&M Works for Jaipur Metro Phase- 1C and Phase-1D at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India”. This bid is invited under RTPP Act-2012, and RTPP Rules, 2013 (Compiled up to date). The complete bid document can be downloaded from the state e-procurement website xxxxx:// and interested bidders will have to submit their offer in electronic formats both for technical and financial proposal on this website with their digital signatures. The complete bid document can also be seen on Corporation’s website xxxxx:// and state procurement portal i.e., xxxxx:// Bidders who wish to participate in this bidding process must register on xxxxx:// To participate in online Bids, as per Information Technology Act, 2000, Bidders will have to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from any agency approved by Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA). Bidders who already have a Valid Digital Signature Certificate need not to obtain a new Digital Signature Certificate. This DSC will be used by the bidder to digitally sign the bids before its online submission on E-Proc Portal. The Law relating to procurement “The Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012” [hereinafter called the Act] and the “Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules, 2013” [hereinafter called the Rules] under the said Act have come into force which are available on the website of State Public Procurement Portal xxxxx:// OR xxxxx:// Therefore, the Bidders are advised to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in the Bidding pro...
Name of Work. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT W/S & SANITATION DIVISION, …………..DISTRICT…………………….. ............................ Div. Acctt. This agreement made of...........................between....................................... (hereinafter called the "Contractor") of the one part, and Governor of Punjab through the Executive Engineer W/S & SANITATION DIVISION, _________ (hereinafter called "The Government") of the other part :
Name of Work. Maintenance Contract for old Computers and its peripherals, Server Administration and Network maintenance in the premises of M/s BHEL-HPVP, Visakhapatnam for a period of one Year- Reg. Tender Enquiry No: OS/SC/2022-23/02/16, Date: 28.06.2022
Name of Work. SCOPE OF WORK
Name of Work. Annual Maintenance Contract for Civil works for Admin/ Academic Block, College of Nursing, Auditorium along with surrounding area at AIIMS Bilaspur H.P.
Name of Work. Annual Maintenance Contract for Civil works for Hostel Areas, Dining Block A & B along with surrounding area at AIIMS Bilaspur H.P. NOTICE INVITING TENDER
Name of Work. Est. No. RSD/5851/2017-18 Providing Replaccement of LED fittings, Ceiling fans, Air Conditioning units, LED street Lights, water pumps and solar hot water system to the Govt. Polytechnic collage Ratnagiri Tal &DistRatnagiri..
Name of Work. Selection of operating agency to operate, maintain and manage the following Machineries in the Coconut Value Addition Center at Shenbagaramanpudur in Kanyakumari District from Farmers Producer Company (FPO)/Coconut Producer Company (CPC) / FPO Consortium/Joint Venture with FPO/CPC.