Notification and Consultation 1. A Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing upon: (a) initiating a bilateral safeguard proceeding under this Section; (b) applying a provisional bilateral safeguard measure; and (c) taking a final decision to apply or extend a bilateral safeguard measure. 2. A Party shall provide to the other Party a copy of the public version of the report of its competent investigating authority in accordance with Article 8.4.1. 3. Upon request of a Party whose good is subject to a bilateral safeguard proceeding under this Section, the Party conducting that proceeding shall enter into consultations with the requesting Party to review a notification under paragraph 1 or any public notice or report that the competent investigating authority has issued in connection with the proceeding. 4. All notifications during any bilateral safeguard investigation shall be exchanged in English.
Technical Consultations If a Party has a significant concern with respect to food safety, plant health, or animal health, or an SPS measure that the other Party has proposed or implemented, that Party may request technical consultations with the other Party. The Party that is the subject of the request should respond to the request without undue delay. Each Party shall endeavour to provide the information necessary to avoid a disruption to trade and, as the case may be, to reach a mutually acceptable solution.
Mutual Negotiations This Agreement and the other Transaction Documents are the product of mutual negotiations by the parties thereto and their counsel, and no party shall be deemed the draftsperson of this Agreement or any other Transaction Document or any provision hereof or thereof or to have provided the same. Accordingly, in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity of any provision of this Agreement or any other Transaction Document, such inconsistency or ambiguity shall not be interpreted against any party because of such party’s involvement in the drafting thereof.
Consultations and Amendments 1. In case any difficulties in the implementation of this Agreement arise, either Party may request consultations to develop appropriate measures to ensure the fulfillment of this Agreement. 2. This Agreement may be amended by written mutual agreement of the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed upon, such an amendment shall enter into force through the same procedures as set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 10 of this Agreement.
Informal Negotiations To expedite resolution and control the cost of any dispute, controversy, or claim related to these Terms of Use (each a "Dispute" and collectively, the “Disputes”) brought by either you or us (individually, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”), the Parties agree to first attempt to negotiate any Dispute (except those Disputes expressly provided below) informally for at least thirty (30) days before initiating arbitration. Such informal negotiations commence upon written notice from one Party to the other Party.
INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION 8.1 You are entitled under the General Data Protection Regulation to access personal data we hold on you in our housing files. We will provide you with a copy of any such information we hold within one calendar month of your request. You may have other rights under the General Data Protection Regulation in relation to your personal data, which we will honour. You are entitled to check information you have provided in connection with your housing application free of charge. 8.2 We will publish an annual report on our housing management performance which you may obtain from us on request. We will give you information about our complaints procedure. 8.3 On request, we will provide you with information relating to: • the terms of your tenancy; • our policy and procedures on setting rent charges; • our policy and rules about: - admission to the housing lists; - allocations; - transfers of tenants between houses; - exchanges of houses between our tenants, and tenants of other landlords; - repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy; • our arrangements for taking decisions about housing management and services. 8.4 We will consult you about making or changing: • policies regarding housing management, repairs and maintenance if the proposal is likely to significantly affect you; • proposals for changes in rent and service charges where they affect all or a class of tenants (and you are to be affected); • proposals for the sale or transfer of your house to another landlord; • decisions about the information to be provided relating to our standards of housing management and performance; • performance standards or targets in relation to housing management repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy. We will take into account any views that you have before making a final decision. Any consultation with you will include giving you comprehensive information in an accessible form and reasonable time to express views.
Good Faith Negotiations In case of any dispute arising out of this Agreement including any question regarding its interpretation, existence, validity or termination, each party will use its best efforts to resolve the dispute by good faith negotiation within a period of Thirty (30) Business Days following notification of the dispute.
Consultations A Party may request in writing consultations with the other Party with respect to any matter referred to in Article 174 (Scope of Application).
Exceptions to Informal Negotiations and Arbitration The Parties agree that the following Disputes are not subject to the above provisions concerning informal negotiations and binding arbitration: (a) any Disputes seeking to enforce or protect, or concerning the validity of, any of the intellectual property rights of a Party; (b) any Dispute related to, or arising from, allegations of theft, piracy, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized use; and (c) any claim for injunctive relief. If this provision is found to be illegal or unenforceable, then neither Party will elect to arbitrate any Dispute falling within that portion of this provision found to be illegal or unenforceable and such Dispute shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction within the courts listed for jurisdiction above, and the Parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court. There may be information on the Site that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including descriptions, pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or update the information on the Site at any time, without prior notice.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURE A. It is contemplated that the terms and conditions of employment provided in this Agreement shall remain in effect until altered by mutual consent in writing between the parties. It is likewise recognized that matters previously unforeseen may be negotiated by mutual consent of the parties. B. Representatives of the Employer and Association may meet during the term of this Agreement for purposes of discussing matters of mutual concern. These meetings are not intended to by-pass the grievance procedure or to constitute negotiations. C. Negotiations between the parties on a successor agreement shall begin at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the contract term. When negotiations are conducted during regular school hours, released time shall be provided for the Association's negotiating committee. D. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party. The parties mutually pledge that their representatives will be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make concessions in the course of negotiations. However, the parties recognize that all tentative agreements reached between the parties must be approved by the Board of Education and the Association’s members, respectively. E. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all previous Agreements, verbal or written or based on alleged past practices, between the Board and the Association and constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any amendment or agreement supplemental hereto shall not be binding upon either party unless executed in writing by the parties hereto. F. There shall be two signed copies of any final agreement. One copy shall be retained by the Employer and one by the Association. Copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the expense of the Employer within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed, and presented to all bargaining unit members now employed or hereafter employed by the Employer. All school district personnel policy revisions pertaining to this bargaining unit shall be distributed to all bargaining unit members within thirty (30) days of the policy revision.