of NIT Sample Clauses
of NIT v (e). If there is any misrepresentation of facts with regards to undertaking submitted vide Appendix- 6, the same will be considered as “fraudulent practice” under Clause 4.33.1 a (ii) of GCC and the tender submission of such tenderers will be rejected besides taking further action as per Clause 4.33.1 (b), (c) &13.2.1 of GCC.
of NIT. In the case of a JV or Consortium, all members of the Group shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of whole contract.
of NIT. The bidders will be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender document cost/ tender fee including e-receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Xxxxxx reference i.e. OEM-370 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. (Copy of GST registration no. to be provided along with Tender document cost/ tender fee) e. Tender Document available for sale on website From 28.11.2018 to 27.12.2018 (Upto 14:00 Hrs) on e- tendering website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app.
of NIT. The bidders shall be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender security/ EMDincluding e- receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Xxxxxx reference i.e. OTW-828 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. For further details, clause C18.1.2 of ITT may be referred. Note: Bidders to note that the payment of tender security shall be made from the account of bidder only however, in case of JV/Consortium the tender security can either be paid from JV/Consortium account or one of the constituent member of JV/Consortium. If tender security has been made from other than the account mentioned above, same shall not be accepted and all such bids shall be considered ineligible and summarily rejected.
of NIT. The bidders shall be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender security/ EMD including e- receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Xxxxxx reference i.e. ORW-732 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. For further details, clause C18.1.2 of ITT may be referred. Note: Bidders to be note that the payment of tender security shall be made from the account of bidder only however, in case of JV/ Consortium the tender security can either be paid from JV/Consortium account or one of the constituent member of JV/Consortium. If tender security has been made from other than the account mentioned above, same shall not be accepted and all such bids shall be considered ineligible and summarily rejected. d. Cost of Tender Documents* (Non-Refundable) ₹1,180/- (inclusive of 18% GST) Non-Refundable (Payment of cost of tender document / tender fee is to be made only by RTGS, NEFT & IMPS. No other mode of payment will be accepted. The detail of bank account of DMRC for payment of cost of tender document is mentioned in clause 1.1.2(p)
of NIT. The bidders will be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender document cost/ tender fee including e-receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Xxxxxx reference i.e. OCM-878 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. (Copy of GST registration no. to be provided along with Tender document cost/ tender fee) e. Tender Document available for sale on website From 23.12.2020 to 23.01.2021 (upto 14:00 hrs) on e- tendering website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app. f. Last date of Seeking Clarification 29.12.2020 (upto 17:00 Hrs) (Queries shall be submitted online through e-tendering portal against the respective tender) g. Pre-bid Meeting 30.12.2020 at 11:30 Hrs The pre bid meeting shall be conducted through video conferencing by software apps such asmicrosoft teams etc. All Prospective bidder shall provide the details of the person(s) (maximum up to two) who will be participating in such virtual meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting (latest by 11:30 Hrs on 29.12.2020) to the registered email of DMRC i.e. xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx, so that link having details such as software, meeting ID, password etc. can be mailed to these person preferably 12 hours before the scheduled pre-bid meeting.
of NIT. In case of JV/Consortium, change in constitution or percentage participation shall not be permitted at any stage after their submission of application otherwise the applicant shall be treated as non-responsive.
of NIT. Each non-substantial partner should have a minimum of 20% participation in the JV/Consortium. Partners having less than 26% participation will be termed as non- substantial partner and will not be considered for evaluation which means that their financial soundness and work experience shall not be considered for evaluation of JV/Consortium. In the tender of Civil work, a Joint Venture/ Consortium to qualify, each of its non-substantial partner must have experience of executing at least one Civil work of minimum value of Rs.
of NIT. In the case of a JV or Consortium, all members of the Group shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of whole contract. Also, each member shall be individually responsible for its duties as specified in the MOU/JV agreement submitted by the bidder in terms of clause 1.2.1 vii (d). Performance of each JV/Consortium partner shall also be judged on quarterly basis. In case, the performance of the partner(s) is not found satisfactory, actions as deemed appropriate by the Employer may be taken including termination of contract or termination of any of JV/ Consortium member(s) from the contract i.e. Part Termination of the contract. In case of part termination of contract, the Performance Security(ies) submitted by the member(s) for their portion of work in contract as per their share in JV/Consortium shall be forfeited and the scope of the work/duties assigned to the defaulting JV/Consortium member(s) as per the MOU/agreement submitted, may be terminated, however, same may be done by the Employer only if other member(s) of JV/Consortium are ready to complete the entire scope of work. In such a case, remaining works pertaining to the scope of defaulting member of JV, may be completed by other member(s) of JV in the following manner:
of NIT. The bidders shall be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender security/ EMD including e-receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Tender reference i.e. OEW-799 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. For further details, clause C18.1.2 of ITT may be referred. Note: Bidders to note that the payment of tender security shall be made from the account of bidder only however, in case of JV/ Consortium the tender security can either be paid from JV/Consortium account or one of the constituent member of JV/Consortium. If tender security has been made from other than the account mentioned above, same shall not be accepted and all such bids shall be considered ineligible and summarily rejected. d. Cost of Tender Documents* (Non-Refundable) ₹23,600/- (inclusive of 18% GST) Non-Refundable (Payment of cost of tender document / tender fee is to be made only by RTGS, NEFT & IMPS. No other mode of payment will be accepted. The detail of bank account of DMRC for payment of cost of tender document is mentioned in clause 1.1.2(p) of NIT. The bidders will be required to upload the scanned copies of transaction of payment of tender document cost/ tender fee including e- receipt (clearly indicating UTR No. & Tender reference i.e. OEW-799 must be entered in the remarks at the time of online transaction of payment, failing which payment may not be considered) at the time of online bid submission. (Copy of GST registration no. to be provided along with Tender document cost/ tender fee) e. Tender Document available for sale on website From 24.07.2020 to 27.08.2020 29.08.2020 (upto 14:00 hrs) on e-tendering website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/eprocure/app. f. Pre-bid Meeting 06.08.2020 at 11:00 Hrs The pre-bid meeting shall be conducted through video conferencing using software apps such as xxxx.xx, microsoft teams etc. All Prospective bidders shall provide the details of the person(s) (maximum up to two) who will be participating in such virtual meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting (latest by 11:00 Hrs on 05.08.2020) to the registered official email of DMRC i.e. xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx, so that links having details such Notice Inviting Tender Page 2R of 11 as software apps, meeting ID, password etc. can be mailed to ...